Here's how Karma Works


Diamond Member
Dec 7, 2012
So I'm on the way home from driving 250 miles for the sole purpose of doing a favor for a friend in her absence. I stop in at Trader Joe's to get a couple of things. I try to keep it minimal because it's not a great time to be spending money. Put my $24 worth of groceries down and the cashier says, "this is your lucky day".

"How so?"

"My last customer bought a $40 gift card and instructed me to treat the next person in line. So that's you."


Seems somebody did something nice for her so she paid-forward a $40 gift, to be bestowed upon a random stranger named "whoever". I never even met her.

I'll be passing something similar on soon.

This is what happens when you do nice things only because they are nice things.
Go put some love out, get something started.
So I'm on the way home from driving 250 miles for the sole purpose of doing a favor for a friend in her absence. I stop in at Trader Joe's to get a couple of things. I try to keep it minimal because it's not a great time to be spending money. Put my $24 worth of groceries down and the cashier says, "this is your lucky day".

"How so?"

"My last customer bought a $40 gift card and instructed me to treat the next person in line. So that's you."


Seems somebody did something nice for her so she paid-forward a $40 gift, to be bestowed upon a random stranger named "whoever". I never even met her.

I'll be passing something similar on soon.

This is what happens when you do nice things only because they are nice things.
Go put some love out, get something started.
Well, damn. Friday morning it rained. I biked to work. I was soaked. I got a flat tire had to walk a couple of miles. I lost my wallet and drivers's license to boot as well as my glasses. Dude, you stole my Karma. I want it back.
So I'm on the way home from driving 250 miles for the sole purpose of doing a favor for a friend in her absence. I stop in at Trader Joe's to get a couple of things. I try to keep it minimal because it's not a great time to be spending money. Put my $24 worth of groceries down and the cashier says, "this is your lucky day".

"How so?"

"My last customer bought a $40 gift card and instructed me to treat the next person in line. So that's you."


Seems somebody did something nice for her so she paid-forward a $40 gift, to be bestowed upon a random stranger named "whoever". I never even met her.

I'll be passing something similar on soon.

This is what happens when you do nice things only because they are nice things.
Go put some love out, get something started.
Nice. I had a neighbor that came and did my dishes when we were working 18 hours a day. Seemed really nice but then I started reflecting on all the collectible type things that disappeared during that period of time (silver, a few gold pieces, small antiques). I was so trusting that it would have never occurred to me she was the one doing that until she asked for help and a place to stay and things started disappearing as she was going through everything in the house. Needless to say charity is good but don't be too trusting.
So I'm on the way home from driving 250 miles for the sole purpose of doing a favor for a friend in her absence. I stop in at Trader Joe's to get a couple of things. I try to keep it minimal because it's not a great time to be spending money. Put my $24 worth of groceries down and the cashier says, "this is your lucky day".

"How so?"

"My last customer bought a $40 gift card and instructed me to treat the next person in line. So that's you."


Seems somebody did something nice for her so she paid-forward a $40 gift, to be bestowed upon a random stranger named "whoever". I never even met her.

I'll be passing something similar on soon.

This is what happens when you do nice things only because they are nice things.
Go put some love out, get something started.
Well, damn. Friday morning it rained. I biked to work. I was soaked. I got a flat tire had to walk a couple of miles. I lost my wallet and drivers's license to boot as well as my glasses. Dude, you stole my Karma. I want it back.

Wow what did you do to deserve that? Must of been something awful. (just kidding):eusa_angel:
So I'm on the way home from driving 250 miles for the sole purpose of doing a favor for a friend in her absence. I stop in at Trader Joe's to get a couple of things. I try to keep it minimal because it's not a great time to be spending money. Put my $24 worth of groceries down and the cashier says, "this is your lucky day".

"How so?"

"My last customer bought a $40 gift card and instructed me to treat the next person in line. So that's you."


Seems somebody did something nice for her so she paid-forward a $40 gift, to be bestowed upon a random stranger named "whoever". I never even met her.

I'll be passing something similar on soon.

This is what happens when you do nice things only because they are nice things.
Go put some love out, get something started.
Well, damn. Friday morning it rained. I biked to work. I was soaked. I got a flat tire had to walk a couple of miles. I lost my wallet and drivers's license to boot as well as my glasses. Dude, you stole my Karma. I want it back.

Wow what did you do to deserve that? Must of been something awful. (just kidding):eusa_angel:
It could have been worse. Some motorist that breeze through stop signs could have turned me into road pizza, I see the crosses by the side of the road as I pedal by. We are here now and that's a small blessing in and of itself. Namaste.
Very nice!
James and I both do that at the drive through windows or sometimes in line at the store.
Not that much though... We're too damn cheap.
So I'm on the way home from driving 250 miles for the sole purpose of doing a favor for a friend in her absence. I stop in at Trader Joe's to get a couple of things. I try to keep it minimal because it's not a great time to be spending money. Put my $24 worth of groceries down and the cashier says, "this is your lucky day".

"How so?"

"My last customer bought a $40 gift card and instructed me to treat the next person in line. So that's you."


Seems somebody did something nice for her so she paid-forward a $40 gift, to be bestowed upon a random stranger named "whoever". I never even met her.

I'll be passing something similar on soon.

This is what happens when you do nice things only because they are nice things.
Go put some love out, get something started.
Well, damn. Friday morning it rained. I biked to work. I was soaked. I got a flat tire had to walk a couple of miles. I lost my wallet and drivers's license to boot as well as my glasses. Dude, you stole my Karma. I want it back.

Wow what did you do to deserve that? Must of been something awful. (just kidding):eusa_angel:
It could have been worse. Some motorist that breeze through stop signs could have turned me into road pizza, I see the crosses by the side of the road as I pedal by. We are here now and that's a small blessing in and of itself. Namaste.

Namaste, Aloha and Blessèd be. Sending thoughtforms to help you find the wallet. That's a crusher. :smiliehug:

Or should I say, best wishes for the publisher to pick up this novel.....
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Nice and you're right - its karma.

And yes, pay it forward. I always get a real lift from doing that.
So I'm on the way home from driving 250 miles for the sole purpose of doing a favor for a friend in her absence. I stop in at Trader Joe's to get a couple of things. I try to keep it minimal because it's not a great time to be spending money. Put my $24 worth of groceries down and the cashier says, "this is your lucky day".

"How so?"

"My last customer bought a $40 gift card and instructed me to treat the next person in line. So that's you."


Seems somebody did something nice for her so she paid-forward a $40 gift, to be bestowed upon a random stranger named "whoever". I never even met her.

I'll be passing something similar on soon.

This is what happens when you do nice things only because they are nice things.
Go put some love out, get something started.
Nice. I had a neighbor that came and did my dishes when we were working 18 hours a day. Seemed really nice but then I started reflecting on all the collectible type things that disappeared during that period of time (silver, a few gold pieces, small antiques). I was so trusting that it would have never occurred to me she was the one doing that until she asked for help and a place to stay and things started disappearing as she was going through everything in the house. Needless to say charity is good but don't be too trusting.

Sorry to hear that but in this case trust wasn't involved. Somebody left forty bucks worth of free groceries to pass on to some random stranger they didn't hang around to meet. I'll never know who it was.

That's why I call it true karma -- when you put something out there without expecting any accolades, to give for the sole sake of Giving.

Somebody in the city of Yellowknife is doing a similar practice ---

>> The mystery started when Sue Glowach was on her morning walk to work. It was a dark, mid-winter morning in Yellowknife and Glowach was in low spirits.

"I was kind of trudging along, thinking how I should be anywhere else but walking into work that day." That's when she noticed a little wrapped package on top of a snowbank.

"I looked down and it was wrapped in really pretty black and white wrapping paper. There was a sticker on the outside saying 'FREE ART'".

Glowach looked around to see if anybody was watching her. After confirming that nobody was, she decided to pick up the package and take it to her office.

"I opened it up and it was a beautiful little wood burning of the image of Gandhi. So I propped it by my telephone and it sits there to this day. [When I look at it] I think of a time when it was dark and cold and it sure picked up my spirits." <<​

Dozens of these have been left all over town. True Gifts.
Karma is actually a random act that comes back around in time. They can be good or bad depending on the situations.
I open doors for people.........
Good manners and hopefully others do the same for you when needed.
So I'm on the way home from driving 250 miles for the sole purpose of doing a favor for a friend in her absence. I stop in at Trader Joe's to get a couple of things. I try to keep it minimal because it's not a great time to be spending money. Put my $24 worth of groceries down and the cashier says, "this is your lucky day".

"How so?"

"My last customer bought a $40 gift card and instructed me to treat the next person in line. So that's you."


Seems somebody did something nice for her so she paid-forward a $40 gift, to be bestowed upon a random stranger named "whoever". I never even met her.

I'll be passing something similar on soon.

This is what happens when you do nice things only because they are nice things.
Go put some love out, get something started.
I was in line at an ice cream parlor yesterday. I got a child's size ice cream cone and while waiting to pay at the cash register the guy in front of me told the cashier, I'm buying hers too! And he did! I said Thank you! God bless you! I told my husband about it and he said, God blessed you! I said I know! The next time I am out I will find someone to bless in some way. I love your story, Pogo, but I believe it was a sign of God's love for you. There are no accidents with God. It's all divine providence. You were the one He wanted to bless. How wonderful is that? It hasn't escaped my attention that you have done these kind of things before - helping out people who need it. You are a kind person. I like that about you.
I sometimes buy a homeless person a meal, because there but for the grace of God go I.

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