heres the deal

... written by author and avid conspiracy theorist G. Edward Griffin.

The Story Behind ‘The Creature From Jekyll Island,’ the Anti-Fed Conspiracy Theory Bible

That was all you had to say and we would have dismissed it outright.

You have to be really indoctrinated to not even look at something because someone else told you not to.

Keep believing the lies, keep supporting wars based on lies and deceit. I guarantee you that one day you'll see the reality.
they defend our nation

Yeah. Keep thinking that...


OK. Let's start letting people fly with anything they want - loaded guns, knives, bombs, and see how long it takes before you demand the government ensure your security.
... written by author and avid conspiracy theorist G. Edward Griffin.

The Story Behind ‘The Creature From Jekyll Island,’ the Anti-Fed Conspiracy Theory Bible

That was all you had to say and we would have dismissed it outright.

You have to be really indoctrinated to not even look at something because someone else told you not to.

Keep believing the lies, keep supporting wars based on lies and deceit. I guarantee you that one day you'll see the reality.

I actually looked at about 5 reviews and they all agreed. The author is a nut case.

War was my business for many years. I think I might know a little about it.
That was all you had to say and we would have dismissed it outright.

How about a 12 term Congressman, Admiral Statist? who, btw, received more money from active military personel in his 2008 and 2012 runs than all other so called 'conservative' candidates combined. Which speaks volumes for the troops views on these wars and our leadership. How do you like that, Mr. war is my business?

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Give us single payer and we'll fund your Wall(with gold if you wish!) and double the size of Ice enforcement. Would this be a good deal?.

If you need more I'd consider it.

Single payer is unafordable matthew. CA tried it and the cost was DOUBLE what the entire State budget is.
I actually looked at about 5 reviews and they all agreed. The author is a nut case.

You probably think Ron Paul is a nutcase too, don't you? If you surround yourself with neocons and listen only to controlled mainstream media news sources, it's no wonder that you think the way you do.
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What inflation?


Do you not understand what happens when we print money? Because everyone is going to laugh at you if I have to explain it to you.

What is the current inflation rate?

I am betting you are just a naive, young liberal because you don;'t have a clue as to what real inflation looks like. Ever had a home loan at 16% interest?

Ever sat in a gas line praying you'll have enough gas to make it to the pump when the time comes?
He's not indoctrinated, but it looks like you have been getting your fill at the liberal feeding trough.

Do you know that the temr liberal is the most misused word in the American political lexicon? Its'a true story. It's because of people like you.

Here. Learn - Ludwig von Mises and the Real Meaning of Liberalism | Richard M. Ebeling

Oh, no! Not another whack job! I'll just put you on ignore. You are incapable of being educated if you read that bullshit!
With the trillions we spent on welfare since LBJ war on poverty we still have the same shit..

If all the money we have spent overseas since World War II ended had been left in this country to let wealth grow, there would not be so many people using food stamps, the middle class would not be dwindling, and the jobs situation would be better in America.

I doubt it...probably be red dawn..

The poor, middle class, and seniors are dwindling because of the monetary policy.They're being wiped out with inflation as a consequence of monetizing debt.

They really need to read the book The Creature From Jekyll Island, by G.Edward Griffin. Then they'll get so angry at how we've been lied to and cheated… that they'll finally wake the hell up and stop supporting the frauds they keep voting for. That goes for both "sides."

They really need to read the book The Creature From Jekyll Island, by G.Edward Griffin.

Why? For a good laugh?
What a crap filled waste of ink and paper.

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