Here We Go: Teacher Shortages 22-23

With the way the lib teachers are indoctrinating their students, and gay teachers telling 5-year-olds its OK to be gay, and having assignments to give examples of “how to disrupt the nuclear family,” maybe that’s a good thing!

Easy to say that. In reality it's just one more way China is running laps around us.
Let's tell it as it is (gently, of course).

Teacher shortage?

Well, who is surprised?

No one in his/her right mind would want to teach in an urban high school nowadays.

The violence and vandalism is so bad that a teacher is lucky if s/he makes it out of the school each day in one piece.

Things are so bad that about the only people who are willing to be "teachers" at such schools are those people who simply sit back and check their email and ignore the chaos that is going on in the classroom.

God bless those altruistic souls who are there for the right reasons. But often--too often--"the system" is just too much for them. They want to make a difference; sometimes they can in small ways. But the system just overwhelms them. Sadly, it's happening more and more to the profession I love.
No AMERICA does not spend nearly enough on EDUCATION

Fellow conservatives, if you would like to witness a union-loving teacher, I give you flan. Never more than a sentence, rarely reasonable and sometimes not even logical. But union shill--yes. We need more money for education--absolutely.

I could say so much more. But will not.
You realize that graphic says primary to tertiary education right? Tertiary is the 3rd level of education, post-secondary, or commonly referred to as college and university.


Okay, here's a chart that breaks that down... We STILL outspend most of the G-7 in Non-Tertiary education.

Easy to say that. In reality it's just one more way China is running laps around us.

If China was all that, we wouldn't have so many coming here to work menial jobs.

Fellow conservatives, if you would like to witness a union-loving teacher, I give you flan. Never more than a sentence, rarely reasonable and sometimes not even logical. But union shill--yes. We need more money for education--absolutely.

I could say so much more. But will not.

We are spending plenty of money on education, we just aren't spending it smartly. And, no, not because some teacher is correcting little Timmy when he spouts off whatever homophobic garbage he hears at home.

My short list of what's wrong.

1) We spend too much on special education while ignoring kids who are going to be in the workforce some day. While no one wants to go back to the days of shipping disabled kids to a holding facility, trying to completely mainstream them just holds everyone back if you don't move to the next lesson until Corky understands the concept.

2) The Teacher's unions make it impossible to fire bad teachers. Nothing creates bad moral than a worthless employee who goes unsanctioned while you are working twice as hard.

3) Inequality- out of sight, out of mind. White kids get nice schools in the burbs or private schools, poor kids of color get awful schools in the city.

4) Teaching to the test - We give these kids too many tests and they really don't engage in critical thinking skills.
Here's your chance to show the nation how it's done. You will have the kids yearning for you knowledge joe B. Show us how it's done since you are the expert.
Yes, you did. And it was irrelevent to the point.

You guys suck at your jobs and you are producing generations of dummies.
It's your duty to quit your current job and show the nation your expertise in teaching. Be part of the solution.
Answer the question, stupid.

I already did.

It's your duty to quit your current job and show the nation your expertise in teaching. Be part of the solution.

Um, no, thank you. For the record, I spent 11 years in the Army, I've done more for this nation than the whole lot of you put together.

I actually did consider becoming a teacher after I left the service, then I found out what a ridiculously involved process it was and decided not to bother.
If I can just stop paying wasted taxes I can pay for a different baby sitter.
My short list of what's wrong.

1) We spend too much on special education while ignoring kids who are going to be in the workforce some day. While no one wants to go back to the days of shipping disabled kids to a holding facility, trying to completely mainstream them just holds everyone back if you don't move to the next lesson until Corky understands the concept.

Excellent Solution Joe. Serious, Corky??? Clueless Fuck.
I'm not in Special Ed, but the amount of paperwork they do to protect from parents. WOW.
Yes, I'm so sorry there are actually American Children that deserve a spot in belonging, even though you think otherwise, but let's not put them in hold facilities, as you agree.
Well what is the solution, genius?
2) The Teacher's unions make it impossible to fire bad teachers. Nothing creates bad moral than a worthless employee who goes unsanctioned while you are working twice as hard.
Bullshit. Yes, a teacher that is not as good as another, will continue to keep their job.
A teacher that commits a crime WILL be fired.
A teacher that is performing in an inadequate way, will be put on probation, and FIRED if performance doesn't improve. That is WHAT UNIONS WANT.
Unions will also protect the teacher that is unfairly targeted by shitty parents.
3) Inequality- out of sight, out of mind. White kids get nice schools in the burbs or private schools, poor kids of color get awful schools in the city.
But you HATE equity training.
My school is very successful, and we have hispanics, blacks, whites, asians, Russians.
Public School.

4) Teaching to the test - We give these kids too many tests and they really don't engage in critical thinking skills.
We teach to fucking STANDARDS.
Go to a State website and research the STANDARDS.
So yes, when we teach the standards, I guess we are actually teaching to the test, you fucking retard.

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