Here’s a List of All the Muslim Countries That Ban Jews

Are those that find themselves disturbed by attacks on anything Muslim equally disturbed by the continuous attacks on anything republican?

Of course they don't. Heck, the same ones vent their spleens at will against Christians.

This is not an attack on all things, Muslim, though. It is a criticism of polices in the Muslim world that are straight out of Nazi Germany in function. Only a very committed antisemite could possible defend them.
Anyone who pulls out the anti-Semite card whenever someone criticizes Israel has no business in being involved in any intelligent dialogue. You do know the OP was wrong with their assertion about banning Jews in the first thread. It has been brought up many times.

Policies of Judenrein are "criticizing Israel"
Sorry bud but your way off. Judenfrei (or Judenrein) refers merely to "freeing" an area of all of its Jewish inhabitants. Criticizing the actions of Israel is not the same.

Yes, which those you support have done.














Saudi Arabia

United Arab Emirates

What's good for the goose is no longer good for the gander. Hypocrisy as it's utmost. Story @ Here’s A List Of All The Muslim Countries That Ban Jews
Hey, that's "unconstitutional"! I thought Muslim cultures were advanced and tolerant and generally all around good guys (just terribly misunderstood).
It must be frustrating to you that there are Americans who wont' accept your efforts to brand all Muslims as terrorists
It frustrates many of us that you don't get that the MAJORITY support the goals of "radical" (actually mainstream) Islam.














Saudi Arabia

United Arab Emirates

What's good for the goose is no longer good for the gander. Hypocrisy as it's utmost. Story @ Here’s A List Of All The Muslim Countries That Ban Jews
Hey, that's "unconstitutional"! I thought Muslim cultures were advanced and tolerant and generally all around good guys (just terribly misunderstood).
Not unconstitutional.

Just longknife passing on another lie on the internet.

How the left ever got to the point where supporting this hateful Islamist shit is normal is beyond me. It used to be about liberalism, instead.

And by 'hateful Islamist shit' you mean supporting the rights of Americans to worship freely.

I am just as opposed to bans on Israeli travel as I am opposed to bans on citizens from Iraq travelling to the United States.

No, by hateful Islamist shit, I mean hateful Islamist shit -- severe antisemitism, hatred of Gays to the point of supporting their death, hatred of women so harsh they live in fear of being killed for "honor" after being mutillated so they cannot enjoy sex, hatred of free speech so extreme that they support criminalizing anything critical of Islam, hatred against the right to believe so incredibly harsh as to kill people for apostasy.

You are just so fucking ignorant, you have no idea what you support.

How do I support any of that shit.

I see. I did not know he was objecting to those bans in their own right. They are bans on Israeli's, btw, not Jews. I still don't see why their wrong makes us right. And if you call that "going after the OP," you ain't seen nuthin yet.

So, it's a ban on those from the Jewish state, but not because it is home to the Jewish people?

How some of you anti-liberal leftists say some of the things you say with a straight face is beyond me.

The OP is a lie- even you anti-liberal right wing nut jobs should be able to acknowledge that.

A Jew from the United States can go to Iraq- unlike what the OP said.
A Christian from Israel cannot go to Iraq.

I realized you are quite challenged intellectually, but I am no right wing wing nut.

I support gay rights, I support women's rights and I support a strict separation of religion and politics.

You support none of these things when you act as a useful idiot for Islamism as you do.

To you a 'useful' idiot is someone who believes in the facts and the truth. To me, you are just a useful idiot who is supporting the agenda of liars.

As a liberal I oppose religious and other oppression- I am against the governments- if they exist- in virtually every country on that list- just as I am against the bans on the travel of citizens of Israel.

But the OP is a lie- and you have been supporting that lie.

Maybe you are not a right wing nut.

Maybe you are just a nut who supports lies.

I have seen enough of you to know you are no liberal.

You are just a run of the mill leftist who wouldn't know a liberal principle if it smacked you along side the head.

I have seen enough of you to know you are just another run of the mill internet bigot.
It frustrates many of us that you don't get that the MAJORITY support the goals of "radical" (actually mainstream) Islam.

Or anything else about the world, for that matter.

He has only learned the talking points he is expected to regurgitate. In his stupid little world, if you don't want little girls to have their genitals mutilated, you are a "run of the mill bigot".
Judenfrei (or Judenrein) refers merely to "freeing" an area of all of its Jewish inhabitants.

'Merely' freeing an area of Jews? And you are apoplectic over a temporary moratorium on people from war torn hellholes full of terrorists entering America??! SMH.


That Jewish population of a million was "merely" whittled down to 7000 by his heroes, here. Nothing to see. Move along. Move along.














Saudi Arabia

United Arab Emirates

What's good for the goose is no longer good for the gander. Hypocrisy as it's utmost. Story @ Here’s A List Of All The Muslim Countries That Ban Jews
Let me get this straight, all across this pathetic country anti Semitism is growing and you dare bring out other country's who are directly effected by Jews as haters? You white people are hating on jews left and right in this country...pot meet fuckin kettle!!
The Ugly Reality of American Anti-Semitism

Jennifer Sabin
Writer, editor, self-styled political pundit, and former ABC News journalist

How do I support any of that shit.


Without fail are the two words that come to mind.

I don't know if it has dawned on you, child, but when you call people names for NOT supporting it, guess what? You are.

So you can't find any actual evidence of me supporting any of that shit and are just making crap up.

Just like the article cited in the OP.
As a liberal I believe in the apparently quaint notion that the truth is not just another alternate fact.

The OP was a lie. An intentional lie- since the original article clearly stated that the ban was on Israeli's- not on Jews.
I oppose the lie.

Just because I support the truth doesn't mean I support atrocities done in the name of religions or cultures or any other excuse.

I do not support the actions of the countries that ban Israeli citizens, nor for the most part the governments of those countries. I don't support the actions of asshole murderous terrorists who kill people because they don't believe in the 'correct' holy words.

I also don't support Israel's settlement policy- but I also don't blame 'Jews' for actions by the Israeli government, nor am I unaware that Israel is an actual functioning 'Democratic' government in a region with little example there- I can condemn actions I disagree with, without being anti-Israel.

I am against female genital mutilation regardless of the culture that believes in it, and support the actions to end female genital mutilation around the world.

I can believe in feminism and gay rights- and freedom of religion for American Muslims- and Catholics etc, etc.

But if you can't address the lie in the OP- then you are missing the point of this thread.
Countries the U.S. should not emulate: Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Algeria, Bangladesh, Brunei, Kuwait, Lebanon, Malaysia, Oman, Pakistan, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates.
We aren't throwing gays off rooftops, stoning rape victims, hanging people from cranes, planting IEDs in our roads. We wont be importing it either. All is well :thup:
But you've certainly bombed the hell out of some of those countries causing way more deaths than the terrorists could ever dream of.
Are those that find themselves disturbed by attacks on anything Muslim equally disturbed by the continuous attacks on anything republican?

Of course they don't. Heck, the same ones vent their spleens at will against Christians.

This is not an attack on all things, Muslim, though. It is a criticism of polices in the Muslim world that are straight out of Nazi Germany in function. Only a very committed antisemite could possible defend them.
Anyone who pulls out the anti-Semite card whenever someone criticizes Israel has no business in being involved in any intelligent dialogue. You do know the OP was wrong with their assertion about banning Jews in the first thread. It has been brought up many times.

Policies of Judenrein are "criticizing Israel"
Sorry bud but your way off. Judenfrei (or Judenrein) refers merely to "freeing" an area of all of its Jewish inhabitants. Criticizing the actions of Israel is not the same.

Yes, which those you support have done.
I'm sorry but I'm sick and tired of the extreme BS by clowns like you. Show me where this support is. One of the first things I stated was "I believe bans on countries or ethnic or religious groups is wrong regardless."
Judenfrei (or Judenrein) refers merely to "freeing" an area of all of its Jewish inhabitants.

'Merely' freeing an area of Jews?
That is the definition. I didn't bring it up.
And you are apoplectic over a temporary moratorium on people from war torn hellholes full of terrorists entering America??!
These "war torn hellholes" are a direct result from US meddling. You know the invasions, the bombings, the rounding up citizens in the middle of the night and holding then in secret prisons, the torturing, the hiring of mercenaries indiscriminately killing innocents, the purging of government workers...etc etc. You know cause = effect. Some of these people are escaping the hellhole the US created.
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As a liberal I believe in the apparently quaint notion that the truth is not just another alternate fact.

The OP was a lie. An intentional lie- since the original article clearly stated that the ban was on Israeli's- not on Jews.
I oppose the lie.

Just because I support the truth doesn't mean I support atrocities done in the name of religions or cultures or any other excuse.

I do not support the actions of the countries that ban Israeli citizens, nor for the most part the governments of those countries. I don't support the actions of asshole murderous terrorists who kill people because they don't believe in the 'correct' holy words.

I also don't support Israel's settlement policy- but I also don't blame 'Jews' for actions by the Israeli government, nor am I unaware that Israel is an actual functioning 'Democratic' government in a region with little example there- I can condemn actions I disagree with, without being anti-Israel.

I am against female genital mutilation regardless of the culture that believes in it, and support the actions to end female genital mutilation around the world.

I can believe in feminism and gay rights- and freedom of religion for American Muslims- and Catholics etc, etc.

But if you can't address the lie in the OP- then you are missing the point of this thread.

Well said - I totally agree!! Unfortunately, it's probably a wasted effort.

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