Here's a Clue for Mitt Romney: Shut Your Fucking Yap

At least Romney has the integrity and principles to stand up for what he believes, and he was right when he said that Donald Trump would ruin America with "trickle down racism"

Funny how no other Republican leader has the courage to call out a bigoted demagogue.

"Trickle down racism"....holy that the latest leftard talking point taken from some commie website?

How in the fuck is stopping the flood of illegals and unvetted muslims even in the same universe as being "racist"? It's called protecting the border just like the majority of other countries do as well. Liberalism has GOT to be a mental illness.

Was that bit of information received by the chip in your head, or did you get it from Alex Jones?
Hey McRomney try going after the bitch that wants to turn us into CUBA!!!!

At least Romney has the integrity and principles to stand up for what he believes, and he was right when he said that Donald Trump would ruin America with "trickle down racism"

Funny how no other Republican leader has the courage to call out a bigoted demagogue.

"Trickle down racism"....holy that the latest leftard talking point taken from some commie website?

How in the fuck is stopping the flood of illegals and unvetted muslims even in the same universe as being "racist"? It's called protecting the border just like the majority of other countries do as well. Liberalism has GOT to be a mental illness.

Was that bit of information received by the chip in your head, or did you get it from Alex Jones?

For some reason Dale Smith doesnt respond to a lot of posts. I wonder why?
At least Romney has the integrity and principles to stand up for what he believes, and he was right when he said that Donald Trump would ruin America with "trickle down racism"

Funny how no other Republican leader has the courage to call out a bigoted demagogue.

"Trickle down racism"....holy that the latest leftard talking point taken from some commie website?

How in the fuck is stopping the flood of illegals and unvetted muslims even in the same universe as being "racist"? It's called protecting the border just like the majority of other countries do as well. Liberalism has GOT to be a mental illness.

Was that bit of information received by the chip in your head, or did you get it from Alex Jones?

For some reason Dale Smith doesnt respond to a lot of posts. I wonder why?

Probably because most of you idiots give me so little to work with....some lame ass flame after getting a verbal beat down by yours truly is the best your kind has.
At least Romney has the integrity and principles to stand up for what he believes, and he was right when he said that Donald Trump would ruin America with "trickle down racism"

Funny how no other Republican leader has the courage to call out a bigoted demagogue.

"Trickle down racism"....holy that the latest leftard talking point taken from some commie website?

How in the fuck is stopping the flood of illegals and unvetted muslims even in the same universe as being "racist"? It's called protecting the border just like the majority of other countries do as well. Liberalism has GOT to be a mental illness.

Was that bit of information received by the chip in your head, or did you get it from Alex Jones?

Well, you are consistent....your lame attempts at making a joke are just as bad as the ones you write when you make a piss poor attempt at making a point. I guess if you are going to good at it. (snicker)
Mitt Romney keeps attacking Trump. What the fuck does he think he's accomplishing other than sinking the Republican party? Is he going to help the Republican party in any way? No. Is he helping himself in any way? No. He's a has-been and a loser. Sour grapes is the only reason he is flapping his big yap. He's providing aid and comfort to the enemy. I can't believe anyone ever voted for this back stabbing weasel. Good riddance.
We have freedom of speech in this country.
Get in line, Mitt!!

You are a Republican!
So stop acting like a jackass(democrat)!

Get in line or get lost, Mittens!!

Love the line, money boy!!
At least Romney has the integrity and principles to stand up for what he believes, and he was right when he said that Donald Trump would ruin America with "trickle down racism"

Funny how no other Republican leader has the courage to call out a bigoted demagogue.
Can't wait for Trump to deport you.

Adios, dickwad
Now the nitwit is attacking the rest of them. Romney is losing his marbles

Romney rips 2016 also-rans for losing to Trump
We need to make a video that ridicules Romney and then goes viral.

THIS JUST IN: Mitt isn’t the opponent.

Sure he is. He's obviously on Hillary's side.

No, I’m on Hillary’s side.
He is simply not supporting the small fraction of a man who is your new messiah.
Yeah, we could. That doesn't mean Trump advocates doing that. To prevent default, we only need to pay the interest on the debt by printing money, and that's pretty much exactly what we're doing right now.

Trump is right, and you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground.

You're trying desperately, but you just can't escape.

I can't escape what, being right?

You’ve escaped that, unscathed.

What is telling is that you’re simply demanding silence from your former Messiah when he comments on your current one.

You’re not spelling out where he is wrong.
Probably because he is not.
Mitt Romney keeps attacking Trump. What the fuck does he think he's accomplishing other than sinking the Republican party? Is he going to help the Republican party in any way? No. Is he helping himself in any way? No. He's a has-been and a loser. Sour grapes is the only reason he is flapping his big yap. He's providing aid and comfort to the enemy. I can't believe anyone ever voted for this back stabbing weasel. Good riddance.

Well you're going to have to stand in line. There's a whole bunch of Republicans that don't want anything to do with Trump and won't shut up.
BREAKING. Hugh Hewitt Calls For Convention To Reject Trump (FULL AUDIO) | RedState
Lindsey Graham: Republican Officials Should Un-Endorse Donald Trump | RedState
George W. and George H.W. Bush to skip GOP convention
Republicans for Hillary? -
David Koch Won’t Fund Trump Coronation in Cleveland
Mac Stipanovich: An open letter to my fellow Republicans
McConnell Tells GOP Senators: We’ll Drop Trump ‘Like A Hot Rock’
I’ll Take Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump
Michael Reagan explains why his father wouldn't have voted for Trump -

Conservatives disown Bush, they have disowned McCain, they are disowning Romney.

Now 'ahm no p'liticle scauntist h're, but I do d'clare they is a pat'rn heer.
"Here's a Clue for Mitt Romney: Shut Your Fucking Yap"


The tolerant, inclusive right, the republican ‘big tent’ in practice.
He can be in the tent if he falls in line and supports the nominee. Romney is a traitor and a back stabber. If I had a button that would make him disappear I would push it.
Of course...the Nazis wanted that same button and settled for gas chambers and ovens.
He believes that four years of Clinton will be less damaging than four years of Trump. I think it's a coin toss.

Not even close. Anyone who's content to allow Hillary to select 3 Supreme Court justices is a fool.

Its 4 justices. Mitch is making sure that she gets one right off the bat!!!
It could actually be as many as five if the next president serves two terms.

Roberts is 61; will be 69.
Kennedy is 79; will be 87
Thomas is 67; will be 75
Ginsberg is 83; will be 91
Breyer is 77; will be 85
Alito is 66; will be 74
Sotomayor is 61; will be 69
Karan is 56, will be 64

The vacancy + 3 judges above 80 during a 2 term Clinton Presidency should give at least 4. The court is also due for its pretty consistent once a quarter century curveball (retirement or premature death)… You may be right.
Now the nitwit is attacking the rest of them. Romney is losing his marbles

Romney rips 2016 also-rans for losing to Trump
We need to make a video that ridicules Romney and then goes viral.

THIS JUST IN: Mitt isn’t the opponent.

Sure he is. He's obviously on Hillary's side.

No, I’m on Hillary’s side.
He is simply not supporting the small fraction of a man who is your new messiah.

Commies always vote for other surprise there.
At least Romney has the integrity and principles to stand up for what he believes, and he was right when he said that Donald Trump would ruin America with "trickle down racism"

Funny how no other Republican leader has the courage to call out a bigoted demagogue.

"Trickle down racism"....holy that the latest leftard talking point taken from some commie website?

How in the fuck is stopping the flood of illegals and unvetted muslims even in the same universe as being "racist"? It's called protecting the border just like the majority of other countries do as well. Liberalism has GOT to be a mental illness.

Was that bit of information received by the chip in your head, or did you get it from Alex Jones?

For some reason Dale Smith doesnt respond to a lot of posts. I wonder why?
He's too busy telling himself how awesome he is.
At least Romney has the integrity and principles to stand up for what he believes, and he was right when he said that Donald Trump would ruin America with "trickle down racism"

Funny how no other Republican leader has the courage to call out a bigoted demagogue.
trickle down racism? you have to prove that such a thing is even possible before you can attempt to prove that it even exists.

“I don’t want to see trickle-down racism,” Romney told Blitzer. “I don’t want to see a president of the United States saying things which change the character of the generations of Americans that are following. Presidents have an impact on the nature of our nation, and trickle-down racism, trickle-down bigotry, trickle-down misogyny, all these things are extraordinarily dangerous to the heart and character of America.” - Mitt Romney 6-11-2016
well it's a good thing that guy didn't get elected, otherwise he would have trickle-down-converted us all to mormons without our ever being aware of it.
At least Romney has the integrity and principles to stand up for what he believes, and he was right when he said that Donald Trump would ruin America with "trickle down racism"

Funny how no other Republican leader has the courage to call out a bigoted demagogue.
trickle down racism? you have to prove that such a thing is even possible before you can attempt to prove that it even exists.

“I don’t want to see trickle-down racism,” Romney told Blitzer. “I don’t want to see a president of the United States saying things which change the character of the generations of Americans that are following. Presidents have an impact on the nature of our nation, and trickle-down racism, trickle-down bigotry, trickle-down misogyny, all these things are extraordinarily dangerous to the heart and character of America.” - Mitt Romney 6-11-2016
well it's a good thing that guy didn't get elected, otherwise he would have trickle-down-converted us all to mormons without our ever being aware of it.

Well I could have never lived with the new trendy designer Mormon underwear. uh-uh, no way.

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