Here’s a List of All the Muslim Countries That Ban Jews

Are those that find themselves disturbed by attacks on anything Muslim equally disturbed by the continuous attacks on anything republican?

Of course they don't. Heck, the same ones vent their spleens at will against Christians.

This is not an attack on all things, Muslim, though. It is a criticism of polices in the Muslim world that are straight out of Nazi Germany in function. Only a very committed antisemite could possible defend them.
Are those that find themselves disturbed by attacks on anything Muslim equally disturbed by the continuous attacks on anything republican?

Or continious attacks on anything democrat? :dunno:
Are those that find themselves disturbed by attacks on anything Muslim equally disturbed by the continuous attacks on anything republican?

Of course they don't. Heck, the same ones vent their spleens at will against Christians.

This is not an attack on all things, Muslim, though. It is a criticism of polices in the Muslim world that are straight out of Nazi Germany in function. Only a very committed antisemite could possible defend them.
Anyone who pulls out the anti-Semite card whenever someone criticizes Israel has no business in being involved in any intelligent dialogue. You do know the OP was wrong with their assertion about banning Jews in the first thread. It has been brought up many times.
The Muslim ban on Israeli Jews also results in them having to take long and expensive circuitous routes as they aren't even allowed to take connecting flights in the countries that PERMANENTLY ban them.
So, that makes it okay for us to ban people, too?

No. This merely points out the hypocrisy of the Left.
How so?
Because they are whining ad nauseum about temporary travel restrictions based on security concerns, but have absolutley no problem with permanent bans on Israelis - 80% of whom are Jews who do not conduct terror campaigns abroad - travelling to approx 16 Muslim majority countries. How blind can you possibly be to not see this?
Are those that find themselves disturbed by attacks on anything Muslim equally disturbed by the continuous attacks on anything republican?

Of course they don't. Heck, the same ones vent their spleens at will against Christians.

This is not an attack on all things, Muslim, though. It is a criticism of polices in the Muslim world that are straight out of Nazi Germany in function. Only a very committed antisemite could possible defend them.
Anyone who pulls out the anti-Semite card whenever someone criticizes Israel has no business in being involved in any intelligent dialogue. You do know the OP was wrong with their assertion about banning Jews in the first thread. It has been brought up many times.

Policies of Judenrein are "criticizing Israel"

Do you have ANY functioning intellect, or are you simply here to parrot the views of Islamists?
There is no Muslim ban on Israeli Jews. There is a ban, by a list of muslim majority countries - on Israeli nationals. The ban includes all Israeli's (some people tend to forget that there non-Jewish Israeli citizens) and it affects ANYONE (Jewish or non-Jewish) who may have traveled to or traveled from Israel.

To some extent, they probably regard Israel as an enemy or rogue state, given their sympathies with the Palestinians. It may be a political statement - such as when we banned travel to and from Cuba. They may have their own security concerns. They may also be antisemitic. But their ban is not on Jews - Jews from other countries can travel there as long as they don't have Israel on their passport.

Is it right? I don't think so. But then each country has the same right to restrict travel that we do when it comes to security interests. I don't happen to agree with our ban, and I don't think we should be modeling our ideals on those of other more restrictive and less tolerant nations.
So, that makes it okay for us to ban people, too?

No. This merely points out the hypocrisy of the Left.
How so?
Because they are whining ad nauseum about temporary travel restrictions based on security concerns, but have absolutley no problem with permanent bans on Israelis - 80% of whom are Jews who do not conduct terror campaigns abroad - travelling to approx 16 Muslim majority countries. How blind can you possibly be to not see this?
Not based on security concerns. It's based on bigotry. There have been many acts of terrorism conducted by non-Muslims. How temporary is this ban. Has there been a date set. If not then the ban is not temporary.

What this is, is an excuse for those who champion the Muslim ban to point out other acts of bigotry by other nations to support their position. The US and it's citizens always seem to compare themselves to the worst acts around the globe.
Are those that find themselves disturbed by attacks on anything Muslim equally disturbed by the continuous attacks on anything republican?

Of course they don't. Heck, the same ones vent their spleens at will against Christians.

This is not an attack on all things, Muslim, though. It is a criticism of polices in the Muslim world that are straight out of Nazi Germany in function. Only a very committed antisemite could possible defend them.
Anyone who pulls out the anti-Semite card whenever someone criticizes Israel has no business in being involved in any intelligent dialogue. You do know the OP was wrong with their assertion about banning Jews in the first thread. It has been brought up many times.

Policies of Judenrein are "criticizing Israel"
Sorry bud but your way off. Judenfrei (or Judenrein) refers merely to "freeing" an area of all of its Jewish inhabitants. Criticizing the actions of Israel is not the same.














Saudi Arabia

United Arab Emirates

What's good for the goose is no longer good for the gander. Hypocrisy as it's utmost. Story @ Here’s A List Of All The Muslim Countries That Ban Jews
So, that makes it okay for us to ban people, too?
Sorry, I didn't grow up wishing to be just like Libya, Iran, etc.

But you DID grow up to criticize the person who objects to these practices rather than the practices, themselves.
Where did I do that?














Saudi Arabia

United Arab Emirates

What's good for the goose is no longer good for the gander. Hypocrisy as it's utmost. Story @ Here’s A List Of All The Muslim Countries That Ban Jews
So, that makes it okay for us to ban people, too?
Sorry, I didn't grow up wishing to be just like Libya, Iran, etc.

But you DID grow up to criticize the person who objects to these practices rather than the practices, themselves.
Where did I do that?

In the post I quoted.

You decided to confront the person that objects to the Judenfrei instead of the Judenfrei.
None of those countries ban Jews. They ban Israeli nationals - and that means anyone with an Israeli passport, including Arab-Israeli's. Talk about a dishonest OP.

That's rich from someone who calls president trump's travel ban a moooslem ban
None of those countries ban Jews. They ban Israeli nationals - and that means anyone with an Israeli passport, including Arab-Israeli's. Talk about a dishonest OP.

That's rich from someone who calls president trump's travel ban a moooslem ban

Trump asked for a ‘Muslim ban,’ Giuliani says — and ordered a commission to do it ‘legally’

Instead of working 10 yours a day at this forum on your jihad, wouldn't it just be easier for you to move to Egypt or Pakistan to be in the sort of society for which you champion so relentlessly?

It must be frustrating to you that we are not yet Islamist, and this would save you a lot of time and anxiety.
There are another 43 ish Muslim majority countries that Trump hasn't suspended travel from. So no, it's not a Muslim ban. There is, however, only one Jewish majority country in the world and we all know why the Islamic countries have PERMANENT bans on that country.
Giuliani: Trump asked me how to do a Muslim ban 'legally'

It was the closest he could get to a "muslim ban" legally. Though the legal part is now under fire.

Serious question. Are you a Muslim and if not are you considering converting? Your rabid defense of Islam is telling

No and no.

I couldn't care less you find it "telling". I find the rabid attack of anything Muslim to be disturbing.

It's strange is all...just sayin

I don't defend everything Muslim. I defend the right of people to be treated as individuals and the fact that Islam isn't some monolithic religion made up of terrorists. That apparently is a hard concept for people to grasp who who assume that every Muslim is just waiting to force Sharia and kill unbelievers.
It would be easier to grasp if "peaceful" Muslims would separate themselves from the radicals.














Saudi Arabia

United Arab Emirates

What's good for the goose is no longer good for the gander. Hypocrisy as it's utmost. Story @ Here’s A List Of All The Muslim Countries That Ban Jews
So, that makes it okay for us to ban people, too?
Sorry, I didn't grow up wishing to be just like Libya, Iran, etc.

But you DID grow up to criticize the person who objects to these practices rather than the practices, themselves.
Where did I do that?

In the post I quoted.

You decided to confront the person that objects to the Judenfrei instead of the Judenfrei.
What I intended was to criticize the logic of that OP and it's apparent intentions. If I was wrong, perhaps the OP should have made it more clear what he meant.
There is, however, only one Jewish majority country in the world and we all know why the Islamic countries have PERMANENT bans on that country.

We may all know, but there sure seems to be no end to the number who lie as to the reason why.

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