Here’s a List of All the Muslim Countries That Ban Jews

Giuliani: Trump asked me how to do a Muslim ban 'legally'

It was the closest he could get to a "muslim ban" legally. Though the legal part is now under fire.

Serious question. Are you a Muslim and if not are you considering converting? Your rabid defense of Islam is telling

No and no.

I couldn't care less you find it "telling". I find the rabid attack of anything Muslim to be disturbing.

It's strange is all...just sayin

I don't defend everything Muslim. I defend the right of people to be treated as individuals and the fact that Islam isn't some monolithic religion made up of terrorists. That apparently is a hard concept for people to grasp who who assume that every Muslim is just waiting to force Sharia and kill unbelievers.
Giuliani: Trump asked me how to do a Muslim ban 'legally'

It was the closest he could get to a "muslim ban" legally. Though the legal part is now under fire.

Serious question. Are you a Muslim and if not are you considering converting? Your rabid defense of Islam is telling

No and no.

I couldn't care less you find it "telling". I find the rabid attack of anything Muslim to be disturbing.

It's strange is all...just sayin

I don't defend everything Muslim. I defend the right of people to be treated as individuals and the fact that Islam isn't some monolithic religion made up of terrorists. That apparently is a hard concept for people to grasp who who assume that every Muslim is just waiting to force Sharia and kill unbelievers.

But isn't it wise to be prudent on who we allow to allow in this nation? I mean given the number of Muslims committing terrorist attacks?
Some of them are.

Only some of your replies funnying my postings are stalking me?

What are the others, then?

I'm sorry you're so sensitive...wonder if I google your name and "coyote" how many posts I will find where you attack me in threads I'm not even participating in. Stalker.

Do you hate all Muslims? I have to admit, I have never seen a single post from you differentiating between extremists and other Muslims.

Would you support a ban on all Muslims entering this country if that were possible to do or impose some sort of "ideological purity" test?
Giuliani: Trump asked me how to do a Muslim ban 'legally'

It was the closest he could get to a "muslim ban" legally. Though the legal part is now under fire.

Serious question. Are you a Muslim and if not are you considering converting? Your rabid defense of Islam is telling

No and no.

I couldn't care less you find it "telling". I find the rabid attack of anything Muslim to be disturbing.

It's strange is all...just sayin

I don't defend everything Muslim. I defend the right of people to be treated as individuals and the fact that Islam isn't some monolithic religion made up of terrorists. That apparently is a hard concept for people to grasp who who assume that every Muslim is just waiting to force Sharia and kill unbelievers.

But isn't it wise to be prudent on who we allow to allow in this nation? I mean given the number of Muslims committing terrorist attacks?

I think it's wise and prudent to have good vetting procedures on anyone entering from certain countries. I think those vetting procedures need to be regularly reviewed and updated in light of ongoing situations. I also think that the procedures we have in place now - at least for refugees is very good. I've read a number of articles from State Dept people, intelligence people talking about how involved and in depth the procedure is. What is noteworthy is no one from the Trump Administration talked to anyone actually involved in vetting to find to find out what was already being done - which is "extreme vetting". I also think that it would be good to take a stronger look at some of the other avenues for entering this country, rather than the refugees. For example, one of the San Bernadino shooters came in on a fiance visa (though since then I'm sure that has been examined).
Serious question. Are you a Muslim and if not are you considering converting? Your rabid defense of Islam is telling

No and no.

I couldn't care less you find it "telling". I find the rabid attack of anything Muslim to be disturbing.

It's strange is all...just sayin

I don't defend everything Muslim. I defend the right of people to be treated as individuals and the fact that Islam isn't some monolithic religion made up of terrorists. That apparently is a hard concept for people to grasp who who assume that every Muslim is just waiting to force Sharia and kill unbelievers.

But isn't it wise to be prudent on who we allow to allow in this nation? I mean given the number of Muslims committing terrorist attacks?

I think it's wise and prudent to have good vetting procedures on anyone entering from certain countries. I think those vetting procedures need to be regularly reviewed and updated in light of ongoing situations. I also think that the procedures we have in place now - at least for refugees is very good. I've read a number of articles from State Dept people, intelligence people talking about how involved and in depth the procedure is. What is noteworthy is no one from the Trump Administration talked to anyone actually involved in vetting to find to find out what was already being done - which is "extreme vetting". I also think that it would be good to take a stronger look at some of the other avenues for entering this country, rather than the refugees. For example, one of the San Bernadino shooters came in on a fiance visa (though since then I'm sure that has been examined).

I'm reminded of a fable my grandfather used to tell me when I was very little...I'm not saying all Muslims are bad or terrorists but there is a problem...a huge one. All one has to do is look at Europe and see the results of rampant acceptance. Until we can get a handle on who is coming in and a proper vetting system something has to be done.

The fable....

The Scorpion and the Frog

A scorpion and a frog meet on the bank of a stream and the
scorpion asks the frog to carry him across on its back. The
frog asks, "How do I know you won't sting me?" The scorpion
says, "Because if I do, I will die too."

The frog is satisfied, and they set out, but in midstream,
the scorpion stings the frog. The frog feels the onset of
paralysis and starts to sink, knowing they both will drown,
but has just enough time to gasp "Why?"

Replies the scorpion: "Its my nature..."
No and no.

I couldn't care less you find it "telling". I find the rabid attack of anything Muslim to be disturbing.

It's strange is all...just sayin

I don't defend everything Muslim. I defend the right of people to be treated as individuals and the fact that Islam isn't some monolithic religion made up of terrorists. That apparently is a hard concept for people to grasp who who assume that every Muslim is just waiting to force Sharia and kill unbelievers.

But isn't it wise to be prudent on who we allow to allow in this nation? I mean given the number of Muslims committing terrorist attacks?

I think it's wise and prudent to have good vetting procedures on anyone entering from certain countries. I think those vetting procedures need to be regularly reviewed and updated in light of ongoing situations. I also think that the procedures we have in place now - at least for refugees is very good. I've read a number of articles from State Dept people, intelligence people talking about how involved and in depth the procedure is. What is noteworthy is no one from the Trump Administration talked to anyone actually involved in vetting to find to find out what was already being done - which is "extreme vetting". I also think that it would be good to take a stronger look at some of the other avenues for entering this country, rather than the refugees. For example, one of the San Bernadino shooters came in on a fiance visa (though since then I'm sure that has been examined).

I'm reminded of a fable my grandfather used to tell me when I was very little...I'm not saying all Muslims are bad or terrorists but there is a problem...a huge one. All one has to do is look at Europe and see the results of rampant acceptance. Until we can get a handle on who is coming in and a proper vetting system something has to be done.

The fable....

The Scorpion and the Frog

A scorpion and a frog meet on the bank of a stream and the
scorpion asks the frog to carry him across on its back. The
frog asks, "How do I know you won't sting me?" The scorpion
says, "Because if I do, I will die too."

The frog is satisfied, and they set out, but in midstream,
the scorpion stings the frog. The frog feels the onset of
paralysis and starts to sink, knowing they both will drown,
but has just enough time to gasp "Why?"

Replies the scorpion: "Its my nature..."

I am familiar with the fable, but disagree with it's application to Muslims. What's happening in Europe is complex and part of that complexity is the role of the media, public perception towards muslims and immigrants, far too many assylum seekers and migrants and refugees flooding in at one time and the inability of the countries to handle it or even vet them. It's been a crisis long in the making and it's not simply a religious crisis. We, in the US and Canada for that matter have not had anything like the problems Europe is having. It's not just a matter of numbers or of religion. We are better at assimilating them, the immigrants that come here tend to be better educated and more skilled, they are more likely end up employed and not ghettoized. From what I've read in Europe, migrants are attracted to Europe's extremely generous benefits, also - I think - any one who was a citizen of a country that was a former colony has a right to immigrate (?something like that?). So in some cases, virtually entire villages have uprooted and complete with their redneck Imams, moved into a single neighborhood in France. So you don't get assimilation, you get the entire transplanted old country complete with it's ideas in a pretty closed society. It's easy to say well - it's MUSLIMS, but Muslims aren't the same across cultures. Muslims from Pakistan are different from Muslims from Sri Lanka are different then Muslims from Albania.

The scorpion is not the nature of Muslims.
It's strange is all...just sayin

I don't defend everything Muslim. I defend the right of people to be treated as individuals and the fact that Islam isn't some monolithic religion made up of terrorists. That apparently is a hard concept for people to grasp who who assume that every Muslim is just waiting to force Sharia and kill unbelievers.

But isn't it wise to be prudent on who we allow to allow in this nation? I mean given the number of Muslims committing terrorist attacks?

I think it's wise and prudent to have good vetting procedures on anyone entering from certain countries. I think those vetting procedures need to be regularly reviewed and updated in light of ongoing situations. I also think that the procedures we have in place now - at least for refugees is very good. I've read a number of articles from State Dept people, intelligence people talking about how involved and in depth the procedure is. What is noteworthy is no one from the Trump Administration talked to anyone actually involved in vetting to find to find out what was already being done - which is "extreme vetting". I also think that it would be good to take a stronger look at some of the other avenues for entering this country, rather than the refugees. For example, one of the San Bernadino shooters came in on a fiance visa (though since then I'm sure that has been examined).

I'm reminded of a fable my grandfather used to tell me when I was very little...I'm not saying all Muslims are bad or terrorists but there is a problem...a huge one. All one has to do is look at Europe and see the results of rampant acceptance. Until we can get a handle on who is coming in and a proper vetting system something has to be done.

The fable....

The Scorpion and the Frog

A scorpion and a frog meet on the bank of a stream and the
scorpion asks the frog to carry him across on its back. The
frog asks, "How do I know you won't sting me?" The scorpion
says, "Because if I do, I will die too."

The frog is satisfied, and they set out, but in midstream,
the scorpion stings the frog. The frog feels the onset of
paralysis and starts to sink, knowing they both will drown,
but has just enough time to gasp "Why?"

Replies the scorpion: "Its my nature..."

I am familiar with the fable, but disagree with it's application to Muslims. What's happening in Europe is complex and part of that complexity is the role of the media, public perception towards muslims and immigrants, far too many assylum seekers and migrants and refugees flooding in at one time and the inability of the countries to handle it or even vet them. It's been a crisis long in the making and it's not simply a religious crisis. We, in the US and Canada for that matter have not had anything like the problems Europe is having. It's not just a matter of numbers or of religion. We are better at assimilating them, the immigrants that come here tend to be better educated and more skilled, they are more likely end up employed and not ghettoized. From what I've read in Europe, migrants are attracted to Europe's extremely generous benefits, also - I think - any one who was a citizen of a country that was a former colony has a right to immigrate (?something like that?). So in some cases, virtually entire villages have uprooted and complete with their redneck Imams, moved into a single neighborhood in France. So you don't get assimilation, you get the entire transplanted old country complete with it's ideas in a pretty closed society. It's easy to say well - it's MUSLIMS, but Muslims aren't the same across cultures. Muslims from Pakistan are different from Muslims from Sri Lanka are different then Muslims from Albania.

The scorpion is not the nature of Muslims.

Well my best friend got blown up by an IED set by one (or more) of them...I don't have a lot of love or trust for them.

Muslims have had problems assimilating for a millennia, it's absurd to think they'll start anytime soon
I don't defend everything Muslim. I defend the right of people to be treated as individuals and the fact that Islam isn't some monolithic religion made up of terrorists. That apparently is a hard concept for people to grasp who who assume that every Muslim is just waiting to force Sharia and kill unbelievers.

But isn't it wise to be prudent on who we allow to allow in this nation? I mean given the number of Muslims committing terrorist attacks?

I think it's wise and prudent to have good vetting procedures on anyone entering from certain countries. I think those vetting procedures need to be regularly reviewed and updated in light of ongoing situations. I also think that the procedures we have in place now - at least for refugees is very good. I've read a number of articles from State Dept people, intelligence people talking about how involved and in depth the procedure is. What is noteworthy is no one from the Trump Administration talked to anyone actually involved in vetting to find to find out what was already being done - which is "extreme vetting". I also think that it would be good to take a stronger look at some of the other avenues for entering this country, rather than the refugees. For example, one of the San Bernadino shooters came in on a fiance visa (though since then I'm sure that has been examined).

I'm reminded of a fable my grandfather used to tell me when I was very little...I'm not saying all Muslims are bad or terrorists but there is a problem...a huge one. All one has to do is look at Europe and see the results of rampant acceptance. Until we can get a handle on who is coming in and a proper vetting system something has to be done.

The fable....

The Scorpion and the Frog

A scorpion and a frog meet on the bank of a stream and the
scorpion asks the frog to carry him across on its back. The
frog asks, "How do I know you won't sting me?" The scorpion
says, "Because if I do, I will die too."

The frog is satisfied, and they set out, but in midstream,
the scorpion stings the frog. The frog feels the onset of
paralysis and starts to sink, knowing they both will drown,
but has just enough time to gasp "Why?"

Replies the scorpion: "Its my nature..."

I am familiar with the fable, but disagree with it's application to Muslims. What's happening in Europe is complex and part of that complexity is the role of the media, public perception towards muslims and immigrants, far too many assylum seekers and migrants and refugees flooding in at one time and the inability of the countries to handle it or even vet them. It's been a crisis long in the making and it's not simply a religious crisis. We, in the US and Canada for that matter have not had anything like the problems Europe is having. It's not just a matter of numbers or of religion. We are better at assimilating them, the immigrants that come here tend to be better educated and more skilled, they are more likely end up employed and not ghettoized. From what I've read in Europe, migrants are attracted to Europe's extremely generous benefits, also - I think - any one who was a citizen of a country that was a former colony has a right to immigrate (?something like that?). So in some cases, virtually entire villages have uprooted and complete with their redneck Imams, moved into a single neighborhood in France. So you don't get assimilation, you get the entire transplanted old country complete with it's ideas in a pretty closed society. It's easy to say well - it's MUSLIMS, but Muslims aren't the same across cultures. Muslims from Pakistan are different from Muslims from Sri Lanka are different then Muslims from Albania.

The scorpion is not the nature of Muslims.

Well my best friend got blown up by an IED set by one (or more) of them...I don't have a lot of love or trust for them.

Muslims have had problems assimilating for a millennia, it's absurd to think they'll start anytime soon

I can understand why you feel the way you do then, though I disagree with your second statement.

They've been assimilating for ages. Remember how people used to feel about Catholics? How JFK had to make it clear that he wasn't controlled by the Pope? This is not a lot different. If they "weren't assimilating" - we would have had Islamic violence in the US and Europe ages ago.
So people actually believe that Muslims - not just extremists - but all Muslims going to turn on them, because that's who they are as Muslims.
But isn't it wise to be prudent on who we allow to allow in this nation? I mean given the number of Muslims committing terrorist attacks?

I think it's wise and prudent to have good vetting procedures on anyone entering from certain countries. I think those vetting procedures need to be regularly reviewed and updated in light of ongoing situations. I also think that the procedures we have in place now - at least for refugees is very good. I've read a number of articles from State Dept people, intelligence people talking about how involved and in depth the procedure is. What is noteworthy is no one from the Trump Administration talked to anyone actually involved in vetting to find to find out what was already being done - which is "extreme vetting". I also think that it would be good to take a stronger look at some of the other avenues for entering this country, rather than the refugees. For example, one of the San Bernadino shooters came in on a fiance visa (though since then I'm sure that has been examined).

I'm reminded of a fable my grandfather used to tell me when I was very little...I'm not saying all Muslims are bad or terrorists but there is a problem...a huge one. All one has to do is look at Europe and see the results of rampant acceptance. Until we can get a handle on who is coming in and a proper vetting system something has to be done.

The fable....

The Scorpion and the Frog

A scorpion and a frog meet on the bank of a stream and the
scorpion asks the frog to carry him across on its back. The
frog asks, "How do I know you won't sting me?" The scorpion
says, "Because if I do, I will die too."

The frog is satisfied, and they set out, but in midstream,
the scorpion stings the frog. The frog feels the onset of
paralysis and starts to sink, knowing they both will drown,
but has just enough time to gasp "Why?"

Replies the scorpion: "Its my nature..."

I am familiar with the fable, but disagree with it's application to Muslims. What's happening in Europe is complex and part of that complexity is the role of the media, public perception towards muslims and immigrants, far too many assylum seekers and migrants and refugees flooding in at one time and the inability of the countries to handle it or even vet them. It's been a crisis long in the making and it's not simply a religious crisis. We, in the US and Canada for that matter have not had anything like the problems Europe is having. It's not just a matter of numbers or of religion. We are better at assimilating them, the immigrants that come here tend to be better educated and more skilled, they are more likely end up employed and not ghettoized. From what I've read in Europe, migrants are attracted to Europe's extremely generous benefits, also - I think - any one who was a citizen of a country that was a former colony has a right to immigrate (?something like that?). So in some cases, virtually entire villages have uprooted and complete with their redneck Imams, moved into a single neighborhood in France. So you don't get assimilation, you get the entire transplanted old country complete with it's ideas in a pretty closed society. It's easy to say well - it's MUSLIMS, but Muslims aren't the same across cultures. Muslims from Pakistan are different from Muslims from Sri Lanka are different then Muslims from Albania.

The scorpion is not the nature of Muslims.

Well my best friend got blown up by an IED set by one (or more) of them...I don't have a lot of love or trust for them.

Muslims have had problems assimilating for a millennia, it's absurd to think they'll start anytime soon

I can understand why you feel the way you do then, though I disagree with your second statement.

They've been assimilating for ages. Remember how people used to feel about Catholics? How JFK had to make it clear that he wasn't controlled by the Pope? This is not a lot different. If they "weren't assimilating" - we would have had Islamic violence in the US and Europe ages ago.

Sorry but I don't believe that on the assimilation. The bottom line is they are causing major problems in Europe, we don't need that garbage here














Saudi Arabia

United Arab Emirates

What's good for the goose is no longer good for the gander. Hypocrisy as it's utmost. Story @ Here’s A List Of All The Muslim Countries That Ban Jews
OK. So we put a ban on any of them traveling here, or any of us traveling there. And ban any companies from doing business with them. Oops, can't do that, Trump has businesses in those nations not in the Muslim ban. LOL
None of those countries ban Jews. They ban Israeli nationals - and that means anyone with an Israeli passport, including Arab-Israeli's. Talk about a dishonest OP.
Excellent point. Once again, the 'Conservatives' are using 'Alternative Facts'. And they smell just like where they came from.
Then there is this...a nation needs to take care of it's own above all others...this is tragic. I'm not understanding how he wasn't still in a nursing home but something is wrong here, very wrong

Homeless Vet Freezes To Death As REFUGEES Blocks Away Get Free Housing

According to the US Herald:
This is what happens when bleeding heart liberals (is there any other kind?) decide that bringing in refugees is more important than addressing homelessness in their own nation. This happened in Sweden in early January. But it’s also happening here in America.

‘Refugees’ arriving in Sweden are plied with an endless list of entitlements, as seen in the video. But during the same time frame this family was getting free housing, a homeless Swedish vet froze to death.

The European ”humanitarian superpower” Sweden does its very best to please Muslim asylum seekers, by providing them with both food, clothing and shelter, but it seems the country’s own ethnic citizens in need are of less importance and forgotten.

Sture, a homeless man in his 60s was found dead early Wednesday morning outside the hospital in Nynäshamn. Sture had sought refuge from the cold in Nynäshamn’s hospital during the night. But he was not allowed to remain there. A security guard threw him out, and without any offers of housing from the municipality, and out of options, he was forced to spend the night at a bus stop outside the hospital.

In the morning he was found frozen to death, reports Nynäshamns Posten. Of course in Nynäshamns Posten the article about Sture’s death soon became just a notice, but Swedish alternative media dug up his story. Sture was a man who is described as a good worker throughout his life, including in the armed forces and at a nursing home.

Homeless Vet Freezes To Death As REFUGEES Blocks Away Get Housing

So the point of this thread is to show how horrible it is when nations ban people from Israel or if they are a Jew yet to also champion the US when they do the exact things to Muslim or nations with a high Muslim population. It's like a pissing contest to see who can be the most bigoted or racist nation.
So the point of this thread is to show how horrible it is when nations ban people from Israel or if they are a Jew yet to also champion the US when they do the exact things to Muslim or nations with a high Muslim population. It's like a pissing contest to see who can be the most bigoted or racist nation.

No, it's a case of those blathering regressive hypocrites who are all against a temporary limitation on immigration from terrorist hell holes having no problem whatsoever with policies of JudenFrei. One restriction is based upon realpolitik and the potential for terrorism, while the other is based upon pure ethnic hatred.

When Islamist propagandists try to claim that any criticism of these Judenfrei policies are some sort of attack on all Muslims, they do so in order to support the policies, themselves.
So the point of this thread is to show how horrible it is when nations ban people from Israel or if they are a Jew yet to also champion the US when they do the exact things to Muslim or nations with a high Muslim population. It's like a pissing contest to see who can be the most bigoted or racist nation.

No, it's a case of those blathering regressive hypocrites who are all against a temporary limitation on immigration from terrorist hell holes having no problem whatsoever with policies of JudenFrei. One restriction is based upon realpolitik and the potential for terrorism, while the other is based upon pure ethnic hatred.

When Islamist propagandists try to claim that any criticism of these Judenfrei policies are some sort of attack on all Muslims, they do so in order to support the policies, themselves.
Sorry but you are wrong. Many of these countries claim that Israel is a state of terrorism. In fact I believe there have been more acts of terrorism committed against Muslims than there have been committed against the US. I believe bans on countries or ethnic or religious groups is wrong regardless.
Are those that find themselves disturbed by attacks on anything Muslim equally disturbed by the continuous attacks on anything republican?

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