Here’s a List of All the Muslim Countries That Ban Jews

We aren't throwing gays off rooftops, stoning rape victims, hanging people from cranes, planting IEDs in our roads. We wont be importing it either. All is well :thup:
But you've certainly bombed the hell out of some of those countries causing way more deaths than the terrorists could ever dream of.
Did we invite potentially belligerent Germans to live with us when we'd 'bombed the hell out of them? No. Why do you think it might be a good idea not to invite people into our countries after we've bombed the hell out of them?
Yes, America did allow Germans into their country after the war. But it was a different kind of war. A war where both sides had a chance to win.
Well Europe didn't allow entry of Germans en masse whilst we were at war with them. I doubt the US did either. And it's absurd to be doing so now.
I'm sorry, I didn't get the memo that the US was at war with Muslims. I know it may look like it by the rhetoric from Trump and his chumps but I haven't seen that war has been declared on Muslims.
The war is against Islamic terrorists.
How about the list of Muslim countries with a PERMANENT Muslim ban? There's at least a dozen.














Saudi Arabia

United Arab Emirates

What's good for the goose is no longer good for the gander. Hypocrisy as it's utmost. Story @ Here’s A List Of All The Muslim Countries That Ban Jews

All good and that, but our restrictions are temporary (and Obama enacted nearly the same restrictions without the big stink). Oh, yes, these same MUSLIM refugees are fleeing MUSLIM oppression or Muslim extremism, isn't that rather ironic? Religion is the last bastion of the scoundrel. But defending us from religion (Christianity) and defending another (Islam) seems a little conflicted, as liberalism goes. I have no problem banning Muslims , voodoo or prayer in schools. But Manhattan was attacked by Muslims, not Jews or Christians or anyone else.
I'm not sure why a Jew would want to go to any of them

Maybe as a tourist or visiting a friend. You should go outside once in a while instead of spending most of your time here USMB. Get a hobby.

She has 35 thousand posts in a bit under ten years. You have nearly 8 thousand in just under two.

Are you brave enough to do the math?

Okay. She's been here 8 years NOT 10.
From 35,241 average of 4,400/ month.
I've been here almost 2 years average 3,800/ month........... I need to keep up.

BTW I have lots of hobbies.
I love all this divert and deflect from you Lefties and Progs.

When the OP is blatently false what do you expect? :dunno:

Out of curiousity, do you think we should be following the examples of more restrictive nations?

I think we should do everything necessary to keep out those who do not share American values and support the constitution.

Approximately there are 3.3 million Muslims in this country about 1% of US population 322 millions (2015)...................... Are you saying 3.3 million muslims do not support our constitution?
I love all this divert and deflect from you Lefties and Progs.

When the OP is blatently false what do you expect? :dunno:

Out of curiousity, do you think we should be following the examples of more restrictive nations?

I think we should do everything necessary to keep out those who do not share American values and support the constitution.

Didn't you told me last time that ............ your family are all immigrants?













Saudi Arabia

United Arab Emirates

What's good for the goose is no longer good for the gander. Hypocrisy as it's utmost. Story @ Here’s A List Of All The Muslim Countries That Ban Jews
That's seriously your argument? "They do it, why can't we?"?!?!?! Really?!?! Shall we start strapping on the suicide vests, and walking into mosques, and marketplaces, while we're at it?!?! How about televised beheadings of random Muslims?!?! Would that be a good idea?!?! This has got to be one of the most idiotic fucking arguments I have ever heard for any action!!!! The whole point of our trying to bring Democracy to the Middle east is that We are supposed to be better than them!!! When we start using "They do it, why can't we?" as an argument for any action, then we have lost any credibility. We should, in fact, consider every action that they take, and proudly do the exact opposite. That should be our standard. However they behave, we will behave in the exact opposite manner.
I know many Canadians that cancelled their plans to the US when Trump was elected. We were going to go down at Christmas but decided not to.
Oh NO! What will we ever do?! Another liberal Canadian isn't visiting us!
Even most conservative Canadians are shaking their heads at what the US has done. Hey I'm sure the US will lose more tourist dollars with less of us hosers coming down there.
But you've certainly bombed the hell out of some of those countries causing way more deaths than the terrorists could ever dream of.
Did we invite potentially belligerent Germans to live with us when we'd 'bombed the hell out of them? No. Why do you think it might be a good idea not to invite people into our countries after we've bombed the hell out of them?
Yes, America did allow Germans into their country after the war. But it was a different kind of war. A war where both sides had a chance to win.
Well Europe didn't allow entry of Germans en masse whilst we were at war with them. I doubt the US did either. And it's absurd to be doing so now.
I'm sorry, I didn't get the memo that the US was at war with Muslims. I know it may look like it by the rhetoric from Trump and his chumps but I haven't seen that war has been declared on Muslims.
The war is against Islamic terrorists.
Not according to many here. In fact somebody just stated the US is at war with Muslims.
I love all this divert and deflect from you Lefties and Progs.

When the OP is blatently false what do you expect? :dunno:

Out of curiousity, do you think we should be following the examples of more restrictive nations?

I think we should do everything necessary to keep out those who do not share American values and support the constitution.

Apparently longknife believes that 'American values' include posting lies.

And that we should not let Canadians visit the United States.
I know many Canadians that cancelled their plans to the US when Trump was elected. We were going to go down at Christmas but decided not to.

My best friend was actively looking for property in Las Vegas and starting the application for a green card and she's staying here.














Saudi Arabia

United Arab Emirates

What's good for the goose is no longer good for the gander. Hypocrisy as it's utmost. Story @ Here’s A List Of All The Muslim Countries That Ban Jews
What does America have to do with any of those nations?

Are you trying to argue that we need to adapt their rules here or something?
Did we invite potentially belligerent Germans to live with us when we'd 'bombed the hell out of them? No. Why do you think it might be a good idea not to invite people into our countries after we've bombed the hell out of them?
Yes, America did allow Germans into their country after the war. But it was a different kind of war. A war where both sides had a chance to win.
Well Europe didn't allow entry of Germans en masse whilst we were at war with them. I doubt the US did either. And it's absurd to be doing so now.
I'm sorry, I didn't get the memo that the US was at war with Muslims. I know it may look like it by the rhetoric from Trump and his chumps but I haven't seen that war has been declared on Muslims.
The war is against Islamic terrorists.
Not according to many here. In fact somebody just stated the US is at war with Muslims.
Well that somebody isn't running the US.
. But defending us from religion (Christianity) and defending another (Islam) seems a little conflicted, as liberalism goes..

Who is 'defending us' from Christianity?

Its really simple- I defend the rights of Christians and Muslims to immigrate to the United States without a religious test.

I defend the rights of Christians and Muslims to worship freely.

And I believe in the prosecution of anyone who commits a crime in the name of their religion.

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