heres the deal

I do.....because he is.

Well. As was said, he received more money from active military personal than all other candidates combined in two elections. That speaks volumes for the way our service men and women feel about the endless wars and about our politicians.

Oh, and by the way, the man predicted the housing collapse in 2003 before it happened whe nall of your so called economists didn't. The same thing, btw, that's happening to our dollar now. He'ssaying th same thing I'm telling you now in this thread with all of your spending and further devaluation of our currency with your endless military welfare.

Well. As was said, he received more money from active military personal than all other candidates combined in two elections.

I doubt that claim.

Oh, and by the way, the man predicted the housing collapse in 2003

So what if he did?

The same thing, btw, that's happening to our dollar now.

What's happening to our dollar now?
What inflation?


Do you not understand what happens when we print money? Because everyone is going to laugh at you if I have to explain it to you.

Do you not understand what happens when we print money?

The Fed hasn't "printed money" since October 2014.

This is a laughable response. We've been printing money for years. And, again, 21 trilion in debt. The middle class is being wiped out. We're broke.

This is a laughable response.

You can laugh at it. It's true though.

We've been printing money for years.

Yup. But the Fed has held their balance sheet steady since QE3 ended, October 2014.

And, again, 21 trilion in debt.

Yup. The government spends way too much. Nothing to do with the Fed or printed money.

Ha. Go play with your crayons, this discussion isn't for you.

Tell me how much the Fed has printed since October 2014.............
Tell me how much the Fed has printed since October 2014.............

It's irrelevant. And, repectfully, if you weren't being as shallow as a mud puddle, you'd understand what I'm saying to you here. You're not getting the picture here. You people are calling the leftists staists, but your side is just as statist. In fact your side is why all of the other social welfare is dry. They're borrowing it from the social programs for the militarism.
Tell me how much the Fed has printed since October 2014.............

It's irrelevant. And, repectfully, if you weren't being as shallow as a mud puddle, you'd understand what I'm saying to you here. You're not getting the picture here. You people are calling the leftists staists, but your side is just as statist. In fact your side is why all of the other social welfare is dry. They're borrowing it from the social programs for the militarism.

It's irrelevant.

LOL! It's zero.
The neocons here are not that different than the "liberals" when it comes to spending money we don't have, and not understanding what is actually happening in this world. These people need to turn off the boob tube, for starters.

I want to shake my head in disbelief but at this point you just have to chuckle. lol.
LOL! It's zero.

It doesn't matter about the last three years. We're 21 trillion in the hole because of that policy's existence.

And I'll tell you something else. They've adopted a consumer index pricing into the tax plan. Which will allow them to lie about the inflation further. If you even understand that. Which I doubt.
I do.....because he is.

Well. As was said, he received more money from active military personal than all other candidates combined in two elections. That speaks volumes for the way our service men and women feel about the endless wars and about our politicians.

Oh, and by the way, the man predicted the housing collapse in 2003 before it happened whe nall of your so called economists didn't. The same thing, btw, that's happening to our dollar now. He'ssaying th same thing I'm telling you now in this thread with all of your spending and further devaluation of our currency with your endless military welfare.

Thanks for replying to him. I actually get sad when I see people who are so thoroughly duped, and completely lack insight and discernment. That's one of the reasons I left, many years ago.

Heheh. This is humorous. You don't know what I'm talking about, do you?

Here. Here's what we have going on. It's only 5 minutes, it won't kill you.

I couldn't watch the entire thing. I knew where it was going and at my age, there is only so much stripper music I can take.

But as my chart has shown, inflation is well under control. Wish I can say the same for spending.

Welfare is a much greater concern for the county:

CRS Report: Welfare Spending The Largest Item In The Federal Budget

Ranking Member Sessions and the minority staff of the Senate Budget Committee requested from the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service (CRS) an overview of cumulative means-tested federal welfare spending in the United States in the most recent year for which data is available (fiscal year 2011). The results are staggering. CRS identified 83 overlapping federal welfare programs that together represented the single largest budget item in 2011—more than the nation spends on Social Security, Medicare, or national defense. The total amount spent on these 80-plus federal welfare programs amounts to roughly $1.03 trillion. Importantly, these figures solely refer to means-tested welfare benefits. They exclude entitlement programs to which people contribute (e.g., Social Security and Medicare). The Largest Item In The Federal Budget.pdf
LOL! It's zero.

It doesn't matter about the last three years. We're 21 trillion in the hole because of that policy's existence.

And I'll tell you something else. They've adopted a consumer index pricing into the tax plan. Which will allow them to lie about the inflation further. If you even understand that. Which I doubt.

It doesn't matter about the last three years.

Okay, talk about all the printing they did since 2008.
Did it cause inflation? How much?
Thanks for replying to him. I actually get sad when I see people who are so thoroughly duped, and completely lack insight and discernment. That's one of the reasons I left, many years ago.

They just don't understand economics. I can't blame them for not knowing. It's just so darned funny when they get so obnoxious combined with the ignorance. I'm literally laughing over here.

Hey did you see that vid I posted where Ron called the housing collapse before it happened as a consequence of the keynesian monetary policy? The same thing is happening now. But these people just don't get it.

I'm gonna find something else to do. lol. I'm wasting my time here tonight.
Oh, and by the way, the man predicted the housing collapse in 2003 before it happened when all of your so called economists didn't. The same thing, btw, that's happening to our dollar and economy now. He's saying the same thing I'm telling you now in this thread with all of your spending and further devaluation of our currency with your endless military welfare.

Let's see, the feds rewrote the lending regulations so that people with no or bad credit history, no money down, could buy a home. Gee, who could have predicted that would be a problem??? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
What does military spending have to do with wealth, food stamps or the middle-class?

We have more wealthy people than any country in the world. Our so-called poor live in larger homes with more amenities than working people of Europe. Many industries (like mine) can't find enough workers. It's been so bad they've been bringing in foreigners to do the work they can't find Americans for. And our middle-class is dwindling because of consumer demand--not military spending. Everybody wants cheap products today no matter where they come from. Add automation to that problem and it's easy to see what happened to the middle-class.

The poor, middle class, and seniors are dwindling because of the monetary policy.They're being wiped out with inflation as a consequence of printing moey backed by nothing and then monetizing debt. The dollar is down 98% since WWII.

You suck at quoting, I said none of that correct your post.
Single payer health care is minimal health care and no health care if they can get away with it.
An incredibly stupid offer .... bankrupt the country as long as you get yours, huh?

Well, you wanted to bankrupt the country to fund your military imperialism in the other thread. lol.

That's always the story. The left is big on the social welfare state and the right is big on the military welfare state.
More liberal nonsense ... unjustifiable bumper sticker material.
With the trillions we spent on welfare since LBJ war on poverty we still have the same shit..

If all the money we have spent overseas since World War II ended had been left in this country to let wealth grow, there would not be so many people using food stamps, the middle class would not be dwindling, and the jobs situation would be better in America.
Once again ---- unjustifiable pablum.

You excel in that, don't you?
No, defense spending is military spending since it's only the military can defend this country from attackers of another country.

As for a declaration of war, we haven't had a declaration of war since WWII. They conveniently call them police actions or some other such terms. But nothing in the Constitution requires a declaration of war to send troops anywhere or build arms for defense.

Whether you agree with it or not, our military overseas is so that we don't have to wait until our homeland is attacked first. We used to do it that way, and then 911 happened.

My goodness. You're fully indoctrinated, aren't you?
GREAT response!!!

Way to address the issue ....

Rule 4a. When lacking a cogent or coherent counter-argument, attack the poster.

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