Here We Go Again! New Sexual Misconduct Accusations Emerge Against Brett Kavanaugh

This is much more damaging to the NYT than it is to Kavenaugh.
Is the NYT now destined to be alongside People Magazine, the National Enquire, etc at the supermarket check-out stands ?

People that read the Times really do not want information they want confirmation.
The alleged 'victim' says she has no recollection of the incident.
End of another NYT fucking lie!

LIAR ^^^

She remembered the attack, not where and not the date. Trauma can impact recall.

okay smart guy, you have to investigate this. You have NO place to begin looking, and NO timeframe to work off of. How is there supposed to be any investigation without a time or place? Your "star witness"/"victim" is no help as she refuses to give you a time or place because her story can be easily refuted at that point. Even Perry Mason can't solve that case.
Democrat Desperation has set in. This tells me that the Media knows that something damageing is coming out soon and they need to create a distraction from it.

New sexual misconduct accusation against Kavanaugh emerges, echoing previous Yale allegation

Brett Kavanaugh Fit In With the Privileged Kids. She Did Not.
Good grief.... After those hearings, now we have new allegations brewing ?? Ruth Ginsburg must be getting real close, and the crats are getting very worried about the future court make up again.

It's the only avenue they have left. I take this as a tacit admission and resignation that Trump is going to win again.

If you need further proof, look at how the leftards are jumping all over him here.

At this point I think everyone thinks that-
It may approach Reagan/Mondale
Kavanaugh needs to keep his zipper closed

Good thing robes do not have zippers
Democrat Desperation has set in. This tells me that the Media knows that something damageing is coming out soon and they need to create a distraction from it.

New sexual misconduct accusation against Kavanaugh emerges, echoing previous Yale allegation

Brett Kavanaugh Fit In With the Privileged Kids. She Did Not.
This is about RBG. They know her time is short. They think he's an easy target. If they win the WH and Congress, theyll do every trick and lie they can to undo the golden Trump years.
Merrick Garland should have Kavanaugh's SCOTUS seat. Garland is an honorable man. Kavanaugh is not.

He was until he was appointed by Trump. Now he be "bad"
All this could’ve been avoided if the Republicans hadn’t interfered with the FBI investigation. Dozens of people said they reached out to the FBI and they said the FBI refused to talk to them. And that was on orders from the Trump administration.

Clearly, if Republicans thought Kavanaugh was innocent, they would’ve gone forward with a robust investigation.

The victim said she did not recall the incident which is not a denial.

It means the incident did happen and the victim does not want to be drawn into the controversy because she will be in personal jeopardy from Trump extremists.
It does not mean the alleged incident did happen, dumbass!

Yes, it does. Because if it didn't happen she would have said so.

Now your just showing how ignorant you are. I have a bridge for sale. You interested.

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So when did this skank, I mean woman, ever file a police report?

Where was she during the show trial of Kavanaugh’s confirmation?

Donald Trump is loading the SCOTUS with perverts and liars to perform his own future rescue from justice and litigation.
You realize you are taking the words of drugees and party girls as evidence? I thought you were smarter than that.

That's Brett Kavanaugh's ilk. A jury of his peers.

90% of Americans are drugees and party-girls or ex-drugees and ex-party-girls. If they were excluded from giving evidence, the government in America in America would collapse.

Where the Hell do you live? Americans I know work, pay taxes, take care of their kids and follow due process when on jury duty. Ruining a guys life because you don't like his views is un-American.

At the moment I am living in your head.

Ruining lives of antagonists and people with contrary opinions is a practice of the GOP and Donald Trump.

Brett Kavanaugh was not cleared of wrongdoing and the FBI negligence in not conducting a proper investigation implies Brett Kavanaugh's guilt on the basis that if he was innocent a detailed thorough investigation would have cleared him.

Your living in La La Land on Fantasy Island.

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Funny, you don't lead with what this new evidence is. I skimmed the article. Seems just like the same unsupported bullshit.

Donald Trump thanks you for your blind support of his gut and for suporting his personally selected sex perverts.
I LOVE it!!

You would evidently drop to your knees in the presence of Brett Kavanaugh.
yes--I would

Are you gay?

That’s racist.

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Doesn't look good for creepy little Kavanaugh.

Damn you truly are a loyal leftist lemming. The story has already been debunked. There will be NO impeachment. There will be NO further investigations of bullshit charges from goofs like you. Kavanaugh is going nowhere. The only asterisk will be on the Dims. It will say: Desperate to keep from losing their power, Dims made up a bunch of phony charges eaten up by their moronic followers, then proven to be utter bullshit.
Democrats have got a hard sell. Should an accusation be treated as a fact even after its untruthfulness is known just because they don't like someone?

This is a tough go.
All this could’ve been avoided if the Republicans hadn’t interfered with the FBI investigation. Dozens of people said they reached out to the FBI and they said the FBI refused to talk to them. And that was on orders from the Trump administration.

Clearly, if Republicans thought Kavanaugh was innocent, they would’ve gone forward with a robust investigation.

Give it up Derp... the entire free world sees what you assholes tried to do

Go whine on republicans ya fckn loser
All this could’ve been avoided if the Republicans hadn’t interfered with the FBI investigation. Dozens of people said they reached out to the FBI and they said the FBI refused to talk to them. And that was on orders from the Trump administration.

Clearly, if Republicans thought Kavanaugh was innocent, they would’ve gone forward with a robust investigation.

Why? After a thorough 2 year FBI investigation, did they find anything against President Trump?

Honestly, you people are desperately clutching at anything you can. Just accept the fact that you're going to lose again in 2020, and President Trump is going to appoint at least one more SC Justice.

There's really nothing you can say or do to change that.

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