Here's how some liberals are spinning the events in Korea


Platinum Member
Dec 25, 2009
They're spinning a potential armistice and denuclearization as BAD for America. Look at this trash.

Dejas Vous....isn't that what you guys were spinning about the Iran agreement?
hey, at least it's not another paranoid gun nut thread

which is nice

kudos :thup:
Facebook is the worst place to get news.
It is yet to be determined whether the meet up with NK is good or bad - there simply is no way to tell yet. Far to many variables.

But it is notable to see those who are cheerleading it are in large part those who poo poo'd the Iran negotiations.
Dejas Vous....isn't that what you guys were spinning about the Iran agreement?

I did that?

Did ANYONE HERE do what you have accused them of in your OP?

Has anyone here tried to spin the latest Korean news as a bad thing for America? Is that your question? I don't know. I found the above meme on a Facebook page called "Being Liberal".

Try harder. If your standard is what "YOU" have said, then don't hold others here to some other weird standard.

I'm a liberal. I've no negative take on what took place today between North and South Korea.

You found some retarded meme and decided to make a thread on it condemning all liberals.

I forced myself to watch CNN today and they haven't said the words North Korea in three hours....the biggest story of the year and they are talking about Comey the clown's book and some bimbo whore named Stormy....buuuuaaahahahahaha!
They're spinning a potential armistice and denuclearization as BAD for America. Look at this trash.

If you believe any country will ever voluntarily denuclearize again, you might want to review the assurances NATO gave Ukraine when they gave up their nukes, and the subsequent history of that country.

If you think anyone will take the United States' assurances on nuclear non-proliferation agreements, you might want to review Trump's rhetoric about the Iran deal.

The idea this is all neatly wrapped up is a fantasy.

Fun fact: the one issue Trump had with the GOP platform was that it backed giving Ukraine weapons to defend itself against the ongoing Russian occupation of significant parts of Ukrainian territory.
If Trump backs out of the Iran deal. Why would NK deal with him? They couldn't trust him/the US to honor any agreement. That's one disturbing element hanging over this.

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