heres the deal

I'll just put you on ignore.

That's a good idea, Rambo. It would be in your interest to do that.

Here's an idea for you! KMA!

I have a similar idea for you Islam-loving RINO Bush supporters: how about you instead kiss MY ass.

I don't care is you don't support Bush, but you have no right to lie about it. That's a liberal M.O. for certain.
He's not indoctrinated, but it looks like you have been getting your fill at the liberal feeding trough.

Do you know that the temr liberal is the most misused word in the American political lexicon? Its'a true story. It's because of people like you.

Here. Learn - Ludwig von Mises and the Real Meaning of Liberalism | Richard M. Ebeling

Another screw up when progressives decided they rather be liberals.

They decided not to be liberals anymore. They made the switch to Progressives. Liberalism developed too much of a stigma.
Yeah, like opposing abortions, claiming to be for smaller govt yet increased their power and now you have a Progressive president you love....

Bad new for you....Hillary lost.
is hillary a progressive - Bing video
He's not indoctrinated, but it looks like you have been getting your fill at the liberal feeding trough.

Do you know that the temr liberal is the most misused word in the American political lexicon? Its'a true story. It's because of people like you.

Here. Learn - Ludwig von Mises and the Real Meaning of Liberalism | Richard M. Ebeling

Another screw up when progressives decided they rather be liberals.

They decided not to be liberals anymore. They made the switch to Progressives. Liberalism developed too much of a stigma.
Yeah, like opposing abortions, claiming to be for smaller govt yet increased their power and now you have a Progressive president you love....

I don't love any politician, but given the fact Trump had no political experience, he's not doing too bad of a job.

When did Republicans increase power? Against whom? What do you consider "progressive" about Trump?
What do you read to get your whackjob 411?

I have an education, unlike most of the denizens of this message board. One of my best friends was a big von Mises fan, until I destroyed every argument he could come up with.
I like my friends got degrees yet I stalled at getting a PHD in philosophy..

Wow, a bachelors in philosophy....must have gotten quite the trophy for that.

So, in other words he has a degree that is absolutely worthless, yet he questions other's educations. Typicla liberal know-nothing is what we have here.
You have an education in what, rhetoric?

Don't even broach the subject because a philosophy degree should tell you not to go into a battle of wits unarmed, which would definitely be the case with you.
The neocons here are not that different than the "liberals" when it comes to spending money we don't have, and not understanding what is actually happening in this world. These people need to turn off the boob tube, for starters.

Nope. You're right. Statists.

They don't understand our keynesian monetary policy. They think we have capitalism. Therefore they don't know why they're statists.
He's not indoctrinated, but it looks like you have been getting your fill at the liberal feeding trough.

Do you know that the temr liberal is the most misused word in the American political lexicon? Its'a true story. It's because of people like you.

Here. Learn - Ludwig von Mises and the Real Meaning of Liberalism | Richard M. Ebeling

Another screw up when progressives decided they rather be liberals.

They decided not to be liberals anymore. They made the switch to Progressives. Liberalism developed too much of a stigma.
Yeah, like opposing abortions, claiming to be for smaller govt yet increased their power and now you have a Progressive president you love....

Bad new for you....Hillary lost.
is hillary a progressive - Bing video
Trump is playing progressive politics, how can you be so blind to not see it? He's fundamentally changing the system and making it progressive to change....Duh...
Do you know that the temr liberal is the most misused word in the American political lexicon? Its'a true story. It's because of people like you.

Here. Learn - Ludwig von Mises and the Real Meaning of Liberalism | Richard M. Ebeling

Another screw up when progressives decided they rather be liberals.

They decided not to be liberals anymore. They made the switch to Progressives. Liberalism developed too much of a stigma.
Yeah, like opposing abortions, claiming to be for smaller govt yet increased their power and now you have a Progressive president you love....

Bad new for you....Hillary lost.
is hillary a progressive - Bing video
Trump is playing progressive politics, how can you be so blind to not see it? He's fundamentally changing the system and making it progressive to change....Duh...

You mean fundamentally changing the system that Obama fundamentally changed, thus changing it back to a better working system. Sorry, forgot the....duh.
I'll just put you on ignore.

That's a good idea, Rambo. It would be in your interest to do that.

Here's an idea for you! KMA!

I have a similar idea for you Islam-loving RINO Bush supporters: how about you instead kiss MY ass.

I don't care is you don't support Bush, but you have no right to lie about it. That's a liberal M.O. for certain.

No it's NOT, you stupid little thing! It's a PROVEN FACT that the Bush family is intertwined with the oil-rich, Islam hate-bloodbath and has been for decades. I HATE liberals and I HATE Bushes for all the crooked, corrupt, Islam-loving you brought into this country. While nowhere near as bad as the liberal Obamaggot, I'm still convinced that you Bush-lovers are almost the Pisslam whores that Obama lovers are. Traitor. Liar. Like I said, you Bush-lovers are almost as revolting to me as liberalfilth are.
I have an education, unlike most of the denizens of this message board. One of my best friends was a big von Mises fan, until I destroyed every argument he could come up with.
I like my friends got degrees yet I stalled at getting a PHD in philosophy..

Wow, a bachelors in philosophy....must have gotten quite the trophy for that.

So, in other words he has a degree that is absolutely worthless, yet he questions other's educations. Typicla liberal know-nothing is what we have here.
You have an education in what, rhetoric?

Don't even broach the subject because a philosophy degree should tell you not to go into a battle of wits unarmed, which would definitely be the case with you.
Just for your 411 there is more than one subject in the study of hair splitting...
Another screw up when progressives decided they rather be liberals.

They decided not to be liberals anymore. They made the switch to Progressives. Liberalism developed too much of a stigma.
Yeah, like opposing abortions, claiming to be for smaller govt yet increased their power and now you have a Progressive president you love....

Bad new for you....Hillary lost.
is hillary a progressive - Bing video
Trump is playing progressive politics, how can you be so blind to not see it? He's fundamentally changing the system and making it progressive to change....Duh...

You mean fundamentally changing the system that Obama fundamentally changed, thus changing it back to a better working system. Sorry, forgot the....duh.
Oblama didn't change the entire system nor did he create it...
Didn't I already put an Islam-loving traitor like you on ignore, ADMIRAL?? Why are we still communicating? But yes, I wish on Bush-loving RINO Islam supporters the same misery I wish on Obama Islam supporters. Is your Bush-loving brain simply too stupid to understand a basic, non-partisan aspect of treason like that??? How about you Bush fans leave me alone and find a nice muslim penis with which to fall in love??? You Bush fans are NO DIFFERENT from Obamaggot fans, both of you have a bellyful of muslim semen.
Last edited:
I'll just put you on ignore.

That's a good idea, Rambo. It would be in your interest to do that.

Here's an idea for you! KMA!

I have a similar idea for you Islam-loving RINO Bush supporters: how about you instead kiss MY ass.

I don't care is you don't support Bush, but you have no right to lie about it. That's a liberal M.O. for certain.

No it's NOT, you stupid little thing! It's a PROVEN FACT that the Bush family is intertwined with the oil-rich, Islam hate-bloodbath and has been for decades. I HATE liberals and I HATE Bushes for all the crooked, corrupt, Islam-loving you brought into this country. While nowhere near as bad as the liberal Obamaggot, I'm still convinced that you Bush-lovers are almost the Pisslam whores that Obama lovers are. Traitor. Liar. Like I said, you Bush-lovers are almost as revolting to me as liberalfilth are.

Like I have said before, you don't get to lie about anyone. Why do you want to be lower than a scum-sucking liberal?

I don't like Islam either, but there are many peaceful Muslims that should not be lumped in with the brand of Islam perverted by the extremists. Killing them just because of their religion is what their radicals do to them and to us.
Didn't I already put an Islam-loving traitor like you on ignore, ADMIRAL?? Why are we still communicationg. But yes, I wish on Bush-loving RINO Islam supporters the same misery I wish on Obama Islam supporters? Is your Bush-loving brain simply too stupid to understand a basic, non-partisan aspect of treason like that???

You need help. I suggest you get it as soon as possible.
I like my friends got degrees yet I stalled at getting a PHD in philosophy..

Wow, a bachelors in philosophy....must have gotten quite the trophy for that.

So, in other words he has a degree that is absolutely worthless, yet he questions other's educations. Typicla liberal know-nothing is what we have here.
You have an education in what, rhetoric?

Don't even broach the subject because a philosophy degree should tell you not to go into a battle of wits unarmed, which would definitely be the case with you.
Just for your 411 there is more than one subject in the study of hair splitting...

How would you know? You apparently split all of your hairs long ago.
... written by author and avid conspiracy theorist G. Edward Griffin.

The Story Behind ‘The Creature From Jekyll Island,’ the Anti-Fed Conspiracy Theory Bible

That was all you had to say and we would have dismissed it outright.

You have to be really indoctrinated to not even look at something because someone else told you not to.

Keep believing the lies, keep supporting wars based on lies and deceit. I guarantee you that one day you'll see the reality.

I actually looked at about 5 reviews and they all agreed. The author is a nut case.

War was my business for many years. I think I might know a little about it.

I actually looked at about 5 reviews and they all agreed. The author is a nut case.

I started to read it.......had to stop when the stupid errors started piling up.
I actually looked at about 5 reviews and they all agreed. The author is a nut case.

You probably think Ron Paul is a nutcase too, don't you? If you surround yourself with neocons and listen only to controlled mainstream media news sources, it's no wonder that you think the way you do.

You probably think Ron Paul is a nutcase too, don't you?

I do.....because he is.
What inflation?


Do you not understand what happens when we print money? Because everyone is going to laugh at you if I have to explain it to you.

Do you not understand what happens when we print money?

The Fed hasn't "printed money" since October 2014.

This is a laughable response. We've been printing money for years. And, again, 21 trilion in debt. The middle class is being wiped out. We're broke.

This is a laughable response.

You can laugh at it. It's true though.

We've been printing money for years.

Yup. But the Fed has held their balance sheet steady since QE3 ended, October 2014.

And, again, 21 trilion in debt.

Yup. The government spends way too much. Nothing to do with the Fed or printed money.
I do.....because he is.

Well. As was said, he received more money from active military personal than all other candidates combined in two elections. That speaks volumes for the way our service men and women feel about the endless wars and about our politicians.

Oh, and by the way, the man predicted the housing collapse in 2003 before it happened when all of your so called economists didn't. The same thing, btw, that's happening to our dollar and economy now. He's saying the same thing I'm telling you now in this thread with all of your spending and further devaluation of our currency with your endless military welfare.

Last edited:
What inflation?


Do you not understand what happens when we print money? Because everyone is going to laugh at you if I have to explain it to you.

Do you not understand what happens when we print money?

The Fed hasn't "printed money" since October 2014.

This is a laughable response. We've been printing money for years. And, again, 21 trilion in debt. The middle class is being wiped out. We're broke.

This is a laughable response.

You can laugh at it. It's true though.

We've been printing money for years.

Yup. But the Fed has held their balance sheet steady since QE3 ended, October 2014.

And, again, 21 trilion in debt.

Yup. The government spends way too much. Nothing to do with the Fed or printed money.

Ha. Go play with your crayons, this discussion isn't for you.

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