Here we go again: Rumors circulating about Soros being dead

Sorry bout that,

1. When he is gone, he won't be missed by one.

The MAGA vultures will have to obsess for an old man's death a little longer.

Says the person who's party is kicking Feinstein out the curb and set up a brain dead corpse to be their president in an elaborate weekend at Bernies presidency where Kline is pulling the rope Strings.
Says the person who's party is kicking Feinstein out the curb and set up a brain dead corpse to be their president in an elaborate weekend at Bernies presidency where Kline is pulling the rope Strings.

What does Feinstein have to do with your ilk's morbid obsession with the death of a 92 holocaust survivor?
Which one Pelosi , Clinton… I would say Soros is the one behind the curtain like the wizard of Oz pulling the strings but a lot more evil…. Where are those slippers when you need them oh yah follow the yellow brick road…lol…
Good analogy because he is the man behind the curtain. Just can't figure out which of Bill Barr and Judy I mean Merrick Garland has no courage and which has no heart.
What does Feinstein have to do with your ilk's morbid obsession with the death of a 92 holocaust survivor?
That's not even true it's a play on words:
Soros was in school when Nazi Germany occupied Hungary and was lucky enough to survive the Holocaust, but is not an imprisoned Holocaust survivor which is how that term is usually viewed.
His family escaped persecution during the Holocaust by using false identity papers. It could have shaped his weird and mistaken stance on incarcerations and open borders though, which is all emotions and not based on logic and rational thinking of the cause and affect of his position and support of such unjust ideas intended to be just, but are opposite the intent.
That being said, you have not a single idea of what he's done and his cause and affect, because you are only as good as your propaganda machine that makes you deaf dumb and blind to the real world. Fact: it was his financing of the Greek riots that caused the market crash.
Fact he financed Obamas activist org Moveon the mentor to Resist, both involved in terroristic activities and organizing inciteful riots with violence and looting. He's responsible for the open prisons and open borders and twisted DA's he funds that go after victims but let victimizers roam free to "terrorize" communities.
It's why the Movie "Devil's Advocate" is said to be cleverly a depiction about him. Have you ever seen that movie and known it's premise?
It's exactly what you are seeing today and he's the man behind the scenes building that system. If you haven't a clue about the movie then you can learn alot about what your news source has kept you shielded from noticing was happening.
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That's not even true it's a play on words:
Soros was in school when Nazi Germany occupied Hungary and was lucky enough to survive the Holocaust, but is not an imprisoned Holocaust survivor which is how that term is usually viewed.

Yeah, I'm gonna go with the Holocaust Museum on what a Holocaust survivor is rather than some random soul on the internet.

"Holocaust survivors are Jews who experienced the persecution and survived the mass murder that was carried out by the Nazis and their collaborators between 1933 and 1945. This included those who were in concentration camps, killing centers, ghettos, and prisons, as well as refugees or those in hiding."

His family escaped persecution during the Holocaust by using false identity papers.

This is why your ilk are so obsessive, morbidly, bizarrely fixated a 92 year holocaust survivor's death? Because his family lied to Nazi's so he wouldn't be murdered?
The bible.

Perhaps you have heard of it?

1 John 2:18

"Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time."
1 John 2:18

"Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time."

Thanks. I had forgot about that passage.

18Children, it is the last hour, and as you have heard that antichrist is coming, so now many antichrists have come. Therefore we know that it is the last hour. 19They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us. But they went out, that it might become plain that they all are not of us. 20But you have been anointed by the Holy One, and you all have knowledge.d 21I write to you, not because you do not know the truth, but because you know it, and because no lie is of the truth. 22Who is the liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, he who denies the Father and the Son. 23No one who denies the Son has the Father. Whoever confesses the Son has the Father also. 24Let what you heard from the beginning abide in you. If what you heard from the beginning abides in you, then you too will abide in the Son and in the Father. 25And this is the promise that he made to use—eternal life.
So, you have not read the bible.

Got it.

With a deranged but lovely and brilliant grandfather , who became ordained in the Anglican church , plus a Distinction in Comparative Religions from an ancilliary university course with my BA in Psychology , my background scholastically is first class .
Almost certain that I would run rings round you .And then you can add in my detailed studies of Jesus , the Essenes and early Christian writings .

Pompous little squirt.
Dead from a heart attack. Maybe this time for sure. I promise.

No, I'm really serious. I mean it this time. Trust me.

It could happen.

"Rumors are circulating that George Soros just died of a heart attack"

It would be great news but there's another pathological, America-hating psychopath waiting in the wings to take his place. Likely his son.
Yeah, I'm gonna go with the Holocaust Museum on what a Holocaust survivor is rather than some random soul on the internet.

"Holocaust survivors are Jews who experienced the persecution and survived the mass murder that was carried out by the Nazis and their collaborators between 1933 and 1945. This included those who were in concentration camps, killing centers, ghettos, and prisons, as well as refugees or those in hiding."

This is why your ilk are so obsessive, morbidly, bizarrely fixated a 92 year holocaust survivor's death? Because his family lied to Nazi's so he wouldn't be murdered?
You had to lie and smokescreen and avoid all the points, so why bother even responding when you have nothing.

Regarding the term survivor, it's very broad and I explicitely described a specific view perceived when used in word play which is how some use it and how receivers of that wording in certain context perceive it in those instances it's misued without being more specific to what kind of survivor.
Once again your argument is over "semantics" needs to forget my explicit details I use the word in context of
"HIS SPECIFIC survival story" in order for you to smokescreen that Soros is a financier of terrorism and sponsor of failed ideas (you never refuted this) and you are ok with that central source of chaos, because you are one of those criminals supporting instability.
Have you or have you not supported unstable behavior and chaos?
Simple question. Have you not supported an assault on democracy and the coup against a duly elected president using a democratic process whereby the citizens elect the president not the investigative branches and not the swamp critters.
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You had to lie and smokescreen and avoid all the points, so why bother even responding when you have nothing.

And by 'lie', you mean quote the Holocaust Museum on what a holocaust survivor was, rather than accepting what you imagine?

Yeah, I don't think 'lie' means what you think it means.
Regarding the term survivor, it's very broad and I explicitely described a specific view perceived when used in word play which is how some use it and how receivers of that wording in certain context perceive it in those instances it's misued without being more specific to what kind of survivor.
Once again your argument is over "semantics" needs to forget my explicit details I use the word in context of
"HIS SPECIFIC survival story" in order for you to smokescreen that Soros is a financier of terrorism and sponsor of failed ideas (you never refuted this) and you are ok with that central source of chaos, because you are one of those criminals supporting instability.

What am I supposed to refute? You haven't factually established any of your claims. The only thing you've managed to factually establish is your ilk's rabid desire for the death of a 92 year old holocaust survivor.

You say that Soros is a financier of terrorism. Show us. Don't tell us.

But you citing meaningless gibberish.
And by 'lie', you mean quote the Holocaust Museum on what a holocaust survivor was, rather than accepting what you imagine?

Yeah, I don't think 'lie' means what you think it means.

What am I supposed to refute? You haven't factually established any of your claims. The only thing you've managed to factually establish your ilk's rabid desire for the death of a 92 year old holocaust survivor.

You say that Soros is a financier of terrorism. Show us. Don't tell us.

But you citing meaningless gibberish.
I specifically told you my definition in context of "your" usage not the museums definition. So yes you lied then lied again now. I have a right to define such a broad term being that I am Jewish and My family fled 2 countries involved in attrocities. I don't consider them survivors because they fled, Soros didn't physically flee, his family fled Judaism.
Using your argument you admit Dems are insurrectionists since the definition and acts of the Resist movement and admissions to obstruct the administration was an act of insurrection even calling it a war and revolt.
Furthermore using your argument, We can reject your usage of the word insurrection on the Jan 6th protestors.-oops Checkmate!

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