Here We Go Again! New Sexual Misconduct Accusations Emerge Against Brett Kavanaugh

Seems obvious Kavanaugh is a creepy pervert. Why all the debate? Clarence Thomas has long been known as a creep pervert and it doesn't seem to have interfered with him doing his job. Heck, even being influenced by his slut wife has only had minimum influence in him making horrible rulings and decisions.
Neither seems like a creep pervert unless you wish to believe it based on partisan bias.
Nowadays, all kinds of things are believed and opined on a partisan bias. Why are your partisan opinions more valid than someone else's?
Seems obvious Kavanaugh is a creepy pervert. Why all the debate? Clarence Thomas has long been known as a creep pervert and it doesn't seem to have interfered with him doing his job. Heck, even being influenced by his slut wife has only had minimum influence in him making horrible rulings and decisions.
Neither seems like a creep pervert unless you wish to believe it based on partisan bias.
Nowadays, all kinds of things are believed and opined on a partisan bias. Why are you partisan opinions more valid than someone else's?
I have none.

Mine are based on principles such as presumption of innocence and I apply it to all such as Clinton and the ludicrous accusations against him
Brett Kavanaugh is a pervert. Too much evidence suggests he is unfit to be a Supreme Court Justice, or in any public office.

Too much evidence? Get enough liberals to lie enough and it becomes truth? Good grief, wry. Glad you're not on the force any longer.
You would be planting 'evidence' to make your case. Seek help

Do you have any exculpatory evidence? Other than Kavanaugh's denial, there is no evidence he is not what the two victims have alleged. In fact it has been reported that others tried to come forward but were ignored by the investigators who were already limited by Grassley.

Keep in mind the vote to confirm Kavanaugh was 50 to 48; his belligerent and partisan rant was enough to disqualify him as a justice of the Supreme Court.

Of course you hate liberals and all Democrats too, so your opinion is way to biased to be considered credible, in this matter and all others.

You've forgotten how the courts work, Skippy?
I have to laugh at what you called evidence and what you accepted has evidence. pathetic
Difference between you and me is the fact you wore a gun and was an LEO, your bias is blatant and could affect others lives and probably did.

What did the Kavanaugh confirmation hearing have to do with a court?

Explain to me the Rules of Evidence. Your comment suggests you know what is and what is not evidence - so tell me and the other readers.

Have you ever sat in a criminal or civil trial? Have you ever been in the Jury Box? I doubt it:

There are four general types of evidence:
  • Real evidence (tangible things, such as a weapon)
  • Demonstrative (a model of what likely happened at a given time and place)
  • Documentary (a letter, blog post, or other document)
  • Testimonial (witness testimony)
lol......nobody cares about this
Posting to say no one cares is self defeating and demonstrates you do care about this

My point is, its the same as the President being called a "racist" every day. The people have tuned this stuff out. In terms of Kavanaugh, this is progressive spiking the football once again based upon symbolic nonsense. Nobody cares.
Look at Wry Catchers comments......"rules of evidence"..........:coffee:..........just like with the Russia stuff, these people all get suckered by loose associations as if they had any real meaning. All these bozo's had Kavanaugh going down hard based upon rumors.:aug08_031::aug08_031:
Reported on 970 The Answer in N.Y. that the subversive lawyer that made the allegations was a Clinton lawyer AND the girl that supposedly swatted away the PENIS refuses to testify AND doesn't remember this incident......
Another ABNORMAL SMEAR CAMPAIGN gone wrong....seems could have been MADE UP to sell stupid liberals this book coming out this you can see in here fantasy is BEST FRIENDS with the DemonRATS!!!

Brett Kavanaugh is a pervert. Too much evidence suggests he is unfit to be a Supreme Court Justice, or in any public office.

Too much evidence? Get enough liberals to lie enough and it becomes truth? Good grief, wry. Glad you're not on the force any longer.
You would be planting 'evidence' to make your case. Seek help

Do you have any exculpatory evidence? Other than Kavanaugh's denial, there is no evidence he is not what the two victims have alleged. In fact it has been reported that others tried to come forward but were ignored by the investigators who were already limited by Grassley.

Keep in mind the vote to confirm Kavanaugh was 50 to 48; his belligerent and partisan rant was enough to disqualify him as a justice of the Supreme Court.

Of course you hate liberals and all Democrats too, so your opinion is way to biased to be considered credible, in this matter and all others.

You've forgotten how the courts work, Skippy?
I have to laugh at what you called evidence and what you accepted has evidence. pathetic
Difference between you and me is the fact you wore a gun and was an LEO, your bias is blatant and could affect others lives and probably did.

What did the Kavanaugh confirmation hearing have to do with a court?

Explain to me the Rules of Evidence. Your comment suggests you know what is and what is not evidence - so tell me and the other readers.

Have you ever sat in a criminal or civil trial? Have you ever been in the Jury Box? I doubt it:

There are four general types of evidence:
  • Real evidence (tangible things, such as a weapon)
  • Demonstrative (a model of what likely happened at a given time and place)
  • Documentary (a letter, blog post, or other document)
  • Testimonial (witness testimony)
I demonstrated in another thread how ignorant you are on this issue.

An accusation is hot evidence whether sworn or not . An accusation is an accusation and cannot be evidence of it;s own validity.

Presumption of evidence applies outside of court as well it is a principle not just a law

Ford and the others had no evidence of any kind whatsoever and massive evidence disputed them
Brett Kavanaugh is a pervert. Too much evidence suggests he is unfit to be a Supreme Court Justice, or in any public office.

Too much evidence? Get enough liberals to lie enough and it becomes truth? Good grief, wry. Glad you're not on the force any longer.
You would be planting 'evidence' to make your case. Seek help

Do you have any exculpatory evidence? Other than Kavanaugh's denial, there is no evidence he is not what the two victims have alleged. In fact it has been reported that others tried to come forward but were ignored by the investigators who were already limited by Grassley.

Keep in mind the vote to confirm Kavanaugh was 50 to 48; his belligerent and partisan rant was enough to disqualify him as a justice of the Supreme Court.

Of course you hate liberals and all Democrats too, so your opinion is way to biased to be considered credible, in this matter and all others.

You've forgotten how the courts work, Skippy?
I have to laugh at what you called evidence and what you accepted has evidence. pathetic
Difference between you and me is the fact you wore a gun and was an LEO, your bias is blatant and could affect others lives and probably did.

What did the Kavanaugh confirmation hearing have to do with a court?

Explain to me the Rules of Evidence. Your comment suggests you know what is and what is not evidence - so tell me and the other readers.

Have you ever sat in a criminal or civil trial? Have you ever been in the Jury Box? I doubt it:

There are four general types of evidence:
  • Real evidence (tangible things, such as a weapon)
  • Demonstrative (a model of what likely happened at a given time and place)
  • Documentary (a letter, blog post, or other document)
  • Testimonial (witness testimony)
You know what my take away from your rambling is? You didn't deny that your bias interfered with your job....twice you had the opportunity.

The testimony was not credible at the hearings. You NEED CREDIBLE testimony and it wasn't there.
Now, you have another one that ISN'T stepping forward because she stated she can't recall the incident. You want that as evidence?
Yep, more shoes to drop on Kavanaugh. He should be impeached.

Two New York Times reporters say they’ve uncovered a previously unreported account of sexual misconduct allegedly carried out by Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh when he was a student at Yale.

In an op-ed for the Times, Robin Pogrebin and Kate Kelly said they learned of the alleged misconduct during a 10-month investigation of Kavanaugh’s life at prep-school and Yale, including the assault accusations, for their upcoming book, “The Education of Brett Kavanaugh: An Investigation.”

Max Stier, Kavanaugh’s classmate at Yale, told the reporters that he once saw Kavanaugh with his pants down while his friends pushed his penis into the hands of a female student during a dorm party.

According to Pogrebin and Kelly, Stier reported his account to senators and the FBI, though the FBI didn’t investigate it. Pogrebin and Kelly said they “corroborated the story with two officials who have communicated with” Stier.

What Stier said he witnessed is similar to an allegation lodged against Kavanaugh by his former classmate Deborah Ramirez, which was first reported by the New Yorker’s Ronan Farrow last September.

NYT Reporters Say They Uncovered New Sexual Misconduct Claim Against Kavanaugh

Just like the Left said Thomas should have been impeached, just like they will say that about any Supreme Court justice they view threatens their party power.

Funny that.
Brett Kavanaugh is a pervert. Too much evidence suggests he is unfit to be a Supreme Court Justice, or in any public office.

Too much evidence? Get enough liberals to lie enough and it becomes truth? Good grief, wry. Glad you're not on the force any longer.
You would be planting 'evidence' to make your case. Seek help

Do you have any exculpatory evidence? Other than Kavanaugh's denial, there is no evidence he is not what the two victims have alleged. In fact it has been reported that others tried to come forward but were ignored by the investigators who were already limited by Grassley.

Keep in mind the vote to confirm Kavanaugh was 50 to 48; his belligerent and partisan rant was enough to disqualify him as a justice of the Supreme Court.

Of course you hate liberals and all Democrats too, so your opinion is way to biased to be considered credible, in this matter and all others.

You've forgotten how the courts work, Skippy?
I have to laugh at what you called evidence and what you accepted has evidence. pathetic
Difference between you and me is the fact you wore a gun and was an LEO, your bias is blatant and could affect others lives and probably did.

What did the Kavanaugh confirmation hearing have to do with a court?

Explain to me the Rules of Evidence. Your comment suggests you know what is and what is not evidence - so tell me and the other readers.

Have you ever sat in a criminal or civil trial? Have you ever been in the Jury Box? I doubt it:

There are four general types of evidence:
  • Real evidence (tangible things, such as a weapon)
  • Demonstrative (a model of what likely happened at a given time and place)
  • Documentary (a letter, blog post, or other document)
  • Testimonial (witness testimony)
You know what my take away from your rambling is? You didn't deny that your bias interfered with your job....twice you had the opportunity.

The testimony was not credible at the hearings. You NEED CREDIBLE testimony and it wasn't there.
Now, you have another one that ISN'T stepping forward because she stated she can't recall the incident. You want that as evidence?

One would think they'd get weary of looking like fool's.

Unless they really don't realize they look like fools
Too much evidence? Get enough liberals to lie enough and it becomes truth? Good grief, wry. Glad you're not on the force any longer.
You would be planting 'evidence' to make your case. Seek help

Do you have any exculpatory evidence? Other than Kavanaugh's denial, there is no evidence he is not what the two victims have alleged. In fact it has been reported that others tried to come forward but were ignored by the investigators who were already limited by Grassley.

Keep in mind the vote to confirm Kavanaugh was 50 to 48; his belligerent and partisan rant was enough to disqualify him as a justice of the Supreme Court.

Of course you hate liberals and all Democrats too, so your opinion is way to biased to be considered credible, in this matter and all others.

You've forgotten how the courts work, Skippy?
I have to laugh at what you called evidence and what you accepted has evidence. pathetic
Difference between you and me is the fact you wore a gun and was an LEO, your bias is blatant and could affect others lives and probably did.

What did the Kavanaugh confirmation hearing have to do with a court?

Explain to me the Rules of Evidence. Your comment suggests you know what is and what is not evidence - so tell me and the other readers.

Have you ever sat in a criminal or civil trial? Have you ever been in the Jury Box? I doubt it:

There are four general types of evidence:
  • Real evidence (tangible things, such as a weapon)
  • Demonstrative (a model of what likely happened at a given time and place)
  • Documentary (a letter, blog post, or other document)
  • Testimonial (witness testimony)
You know what my take away from your rambling is? You didn't deny that your bias interfered with your job....twice you had the opportunity.

The testimony was not credible at the hearings. You NEED CREDIBLE testimony and it wasn't there.
Now, you have another one that ISN'T stepping forward because she stated she can't recall the incident. You want that as evidence?

One would think they'd get weary of looking like fool's.

Unless they really don't realize they look like fools

Not if you are a fool.
Brett Kavanaugh is a pervert. Too much evidence suggests he is unfit to be a Supreme Court Justice, or in any public office.

Too much evidence? Get enough liberals to lie enough and it becomes truth? Good grief, wry. Glad you're not on the force any longer.
You would be planting 'evidence' to make your case. Seek help

Do you have any exculpatory evidence? Other than Kavanaugh's denial, there is no evidence he is not what the two victims have alleged. In fact it has been reported that others tried to come forward but were ignored by the investigators who were already limited by Grassley.

Keep in mind the vote to confirm Kavanaugh was 50 to 48; his belligerent and partisan rant was enough to disqualify him as a justice of the Supreme Court.

Of course you hate liberals and all Democrats too, so your opinion is way to biased to be considered credible, in this matter and all others.

You've forgotten how the courts work, Skippy?
I have to laugh at what you called evidence and what you accepted has evidence. pathetic
Difference between you and me is the fact you wore a gun and was an LEO, your bias is blatant and could affect others lives and probably did.

What did the Kavanaugh confirmation hearing have to do with a court?

Explain to me the Rules of Evidence. Your comment suggests you know what is and what is not evidence - so tell me and the other readers.

Have you ever sat in a criminal or civil trial? Have you ever been in the Jury Box? I doubt it:

There are four general types of evidence:
  • Real evidence (tangible things, such as a weapon)
  • Demonstrative (a model of what likely happened at a given time and place)
  • Documentary (a letter, blog post, or other document)
  • Testimonial (witness testimony)
I demonstrated in another thread how ignorant you are on this issue.

An accusation is hot evidence whether sworn or not . An accusation is an accusation and cannot be evidence of it;s own validity.

Presumption of evidence applies outside of court as well it is a principle not just a law

Ford and the others had no evidence of any kind whatsoever and massive evidence disputed them

To progressives like Wry Catcher, accusations means it happened. Its fascinating. You can always tell people who live in a bubble with no real responsibilities in life. They done navigate in the real world as most of us do where you see this stuff going on in the workplace.
You realize you are taking the words of drugees and party girls as evidence? I thought you were smarter than that.

That's Brett Kavanaugh's ilk. A jury of his peers.

90% of Americans are drugees and party-girls or ex-drugees and ex-party-girls. If they were excluded from giving evidence, the government in America in America would collapse.

Where the Hell do you live? Americans I know work, pay taxes, take care of their kids and follow due process when on jury duty. Ruining a guys life because you don't like his views is un-American.

At the moment I am living in your head.

Ruining lives of antagonists and people with contrary opinions is a practice of the GOP and Donald Trump.

Brett Kavanaugh was not cleared of wrongdoing and the FBI negligence in not conducting a proper investigation implies Brett Kavanaugh's guilt on the basis that if he was innocent a detailed thorough investigation would have cleared him.
Kavanaugh was cleared of wrong doing.

He was only accused without any supporting evidence of any kind and we practice the principle of innocent until proven guilty.

Baseless accusations are meaningless and that is all you have.

the Senate did a thorough investigation of all allegations and found no merit to them. A thorough investigation DID clear him and he is innocent.

The evidence and facts prove you are wrong and an out right liar

Kavanaugh was not cleared. FBI was criminally negligent.
The FBI can not investigate allegations of misbehavior. The proper investigating agency is the local police. Ford was encouraged to file a report and she declined.
The alleged 'victim' says she has no recollection of the incident.
End of another NYT fucking lie!

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