Here’s a List of All the Muslim Countries That Ban Jews

The loons still don't get's not a "Muslim" ban.

It's not ban! It's actually chicken soup.

Alternative morality? Fake soul? Chickenshit motherfucker?

It's not a "Muslim" ban...fact.

It's not "a"!

It all depends on what the meaning of "is" is.

Cease the gibberish

Deal! - - Let's see how many posts you can make it through!

It's not ban! It's actually chicken soup.

Alternative morality? Fake soul? Chickenshit motherfucker?

It's not a "Muslim" ban...fact.

It's not "a"!

It all depends on what the meaning of "is" is.

Cease the gibberish

Deal! - - Let's see how many posts you can make it through!


That's too bad. You might have learned something. But it looks like you've been on the alternative facts bandwagon for a while now.














Saudi Arabia

United Arab Emirates

What's good for the goose is no longer good for the gander. Hypocrisy as it's utmost. Story @ Here’s A List Of All The Muslim Countries That Ban Jews
You want to use them as an excuse to ban religions here?

For some reason, folks seem to think that we should be just like the countries they claim to abhor in the practice of discrimminatory policies. opposed to all of you who support the discriminatory practices, themselves?














Saudi Arabia

United Arab Emirates

What's good for the goose is no longer good for the gander. Hypocrisy as it's utmost. Story @ Here’s A List Of All The Muslim Countries That Ban Jews
You want to use them as an excuse to ban religions here?

For some reason, folks seem to think that we should be just like the countries they claim to abhor in the practice of discrimminatory policies. opposed to all of you who support the discriminatory practices, themselves?

Who "all of you"?

I think I've already stated we shouldn't be emulating those countries practices or basing our policies on those of worse countries. Why do you think we should?
I find the rabid attack of anything Muslim to be disturbing.

Objecting to the practice of Judenfrei is not a rabid attack on anything Muslim. You support the policy, so are simply trying your damnest to paint those who DO NOT share your ethnic hatred as the actual haters.
Giuliani: Trump asked me how to do a Muslim ban 'legally'

It was the closest he could get to a "muslim ban" legally. Though the legal part is now under fire.

Serious question. Are you a Muslim and if not are you considering converting? Your rabid defense of Islam is telling

No and no.

I couldn't care less you find it "telling". I find the rabid attack of anything Muslim to be disturbing.

Land of the free! Home of the brave! Cowering behind their wall from the huddled masses yearning to breathe free.
I find the rabid attack of anything Muslim to be disturbing.

Objecting to the practice of Judenfrei is not a rabid attack on anything Muslim. You support the policy, so are simply trying your damnest to paint those who DO NOT share your ethnic as the actual haters.

I wasn't talking about objecting to that. Any decent person would object to it. Just like any decent person should object to those same practices being applied to other groups because of their ethnicity, religion or race. Do you agree?
I find the rabid attack of anything Muslim to be disturbing.

Objecting to the practice of Judenfrei is not a rabid attack on anything Muslim. You support the policy, so are simply trying your damnest to paint those who DO NOT share your ethnic hatred as the actual haters.

Really? Got a link? Or are you just making shit up, as usual?
Suspending travel from war torn hell holes which breed Western hating terrorists is a good idea. Protecting ones own people is not lowering oneself to their standard in any way. Only leftards could think so (or rather, pretend to think so - when it suits).

Your claiming people are attacking all Muslims when they oppose such sure does.

.....but it's nice to know you haven't cut back on all your stalking behavior by "funnying" all my posts. That is such an excellent way to lead by example.

Your claiming people are attacking all Muslims when they oppose such sure does.

Some of them are.
Giuliani: Trump asked me how to do a Muslim ban 'legally'

It was the closest he could get to a "muslim ban" legally. Though the legal part is now under fire.

Serious question. Are you a Muslim and if not are you considering converting? Your rabid defense of Islam is telling

No and no.

I couldn't care less you find it "telling". I find the rabid attack of anything Muslim to be disturbing.

It's strange is all...just sayin

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