heres the deal

Give us single payer and we'll fund your Wall(with gold if you wish!) and double the size of enforcement. Would this be a good deal?.

Single payer would bankrupt us.

LOL, no, it wouldn't you walking right wing talking point.

Give us single payer and we'll fund your Wall(with gold if you wish!) and double the size of enforcement. Would this be a good deal?.

Single payer would bankrupt us.

Doesn't bankrupt every other first world developed nation on earth and in fact cost about half as much as our current system.

You beggars are hilarious....
Imagine the level of healthcare we could offer if we stopped spending on illegal Mexicans and barely American anchor babies?
Imagine if we could get our bottom feeders to pull their heads from their asses and pull their own weight?
Imagine if our average individual income tax rate was 40% and equivalent to many of those AWESOME countries you speak of that offer free healthcare?
You people can't have it all...something's gotta give.
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Okay Mathew, you have my support for national healthcare. But we're not going to tax the rich to give to you. Instead, we should fund our national healthcare program with a consumption tax. Let's say fifteen cents on the dollar. As costs go up, we increase the consumption tax to eighteen cents on the dollar, twenty cents on the dollar and so on.

Are you still with me or what? That's fair for everybody even though liberals do not believe in true fairness.
Okay Mathew, you have my support for national healthcare. But we're not going to tax the rich to give to you. Instead, we should fund our national healthcare program with a consumption tax. Let's say fifteen cents on the dollar. As costs go up, we increase the consumption tax to eighteen cents on the dollar, twenty cents on the dollar and so on.

Are you still with me or what? That's fair for everybody even though liberals do not believe in true fairness.

Good job you really through the Tards for a loop...using arithmetic and economic jargon...haha
You know they don't care....they stand on American soil, they breathe oxygen and bleed red blood...... "Damnit, GIVE ME FREE SHIT!"
Okay Mathew, you have my support for national healthcare. But we're not going to tax the rich to give to you. Instead, we should fund our national healthcare program with a consumption tax. Let's say fifteen cents on the dollar. As costs go up, we increase the consumption tax to eighteen cents on the dollar, twenty cents on the dollar and so on.

Are you still with me or what? That's fair for everybody even though liberals do not believe in true fairness.

Good job you really through the Tards for a loop...using arithmetic and economic jargon...haha
You know they don't care....they stand on American soil, they breathe oxygen and bleed red blood...... "Damnit, GIVE ME FREE SHIT!"

Every single time a liberal supports a program, it usually doesn't cost them anything. Give me X, and send the bill to somebody else.

This is how they suckered people into Commie Care. Many of the leftists thought we would send the bill to the wealthy. Well.......they were close, they sent the bill to middle-class working people.

They got what they wanted though, free shit. And they think all social programs should work that way.

So what I'm suggesting is that if we want a new social program, let everybody pay for it equally. I'm all for it. The more you buy, the more you pay. Can't get much fairer than that because then the poor pay, the middle-class pay the upper middle-class pay and the wealthy pay. We all pay and we all enjoy.
Give us single payer and we'll fund your Wall(with gold if you wish!) and double the size of enforcement. Would this be a good deal?.

Single payer would bankrupt us.

Doesn't bankrupt every other first world developed nation on earth and in fact cost about half as much as our current system.

It has half of Europe on the verge of bankruptcy moron,

And they have their share of problems as well:

Obese patients and smokers banned from routine surgery in 'most severe ever' rationing in the NHS
Okay Mathew, you have my support for national healthcare. But we're not going to tax the rich to give to you. Instead, we should fund our national healthcare program with a consumption tax. Let's say fifteen cents on the dollar. As costs go up, we increase the consumption tax to eighteen cents on the dollar, twenty cents on the dollar and so on.

Are you still with me or what? That's fair for everybody even though liberals do not believe in true fairness.

Good job you really through the Tards for a loop...using arithmetic and economic jargon...haha
You know they don't care....they stand on American soil, they breathe oxygen and bleed red blood...... "Damnit, GIVE ME FREE SHIT!"

Every single time a liberal supports a program, it usually doesn't cost them anything. Give me X, and send the bill to somebody else.

This is how they suckered people into Commie Care. Many of the leftists thought we would send the bill to the wealthy. Well.......they were close, they sent the bill to middle-class working people.

They got what they wanted though, free shit. And they think all social programs should work that way.

So what I'm suggesting is that if we want a new social program, let everybody pay for it equally. I'm all for it. The more you buy, the more you pay. Can't get much fairer than that because then the poor pay, the middle-class pay the upper middle-class pay and the wealthy pay. We all pay and we all enjoy.

Being reasonable and applying rudimentary logic has never been a strong suit for the Left. The lowlife twisted Loons honestly believe they have a RIGHT to welfare and free shit, they've never viewed it as a privilege reserved for deserving folks that have truly fallen on hard times.
I love the idea of a consumption's kind of a no-brainer for a third grader.
Give us single payer and we'll fund your Wall(with gold if you wish!) and double the size of Ice enforcement. Would this be a good deal?.

If you need more I'd consider it.
An incredibly stupid offer .... bankrupt the country as long as you get yours, huh?
Give us single payer and we'll fund your Wall(with gold if you wish!) and double the size of enforcement. Would this be a good deal?.

Single payer would bankrupt us.

Doesn't bankrupt every other first world developed nation on earth and in fact cost about half as much as our current system.
Well, in fact it does ... take a look at the collapsing economies .... besides, other nations don't have the demographics or geography that we have ... both of which contribute to massive healthcare costs
We could get rid of medicade and medicare and put that money into single payer.
Pssst --- medicare and medicaid ARE single payer ---- how's that working for you now? Multiply that problem by 1,000 and then throw in the VA medical system problems ....
Single payer health care at the current level of quality and availability we have is impossible without bankrupting the country. The ONLY way a single payer system would work is if we have health care rationing and a dramatic decrease in the quality and availability of service. That's how it works in other countries and why their wealthy people elect to come here for health care.

If there were some way for us to implement some kind of "try it before you buy it" system, so that we could see how well we liked single payer first..... that would be awesome... I would be glad to sacrifice a decade of inadequate health care to illustrate to brain-dead morons on the left how their utopian idea fails and we could put this insane notion to rest. But the problem is, once you've DESTROYED the free market system, there is never any going back. The structure has been destroyed forever and you cannot get it back.

So we have to keep on fighting the hard heads on this. We have to keep on exposing the lies and refuting the Socialist propaganda, as they continue their march for nationalized care. No DEALS... go fuck yourself!
You liberals are in no position to bargain for anything. You've lost the WH, both halls of Congress, the majority of state governments, etc. You are at OUR mercy, not the other way around and we DON'T make deals with your party of traitors. Liberals are so arrogant they keep thinking they have any power to wield whatsoever! After abusing it to such an extreme that the voters flushed it down the toilet more than 1000 times over. You'll take what we give you and like it.
Takes a page from our President:

/rant on

This fucking shit right here is why our government can't get anything done, they spend all their time blackmailing each other with special interest pet project rider tack-on's and ultimately manage to accomplish jack shit.

/rant off

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