Here's some things the liberals DIDN'T picket


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
Liberal protesters disrupting the airports because they don't want limitations on people who despise the country being allowed it

* The Aztecs used to kill their enemies by ripping out their heart and pushing down the side of the pyramid. They would probably be in shock by the amount of abortions we perform in the USA.

You never see the liberal picketing to save human life, fact they support abortion.

* When the drug epidemic was destroying our inner cities, we didn't see the liberals blocking the airport to stop that. They seem to think people should be as stupid as they want to be and do whatever drugs they want, AND seem to think it's ok for companies to profit off their drug addictions.

* When the gang epidemic was plaguing our inner cities, we didn't see the liberals standing around with signs to stop it. The liberals seem to ignore their heinous crimes they chose to commit, saying they're victims of their environment.

* When people get thrown in jail for gun ownership , which is defended by the Constitution, we don't see the liberals, so the Constitution must not be important to them.

* When honest people get harassed by the IRS and the federal government, we don't hear from the liberals, they seem to agree with government oppression.

Seems to me, the liberals are never around for the things that matter, they only show up for things that cross their agenda
Since the liberals don't want borders, vast numbers of Islamists brought in, think Sharia Law is acceptable, perhaps we should also have the Aztec and Mayan religions revived and use liberals as human sacrifices to their gods to ensure good crops yields.
I mean, one religion is as good as another.
What the fuck are you talking about . It's not terrorists being stopped.
* When the drug epidemic was destroying our inner cities, we didn't see the liberals blocking the airport to stop that. They seem to think people should be as stupid as they want to be and do whatever drugs they want, AND seem to think it's ok for companies to profit off their drug addictions.

Basically your whole thread is a made up princess story book...

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