Here We Go: Teacher Shortages 22-23

Wow, another dose of fail trying to rationalize itself.

Excellent Solution Joe. Serious, Corky??? Clueless Fuck.
I'm not in Special Ed, but the amount of paperwork they do to protect from parents. WOW.
Yes, I'm so sorry there are actually American Children that deserve a spot in belonging, even though you think otherwise, but let's not put them in hold facilities, as you agree.
Well what is the solution, genius?

Have special classes for them where they aren't holding everyone else back. Or dare I say it, privatize the school system and let schools specialize in that kind of case.

Here's the thing. Corky is never going to go to college, he's never going to have anything other than a menial job. Yet we will spend twice as much on him as we spend on a kid who has a shot at going to college. The following report is 20 years old, but it shows the problem.

The average expenditure per pupil for students with disabilities (excluding homebound students) was $12,525 compared with $6,556 for the typical regular education student who receives no special education services. The average spending ratio for this group of special education students is 1.91


Bullshit. Yes, a teacher that is not as good as another, will continue to keep their job.
A teacher that commits a crime WILL be fired.
A teacher that is performing in an inadequate way, will be put on probation, and FIRED if performance doesn't improve. That is WHAT UNIONS WANT.
Unions will also protect the teacher that is unfairly targeted by shitty parents.

Well, I could point out New York's notorious Rubber Rooms, where teachers who SHOULD have been fired couldn't be because the unions dragged out their cases for years.

But you HATE equity training.
My school is very successful, and we have hispanics, blacks, whites, asians, Russians.
Public School.

WHere did I say I hate equity training?

Never mind.

Point is, we have an economic divide in this country, which is why the schools in Evanston are so much better than the schools in Englewood. (If you're from Chicago, you know exactly what I am on about.)

We teach to fucking STANDARDS.
Go to a State website and research the STANDARDS.
So yes, when we teach the standards, I guess we are actually teaching to the test, you fucking retard.

20% of High School Graduates can't read their diplomas... that's a pretty crappy standard you have there.

Alternative certification sources might not be the magic panacea many are hoping for.

The number of new teachers the state gets from four-year colleges of education has been declining for years, according to TEA. At the same time, a large and growing share of the state’s teacher workforce is made up of career changers who got their teaching certificates through alternative certification programs. While those programs send thousands of teachers into Texas classrooms each year, many of those teachers don’t stay there for long.

During a presentation to the Texas Senate Education Committee in May, state Education Commissioner Mike Morath told lawmakers that new teachers who are certified through alternative certification programs leave the profession after only a few years of teaching at a higher rate than those who come from four-year programs. If alternatively certified teachers left the classroom at the same rate as those from traditional programs, the state would have to recruit about 4,000 fewer new teachers each year, he said. Martinez said he thinks part of the problem is the devaluing of teaching as a profession. Many of his students tell him that people around them wonder why, if they’re smart enough to get into UT Austin, they wouldn’t choose a profession that pays better than teaching.

Read more at:
And now: foreign teachers in American schools. Yeah yeah, they won't be "groomers" or whatever. Let's see how long they last without Asian and South American children in the classroom but rather American behavior problems. I'm very sorry to say.

WILLMAR — Willmar Public Schools will have five new teachers from other countries when the school year starts Sept. 6

Once visas and teaching licenses are approved, four women from the Philippines and a man from Nicaragua will be teaching at Roosevelt and Kennedy elementary schools.

All are experienced teachers who speak fluent English. They are expected to arrive in August.

The solution is paraeducators.

Paraeducators is basically what you have in preschools these days. You think that's going well? I'm sure you're not on Twitter or Tik Tok or you'd have your mind full of that rot--how preschool teachers are some of the worst "groomers" around.


How you gonna have paraeducators teaching high schoolers in advanced classes?

This is one of your dumbest ideas yet, and that's saying something.
Paraeducators is basically what you have in preschools these days. You think that's going well? I'm sure you're not on Twitter or Tik Tok or you'd have your mind full of that rot--how preschool teachers are some of the worst "groomers" around.


How you gonna have paraeducators teaching high schoolers in advanced classes?

This is one of your dumbest ideas yet, and that's saying something.
Hire smart paraeducators. Duh!
Is that just renaming tutors that provide additional assistance?


They're teacher aides with some training and education. Some of them are fantastic. Some of them are not. BS thinks the solution is to get rid of a whole group of 3 million people and replace them with people who are basically the same, but with less training and education.

See if that makes sense.
Is that just renaming tutors that provide additional assistance?


They're teacher aides with some training and education. Some of them are fantastic. Some of them are not. BS thinks the solution is to get rid of a whole group of 3 million people and replace them with people who are basically the same, but with less training and education.

See if that makes sense.
I never said to get rid of anyone. See, it's dingbats like you who are the problem. Are you an educator or simply a union pawn?
They're teacher aides with some training and education. Some of them are fantastic. Some of them are not. BS thinks the solution is to get rid of a whole group of 3 million people and replace them with people who are basically the same, but with less training and education.

See if that makes sense.

Here we call them instructional assistants. They are paraprofessionals that require either 60 Credit House/Associated Degree or have passed the ETS Paraprofessional Examination.

Let me check something real quick... BRB.
OK. Around here an IA makes between $13,000 on the low end and our highest is around $21,000.

Most are in the $14K to $17K range.

And now: foreign teachers in American schools. Yeah yeah, they won't be "groomers" or whatever. Let's see how long they last without Asian and South American children in the classroom but rather American behavior problems. I'm very sorry to say.

WILLMAR — Willmar Public Schools will have five new teachers from other countries when the school year starts Sept. 6

Once visas and teaching licenses are approved, four women from the Philippines and a man from Nicaragua will be teaching at Roosevelt and Kennedy elementary schools.

All are experienced teachers who speak fluent English. They are expected to arrive in August.

What happened to the money the public schools were supposed to get from lotteries?

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