Here We Go: Teacher Shortages 22-23

My opinion is from 21 years teaching experience. What do you have except your uninformed opinion?
My opinion is from being a young 20-something where everyone I knew needed to share an apartment or house. My dad had to do the same thing right after he graduated. My sister had to do the same thing after she graduated.

It wasn’t until recently that kids right out of college feel entitled to renting their own apartment.
My opinion is from being a young 20-something where everyone I knew needed to share an apartment or house. My dad had to do the same thing right after he graduated. My sister had to do the same thing after she graduated.

It wasn’t until recently that kids right out of college feel entitled to renting their own apartment.
Do you know what anecdotal means?
Those kids in MN act like that because cops have made themselves the enemy. That's why they act like that.

Again, your side has spent decades demonizing liberal teachers and liberal teacher unions.

Um, wow, how is that any different than any other job? If you piss off the customers, you won't have a job for long. Parents are ultimately the customer of your profession. Some of them are happy if they just have 6 hours of free day care. Others get rightfully pissed off if little Timmy comes home not knowing how to read.

So you get 3 months of paid vacation? That's kind of awesome. What are you bitching about again?

Here are the real problems in education that I see... which is why 50% of new teachers don't last 5 years. And yes, some of these thoughts will not be terribly liberal.

1) The Teacher Unions make it impossible to fire inept or bad teachers.
2) Too many resources are dedicated to "Special Ed"- which means they spend thousands of dollars accommodating Corky the retard while neglecting kids who are actually going to be part of the workforce some day.
3) Teaching to the test. We make these kids take too many damned tests, we teach to the test, and if it isn't on the test, they don't bother with it. So not surprising that these kids crash and burn when they get to college or a job.
4) Geographic/economic inequity - Because the affluent don't have to send their kids to the urban schools, they don't care about them. I remember a while back when it was revealed that a high bureaucrat at the CPS sent her kids to private schools because CPS Schools weren't very good. There was a big outcry... from people who also send THEIR kids to private schools.

(Full Disclosure- I went to a Catholic School that has given Chicago FOUR Mayors, including both Mayor Daleys. )
Why do you say they get 3 months of paid vacation? They only get paid for 9 months of work!
Many do educate their kids, quite well. The parents are the teacher's boss. Some of you jokers need to be reminded of that. They're our kids and we pay for everything. Damn arrogant turds.
I hate to break it to you, but no. You don’t. Every one pays. Including teachers.

And some go above and beyond, despite your rabid demonization of them, because care about the kids in their charge.

I hate to break it to you, but no. You don’t. Every one pays. Including teachers.

And some go above and beyond, despite your rabid demonization of them, because care about the kids in their charge.

Of course. More than half of the days of the week I give the lunch my wife prepared for me to students I know are not getting enough food at "home." As for supplies, that is all but a given. Part of the job.
I hate to break it to you, but no. You don’t. Every one pays. Including teachers.

And some go above and beyond, despite your rabid demonization of them, because care about the kids in their charge.

Propaganda. Parents are the boss. I guess you haven't learned the lesson yet. You seem to have forgotten what happened to Terry McCaulif.
Those kids in MN act like that because cops have made themselves the enemy. That's why they act like that.

Again, your side has spent decades demonizing liberal teachers and liberal teacher unions.

Um, wow, how is that any different than any other job? If you piss off the customers, you won't have a job for long. Parents are ultimately the customer of your profession. Some of them are happy if they just have 6 hours of free day care. Others get rightfully pissed off if little Timmy comes home not knowing how to read.

So you get 3 months of paid vacation? That's kind of awesome. What are you bitching about again?

Here are the real problems in education that I see... which is why 50% of new teachers don't last 5 years. And yes, some of these thoughts will not be terribly liberal.

1) The Teacher Unions make it impossible to fire inept or bad teachers.
2) Too many resources are dedicated to "Special Ed"- which means they spend thousands of dollars accommodating Corky the retard while neglecting kids who are actually going to be part of the workforce some day.
3) Teaching to the test.
We make these kids take too many damned tests, we teach to the test, and if it isn't on the test, they don't bother with it. So not surprising that these kids crash and burn when they get to college or a job.
4) Geographic/economic inequity - Because the affluent don't have to send their kids to the urban schools, they don't care about them. I remember a while back when it was revealed that a high bureaucrat at the CPS sent her kids to private schools because CPS Schools weren't very good. There was a big outcry... from people who also send THEIR kids to private schools.

(Full Disclosure- I went to a Catholic School that has given Chicago FOUR Mayors, including both Mayor Daleys. )

Teachers do NOT get 3 months paid vacation. I usually had 10 weeks unpaid time off 1-2 weeks of which I was required to attend unpaid teacher training. You have seen this and other threads probably 50 times on these education threads when morons relate their own school memories from the 50s through the 80s.

In reply to you other ridiculous statements:
1. Teacher's unions protect teachers by requiring that they be given due process. Administrators often fail to document the reasons why someone is being fired, and they cannot legally do that.

I once had a principal threaten to fire me for insubordination because he required our folders for substitute teachers to have a class roster. He called a union rep and called me into his office to free me when I told him that I had fully complied with his instructions months before. I got a folder and showed him. He didn't even recognize the roster and seating chart I printed from our Student Information Management System (SIMS). Everything was in full compliance with what he directed. The union representative was laughing his ass off as he left. I had been on of my school district in Florida key players in implementing our new SIMS and was an expert in those type of systems which were very similar. Then, I spent two years as an assistant principal using that system every day. I think he would be hard pressed to name another time when he was embarrassed more.

2. Those resources are allocated by federal law. I have 3 grandchildren and they all required special education assistance for different problems in their early elementary school years. Don't like it? Change the law!

3. Teaching to the test is the biggest misnomer used by education bashers like yourself. Teachers teach to the test by teaching the standards by which the test will be structured, My algebra standards said that my students should be able to calculate compound interest using a formula. Guess what is on the standardized test? There will be a problem requiring the student to calculate compound interest because it is one of the standards for Algebra.

4. Those are just facts of life! You want it changed, talk to your school board or state legislators.

You are just another know-nothing blowhard in a massive list of know-nothing blowhards o the subject to education. You need to talk to a few teachers and educate yourself.
Most teachers work 12-16/hr days grading papers and homework, lesson plans, calling parents, and assembling resources.
So to claim they get 3 months off and are only paid for 9 months of work.
Teachers can take their full pay during the school year or have it spread over the full year.
Instead of demanding parents pay more taxes, you teachers should be demanding superintendents take pay cuts. Talk about someone being overpaid.... It's outrageous.
My opinion is from being a young 20-something where everyone I knew needed to share an apartment or house. My dad had to do the same thing right after he graduated. My sister had to do the same thing after she graduated.

It wasn’t until recently that kids right out of college feel entitled to renting their own apartment.

I graduated college in 1992 and was easily able to afford my own one bedroom apt on a teacher's salary in MI.

Rents right now are ridiculous.
Why do you say they get 3 months of paid vacation? They only get paid for 9 months of work!

Summers are no longer even 3 months. We are down to 10 weeks here, and that doesn't count the three weeks I start going in before I "have" to.
Teachers can take their full pay during the school year or have it spread over the full year.

Yeah. Maybe 20 years ago, in my district. When they actually "cut checks".

You are woefully behind the times in education.

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