Here's a Clue for Mitt Romney: Shut Your Fucking Yap

One of my favorite observations

He said we don't have to default because we print the money. He didn't say would could pay off the debt that way.

You lie again.


Alright skippy, now put two plus two together and figure it out....

If the US had absolutely zero cash, and it was time to pay some of that debt, what would happen? A default, right? Except, according to Trump we never have to default because "you print the money." Ergo, if we had no money he would pay the debt, how? That's right. By printing money.
Yeah, we could. That doesn't mean Trump advocates doing that. To prevent default, we only need to pay the interest on the debt by printing money, and that's pretty much exactly what we're doing right now.

Trump is right, and you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground.
At least Romney has the integrity and principles to stand up for what he believes, and he was right when he said that Donald Trump would ruin America with "trickle down racism"

Funny how no other Republican leader has the courage to call out a bigoted demagogue.
Yes, Romney is deserving of respect, and he is displaying integrity as a private citizen.

As president, unfortunately, he lacks the strength to stand up to the bigotry, racism, and hate which has infested the GOP.

Reactionary conservative ideologues in a Romney administration would have successfully placed on the Supreme Court justices hostile to the rule of law and the protected liberties of citizens.

But he is playing an important role now by denouncing the ignorance and hate propagated by Trump and his supporters.
Yeah, we could. That doesn't mean Trump advocates doing that. To prevent default, we only need to pay the interest on the debt by printing money, and that's pretty much exactly what we're doing right now.

Trump is right, and you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground.

You're trying desperately, but you just can't escape.
Here are some rhetorical gems from the buffoon who thinks he knows how to save the Republican Party

"There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. ... My job is not to worry about those people.” - May 17, 2012

"I'm not familiar precisely with what I said, but I'll stand by what I said, whatever it was."
- Mitt Romney, May 17, 2012

"I believe in an America where millions of Americans believe in an America that's the America millions of Americans believe in. That's the America I love." - January 21, 2012
Yeah, we could. That doesn't mean Trump advocates doing that. To prevent default, we only need to pay the interest on the debt by printing money, and that's pretty much exactly what we're doing right now.

Trump is right, and you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground.

You're trying desperately, but you just can't escape.

I can't escape what, being right?
At least Romney has the integrity and principles to stand up for what he believes, and he was right when he said that Donald Trump would ruin America with "trickle down racism"

Funny how no other Republican leader has the courage to call out a bigoted demagogue.
Yes, Romney is deserving of respect, and he is displaying integrity as a private citizen.

As president, unfortunately, he lacks the strength to stand up to the bigotry, racism, and hate which has infested the GOP.

Reactionary conservative ideologues in a Romney administration would have successfully placed on the Supreme Court justices hostile to the rule of law and the protected liberties of citizens.

But he is playing an important role now by denouncing the ignorance and hate propagated by Trump and his supporters.

That's what Obama did, douche bag.
Yeah, we could. That doesn't mean Trump advocates doing that. To prevent default, we only need to pay the interest on the debt by printing money, and that's pretty much exactly what we're doing right now.

Trump is right, and you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground.

You're trying desperately, but you just can't escape.

I can't escape what, being right?

The duck being called a duck.
Unless Mitt thinks he is going to be some sort of "White Knight" at the convention, I have no Earthly idea what he is doing. He may as well sign up as Hillary's campaign manager.
Unless Mitt thinks he is going to be some sort of "White Knight" at the convention, I have no Earthly idea what he is doing. He may as well sign up as Hillary's campaign manager.

One thing is for sure, he better not show up at the convention. If he does, I'll drive down there myself and give his Mormon magic underwear a major wedgie.
You voted for the guy. What happened?
I voted for the lessor of two evils. Now this stooge doesn't want to give someone else a chance. He's suffering from small dick syndrome.

You voted for McCain....only to hate him later.
You voted for Romney....only to hate him later.
You will vote for Trump.....and you'll end up hating him later.

Maybe it's you?

I hated McCain before he was even nominated. This is a two party system. We don't get to choose our ideal candidate.
For the first – and last time – we agree.

Remember the same is true for democrats and their nominees.

And remember that before disparaging democrats for whom they vote.
Yeah, we could. That doesn't mean Trump advocates doing that. To prevent default, we only need to pay the interest on the debt by printing money, and that's pretty much exactly what we're doing right now.

Trump is right, and you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground.

You're trying desperately, but you just can't escape.

I can't escape what, being right?

The duck being called a duck.

And what is this "duck" a metaphor for?
Unless Mitt thinks he is going to be some sort of "White Knight" at the convention, I have no Earthly idea what he is doing. He may as well sign up as Hillary's campaign manager.


The reason Mitt is not the guy sitting in the WH is that he sucked the asses of the extreme end of the GOP base in order to get the nomination. He is probably still pissed at himself for trying to run against HIS OWN HEALTH CARE PLAN and other stupid things. He accurately understands that nobody can win by appealing to the morons and imbeciles who vote in GOP primary elections.

He's simply telling it like it an attempt to save his party.
Unless Mitt thinks he is going to be some sort of "White Knight" at the convention, I have no Earthly idea what he is doing. He may as well sign up as Hillary's campaign manager.

One thing is for sure, he better not show up at the convention. If he does, I'll drive down there myself and give his Mormon magic underwear a major wedgie.

Here's someone else for you to hate ..

High-Profile GOP Donor Meg Whitman Indicates She Is Likely to Support Hillary Clinton, Say Sources

Republican donor Meg Whitman, the high-profile Hewlett PackardEnterprise president and CEO, indicated at Mitt Romney's closed-door summit on Friday that she would likely be supporting Hillary Clinton in November, according to multiple sources who were in the room.

"She posed the question, 'Is it not reasonable to support Hillary Clinton?' given all the awful things Trump has said," explained donor John Chachas.

Whitman served as Romney's finance co-chair in 2012.

But asked if she was switching over to the other side, Whitman told ABC News, "I haven't made that decision. We’ll see, get to the conventions, see who the vice presidential picks are. And then I will make that decision." Her office declined to comment further when asked.
GOP Donor Meg Whitman Indicates She'll Likely Support Clinton: Sources
The reason Mitt is not the guy sitting in the WH is that he sucked the asses of the extreme end of the GOP base in order to get the nomination.

You know, there was another guy recently who did the same thing. What was his name? Ronald? Drum? I'm not sure. But I remember he was a flaming idiot.
I didn't realize McRomney turned grey, and grew a trunk!!!! Keep going Trump NEVER FUCKING APOLOGIZE for shit.... That's what your base loves about you, you're NOT PC, and so far have been proven right every time!

I didn't realize McRomney turned grey, and grew a trunk!!!! Keep going Trump NEVER FUCKING APOLOGIZE for shit.... That's what your base loves about you, you're NOT PC, and so far have been proven right every time!


For once we agree. We both want T-rump to continue with his childish behavior.
At least Romney has the integrity and principles to stand up for what he believes, and he was right when he said that Donald Trump would ruin America with "trickle down racism"

Funny how no other Republican leader has the courage to call out a bigoted demagogue.

"Trickle down racism"....holy that the latest leftard talking point taken from some commie website?

How in the fuck is stopping the flood of illegals and unvetted muslims even in the same universe as being "racist"? It's called protecting the border just like the majority of other countries do as well. Liberalism has GOT to be a mental illness.

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