Here’s a List of All the Muslim Countries That Ban Jews















Saudi Arabia

United Arab Emirates

What's good for the goose is no longer good for the gander. Hypocrisy as it's utmost. Story @ Here’s A List Of All The Muslim Countries That Ban Jews
So, that makes it okay for us to ban people, too?
Sorry, I didn't grow up wishing to be just like Libya, Iran, etc.

But you DID grow up to criticize the person who objects to these practices rather than the practices, themselves.
Where did I do that?

In the post I quoted.

You decided to confront the person that objects to the Judenfrei instead of the Judenfrei.
What I intended was to criticize the logic of that OP and it's apparent intentions. If I was wrong, perhaps the OP should have made it more clear what he meant.

The op listed a number of countries with bans based upon Jewish ethnicity and the hypocrisy of those who do not object to that while bemoaning a temporary stay in the importation, not of all Muslims, but just those from hotbeds of terrorism.

You response did not mention even the slightest objection to these bans based upon ethnicity while going after the o.p. In doing so, you confirmed the very hypocrisy the o.p. was referencing.
So, that makes it okay for us to ban people, too?
Sorry, I didn't grow up wishing to be just like Libya, Iran, etc.

But you DID grow up to criticize the person who objects to these practices rather than the practices, themselves.
Where did I do that?

In the post I quoted.

You decided to confront the person that objects to the Judenfrei instead of the Judenfrei.
What I intended was to criticize the logic of that OP and it's apparent intentions. If I was wrong, perhaps the OP should have made it more clear what he meant.

The op listed a number of countries with bans based upon Jewish ethnicity and the hypocrisy of those who do not object to that while bemoaning a temporary stay in the importation, not of all Muslims, but just those from hotbeds of terrorism.

You response did not mention even the slightest objection to these bans based upon ethnicity while going after the o.p. In doing so, you confirmed the very hypocrisy the o.p. was referencing.
I see. I did not know he was objecting to those bans in their own right. They are bans on Israeli's, btw, not Jews. I still don't see why their wrong makes us right. And if you call that "going after the OP," you ain't seen nuthin yet.
But you DID grow up to criticize the person who objects to these practices rather than the practices, themselves.
Where did I do that?

In the post I quoted.

You decided to confront the person that objects to the Judenfrei instead of the Judenfrei.
What I intended was to criticize the logic of that OP and it's apparent intentions. If I was wrong, perhaps the OP should have made it more clear what he meant.

The op listed a number of countries with bans based upon Jewish ethnicity and the hypocrisy of those who do not object to that while bemoaning a temporary stay in the importation, not of all Muslims, but just those from hotbeds of terrorism.

You response did not mention even the slightest objection to these bans based upon ethnicity while going after the o.p. In doing so, you confirmed the very hypocrisy the o.p. was referencing.
I see. I did not know he was objecting to those bans in their own right. They are bans on Israeli's, btw, not Jews. I still don't see why their wrong makes us right. And if you call that "going after the OP," you ain't seen nuthin yet.

So, it's a ban on those from the Jewish state, but not because it is home to the Jewish people?

How some of you anti-liberal leftists say some of the things you say with a straight face is beyond me.
None of those countries ban Jews. They ban Israeli nationals - and that means anyone with an Israeli passport, including Arab-Israeli's. Talk about a dishonest OP.

Unfortunately it is a longknife m.o..

He posts a lie posted somehwere on the internet, and then denies responsibility for the lie.

Does it all the time.
Where did I do that?

In the post I quoted.

You decided to confront the person that objects to the Judenfrei instead of the Judenfrei.
What I intended was to criticize the logic of that OP and it's apparent intentions. If I was wrong, perhaps the OP should have made it more clear what he meant.

The op listed a number of countries with bans based upon Jewish ethnicity and the hypocrisy of those who do not object to that while bemoaning a temporary stay in the importation, not of all Muslims, but just those from hotbeds of terrorism.

You response did not mention even the slightest objection to these bans based upon ethnicity while going after the o.p. In doing so, you confirmed the very hypocrisy the o.p. was referencing.
I see. I did not know he was objecting to those bans in their own right. They are bans on Israeli's, btw, not Jews. I still don't see why their wrong makes us right. And if you call that "going after the OP," you ain't seen nuthin yet.

So, it's a ban on those from the Jewish state, but not because it is home to the Jewish people?

How some of you anti-liberal leftists say some of the things you say with a straight face is beyond me.

The OP is a lie- even you anti-liberal right wing nut jobs should be able to acknowledge that.

A Jew from the United States can go to Iraq- unlike what the OP said.
A Christian from Israel cannot go to Iraq.
In the post I quoted.

You decided to confront the person that objects to the Judenfrei instead of the Judenfrei.
What I intended was to criticize the logic of that OP and it's apparent intentions. If I was wrong, perhaps the OP should have made it more clear what he meant.

The op listed a number of countries with bans based upon Jewish ethnicity and the hypocrisy of those who do not object to that while bemoaning a temporary stay in the importation, not of all Muslims, but just those from hotbeds of terrorism.

You response did not mention even the slightest objection to these bans based upon ethnicity while going after the o.p. In doing so, you confirmed the very hypocrisy the o.p. was referencing.
I see. I did not know he was objecting to those bans in their own right. They are bans on Israeli's, btw, not Jews. I still don't see why their wrong makes us right. And if you call that "going after the OP," you ain't seen nuthin yet.

So, it's a ban on those from the Jewish state, but not because it is home to the Jewish people?

How some of you anti-liberal leftists say some of the things you say with a straight face is beyond me.

The OP is a lie- even you anti-liberal right wing nut jobs should be able to acknowledge that.

A Jew from the United States can go to Iraq- unlike what the OP said.
A Christian from Israel cannot go to Iraq.

I realized you are quite challenged intellectually, but I am no right wing wing nut.

I support gay rights, I support women's rights and I support a strict separation of religion and politics.

You support none of these things when you act as a useful idiot for Islamism as you do.
Where did I do that?

In the post I quoted.

You decided to confront the person that objects to the Judenfrei instead of the Judenfrei.
What I intended was to criticize the logic of that OP and it's apparent intentions. If I was wrong, perhaps the OP should have made it more clear what he meant.

The op listed a number of countries with bans based upon Jewish ethnicity and the hypocrisy of those who do not object to that while bemoaning a temporary stay in the importation, not of all Muslims, but just those from hotbeds of terrorism.

You response did not mention even the slightest objection to these bans based upon ethnicity while going after the o.p. In doing so, you confirmed the very hypocrisy the o.p. was referencing.
I see. I did not know he was objecting to those bans in their own right. They are bans on Israeli's, btw, not Jews. I still don't see why their wrong makes us right. And if you call that "going after the OP," you ain't seen nuthin yet.

So, it's a ban on those from the Jewish state, but not because it is home to the Jewish people?

How some of you anti-liberal leftists say some of the things you say with a straight face is beyond me.
Just like our ban is against states, not religion. Right?
In the post I quoted.

You decided to confront the person that objects to the Judenfrei instead of the Judenfrei.
What I intended was to criticize the logic of that OP and it's apparent intentions. If I was wrong, perhaps the OP should have made it more clear what he meant.

The op listed a number of countries with bans based upon Jewish ethnicity and the hypocrisy of those who do not object to that while bemoaning a temporary stay in the importation, not of all Muslims, but just those from hotbeds of terrorism.

You response did not mention even the slightest objection to these bans based upon ethnicity while going after the o.p. In doing so, you confirmed the very hypocrisy the o.p. was referencing.
I see. I did not know he was objecting to those bans in their own right. They are bans on Israeli's, btw, not Jews. I still don't see why their wrong makes us right. And if you call that "going after the OP," you ain't seen nuthin yet.

So, it's a ban on those from the Jewish state, but not because it is home to the Jewish people?

How some of you anti-liberal leftists say some of the things you say with a straight face is beyond me.
Just like our ban is against states, not religion. Right?

The ban is against the probability of allowing in terrorists.Since there is no record of Jews committing acts of terrorism in Muslim countries, the ban on them is based upon ethnicity.

You have no problem with the policies of judenfrei or Judenrein (over 99% of Jews have been clensed from these lands), but you DO have a big problem with a temporary curtailment in the importation of those where terrorism runs rampant.

How the left ever got to the point where supporting this hateful Islamist shit is normal is beyond me. It used to be about liberalism, instead.
Countries the U.S. should not emulate: Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Algeria, Bangladesh, Brunei, Kuwait, Lebanon, Malaysia, Oman, Pakistan, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates.
Countries the U.S. should not emulate: Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Algeria, Bangladesh, Brunei, Kuwait, Lebanon, Malaysia, Oman, Pakistan, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates.
We aren't throwing gays off rooftops, stoning rape victims, hanging people from cranes, planting IEDs in our roads. We wont be importing it either. All is well :thup:
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None of those countries ban Jews. They ban Israeli nationals - and that means anyone with an Israeli passport, including Arab-Israeli's. Talk about a dishonest OP.

That's rich from someone who calls president trump's travel ban a moooslem ban

Trump asked for a ‘Muslim ban,’ Giuliani says — and ordered a commission to do it ‘legally’

Instead of working 10 yours a day at this forum on your jihad, wouldn't it just be easier for you to move to Egypt or Pakistan to be in the sort of society for which you champion so relentlessly?

It must be frustrating to you that we are not yet Islamist, and this would save you a lot of time and anxiety.

It must be frustrating to you that there are Americans who wont' accept your efforts to brand all Muslims as terrorists.
Countries the U.S. should not emulate: Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Algeria, Bangladesh, Brunei, Kuwait, Lebanon, Malaysia, Oman, Pakistan, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates.
Among others.
How the left ever got to the point where supporting this hateful Islamist shit is normal is beyond me. It used to be about liberalism, instead.

And by 'hateful Islamist shit' you mean supporting the rights of Americans to worship freely.

I am just as opposed to bans on Israeli travel as I am opposed to bans on citizens from Iraq travelling to the United States.
What I intended was to criticize the logic of that OP and it's apparent intentions. If I was wrong, perhaps the OP should have made it more clear what he meant.

The op listed a number of countries with bans based upon Jewish ethnicity and the hypocrisy of those who do not object to that while bemoaning a temporary stay in the importation, not of all Muslims, but just those from hotbeds of terrorism.

You response did not mention even the slightest objection to these bans based upon ethnicity while going after the o.p. In doing so, you confirmed the very hypocrisy the o.p. was referencing.
I see. I did not know he was objecting to those bans in their own right. They are bans on Israeli's, btw, not Jews. I still don't see why their wrong makes us right. And if you call that "going after the OP," you ain't seen nuthin yet.

So, it's a ban on those from the Jewish state, but not because it is home to the Jewish people?

How some of you anti-liberal leftists say some of the things you say with a straight face is beyond me.

The OP is a lie- even you anti-liberal right wing nut jobs should be able to acknowledge that.

A Jew from the United States can go to Iraq- unlike what the OP said.
A Christian from Israel cannot go to Iraq.

I realized you are quite challenged intellectually, but I am no right wing wing nut.

I support gay rights, I support women's rights and I support a strict separation of religion and politics.

You support none of these things when you act as a useful idiot for Islamism as you do.

To you a 'useful' idiot is someone who believes in the facts and the truth. To me, you are just a useful idiot who is supporting the agenda of liars.

As a liberal I oppose religious and other oppression- I am against the governments- if they exist- in virtually every country on that list- just as I am against the bans on the travel of citizens of Israel.

But the OP is a lie- and you have been supporting that lie.

Maybe you are not a right wing nut.

Maybe you are just a nut who supports lies.
How the left ever got to the point where supporting this hateful Islamist shit is normal is beyond me. It used to be about liberalism, instead.

And by 'hateful Islamist shit' you mean supporting the rights of Americans to worship freely.

I am just as opposed to bans on Israeli travel as I am opposed to bans on citizens from Iraq travelling to the United States.

You know what I'm for?
Every country should be free to do whatever they believe is in their best interest, relating to immigration and travel. Muslims should be able to restrict whomever they want, as should jews, as should the United States.
How the left ever got to the point where supporting this hateful Islamist shit is normal is beyond me. It used to be about liberalism, instead.

And by 'hateful Islamist shit' you mean supporting the rights of Americans to worship freely.

I am just as opposed to bans on Israeli travel as I am opposed to bans on citizens from Iraq travelling to the United States.

You know what I'm for?
Every country should be free to do whatever they believe is in their best interest, relating to immigration and travel. Muslims should be able to restrict whomever they want, as should jews, as should the United States.

And of course every country is.

And I am also in favor of Americans being able to object to any bans we find objectionable.
The op listed a number of countries with bans based upon Jewish ethnicity and the hypocrisy of those who do not object to that while bemoaning a temporary stay in the importation, not of all Muslims, but just those from hotbeds of terrorism.

You response did not mention even the slightest objection to these bans based upon ethnicity while going after the o.p. In doing so, you confirmed the very hypocrisy the o.p. was referencing.
I see. I did not know he was objecting to those bans in their own right. They are bans on Israeli's, btw, not Jews. I still don't see why their wrong makes us right. And if you call that "going after the OP," you ain't seen nuthin yet.

So, it's a ban on those from the Jewish state, but not because it is home to the Jewish people?

How some of you anti-liberal leftists say some of the things you say with a straight face is beyond me.

The OP is a lie- even you anti-liberal right wing nut jobs should be able to acknowledge that.

A Jew from the United States can go to Iraq- unlike what the OP said.
A Christian from Israel cannot go to Iraq.

I realized you are quite challenged intellectually, but I am no right wing wing nut.

I support gay rights, I support women's rights and I support a strict separation of religion and politics.

You support none of these things when you act as a useful idiot for Islamism as you do.

To you a 'useful' idiot is someone who believes in the facts and the truth. To me, you are just a useful idiot who is supporting the agenda of liars.

As a liberal I oppose religious and other oppression- I am against the governments- if they exist- in virtually every country on that list- just as I am against the bans on the travel of citizens of Israel.

But the OP is a lie- and you have been supporting that lie.

Maybe you are not a right wing nut.

Maybe you are just a nut who supports lies.

I have seen enough of you to know you are no liberal.

You are just a run of the mill leftist who wouldn't know a liberal principle if it smacked you along side the head.
How the left ever got to the point where supporting this hateful Islamist shit is normal is beyond me. It used to be about liberalism, instead.

And by 'hateful Islamist shit' you mean supporting the rights of Americans to worship freely.

I am just as opposed to bans on Israeli travel as I am opposed to bans on citizens from Iraq travelling to the United States.

No, by hateful Islamist shit, I mean hateful Islamist shit -- severe antisemitism, hatred of Gays to the point of supporting their death, hatred of women so harsh they live in fear of being killed for "honor" after being mutillated so they cannot enjoy sex, hatred of free speech so extreme that they support criminalizing anything critical of Islam, hatred against the right to believe so incredibly harsh as to kill people for apostasy.

You are just so fucking ignorant, you have no idea what you support.

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