heres the deal

You liberals are in no position to bargain for anything. You've lost the WH, both halls of Congress, the majority of state governments, etc. You are at OUR mercy, not the other way around and we DON'T make deals with your party of traitors.

Could have fooled me the way some Republicans act once they DO get power.
Give us single payer and we'll fund your Wall(with gold if you wish!) and double the size of Ice enforcement. Would this be a good deal?.

If you need more I'd consider it.

How about Nixon\Kennedy plan instead, and no wall but better laws that will tackle the illegal hiring of illegals instead?
Give us single payer and we'll fund your Wall(with gold if you wish!) and double the size of Ice enforcement. Would this be a good deal?.

If you need more I'd consider it.
Give us a 100% fair flat tax and we will consider it. No more freeloading.

Fair flat tax, no expenditures for anyone. The tax rates would effectively shrink quickly as debt is paid off.
Give us single payer and we'll fund your Wall(with gold if you wish!) and double the size of Ice enforcement. Would this be a good deal?.

If you need more I'd consider it.

How about you get it to work in a Blue State first, preferably one with 10+ million in population.
Give us single payer and we'll fund your Wall(with gold if you wish!) and double the size of enforcement. Would this be a good deal?.

Single payer would bankrupt us.

Doesn't bankrupt every other first world developed nation on earth and in fact cost about half as much as our current system.

Those other countries don’t have tens of millions of bottom-feeders to take care of.
It has half of Europe on the verge of bankruptcy moron,

The US spends 97 Billion a year on foreign aid ... And Europe doesn't even pay all their bill with NATO or the UN.
We are everybody's daddy ... And paying child support.

You liberals are in no position to bargain for anything. You've lost the WH, both halls of Congress, the majority of state governments, etc. You are at OUR mercy, not the other way around and we DON'T make deals with your party of traitors.

Could have fooled me the way some Republicans act once they DO get power.

Because many RINO Republicans fellate as many muslim penises as liberals do. I don't identify as Republican either because of it. As much as I detest liberalfilth, I'm no fan of the R. party either. The crooked-as-Maui-Hana-Highway Bush family is completely Republican yet they sure love their fellatrix diet of muslim population-paste.
An incredibly stupid offer .... bankrupt the country as long as you get yours, huh?

Well, you wanted to bankrupt the country to fund your military imperialism in the other thread. lol.

That's always the story. The left is big on the social welfare state and the right is big on the military welfare state.
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With a thread title as ARROGANT as "Here's the Deal" when you liberals are THIS fucking defeated - HERE'S THE REAL DEAL: you can take your liberal bargaining and stick it into the bodily orifice of your choice when it's not busy with a muslim penile incursion. The spoiled, snobby-mouthy-punk arrogance of you liberals truly has to be seen to be believed. You're a grown biological male, Matty, when are you going to quit acting like a pissy, immature teenager, for Chrissakes!!?? You liberals will TAKE what we give you and LIKE it. After which you will smile and say, "thank you, sir." And you'd better sound sincere, because your party is now America's little bitch.
An incredibly stupid offer .... bankrupt the country as long as you get yours, huh?

Well, you wanted to bankrupt the country to fund your military emperialism in the other thread. lol.

That's always the story. The left is big on the social welfare state and the right is big on the military welfare state.

The US Constitution charges our representatives with the protection of this country. It does not say we should use our tax dollars to get HUD homes in the suburbs and let anybody live there.
The US Constitution charges our representatives with the protection of this country. It does not say we should use our tax dollars to get HUD homes in the suburbs and let anybody live there.

Defense spending and military spending are two entirely different things. The constitution also requires a declaration of war by congress to send our troops all over the world. Does it not? Not one bit of the trillions of dollars being printed out of thin air for that purpose is constitutional without a declaration of war. You're no less statist than the op by your model.

Stop the unconstitutional military spending and imperialism and bring them home and build bases here and then you can talk about defense spending. Not until then. Heck, I'd have more bases here at home than we do abroad. That's real defense spending.

We're trillions of dollars in debt.
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The US Constitution charges our representatives with the protection of this country. It does not say we should use our tax dollars to get HUD homes in the suburbs and let anybody live there.

Defense spending and military spending are two entirely different things. The constitution also requires a declaration of war by congress to send our troops all over the world. Does it not? Not one bit of the trillions of dollars being spent for that purpose is constitutional without a declaration of war.

Stop the unconstitutional military spending and emperialism and bring them home and build bases here and then you can talk about defense spending. Not until then. Heck, I'd have more bases here at home than we do abroad. That's real defense spending.

We're trillions of dollars in debt.
For god’s sake man. It is spelled imperialism.
Give us single payer and we'll fund your Wall(with gold if you wish!) and double the size of Ice enforcement. Would this be a good deal?.

If you need more I'd consider it.

So 90 trillion dollars compared to 50 million is a fair deal?
An incredibly stupid offer .... bankrupt the country as long as you get yours, huh?

Well, you wanted to bankrupt the country to fund your military imperialism in the other thread. lol.

That's always the story. The left is big on the social welfare state and the right is big on the military welfare state.

At least with the military we get good union middle class jobs, they defend our nation and every cheap skate liberal socialist utopia on earth .

With the trillions we spent on welfare since LBJ war on poverty we still have the same shit..


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