Here's the fraud

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Forcing only goes _forward_. Why would you think it's retroactive?


CO2 follows temperature, and temperature follows CO2. For some reason, you can't grasp that both are happening.

CO2 lagged temperature over the entire 450,000 year data set. Do you know the chart disagrees with your "CO2 forces" hunch?

Do you know what "forces" means?
Of course it does. The northern and southern hemisphere have very different percentages of land and ocean, which determines the amount of sunlight absorbed.

And so your theory faceplants.

That averages out over the year ... dear heart ... the sunlight absorbed is the same (less albedo) ... land temperatures rise faster in summer and cool faster in winter ... thus the balance over the full year ... maybe 0.02ºC warmer due to overall global warming ...
Not gonna work. Even IF i wanted to. My 90 yr old mother in law living upstairs would be dead in a couple days if her room wasn't at 73 or below. You really trying to KILL people that quickly or what?

<emotional blackmail back atcha> :stir::meow:

Look -- right now I'M worried about FREEZING to death in the middle of July downstairs where all that cold air ends up !!! Have some sympathy for both of us...

You're the one made of money ...

What better things does that small wood gathering kid in Africa have to do? LOL. Not like he's gonna get a diploma and move to the big city.. Send him a solar panel and old fashioned lead/acid car battery. An incandescent bulb gives off a lot of heat if you tape up all the holes in your shack.

Not much need for heating in tropical Africa ... the wood is to cook with ... how many solar panels for a single 2500 watt hot plate? ... my guess is about 6 months wages worth, when sold on the black market ...
If you bought that crap at Home Depot -- it's useless dust by now. Until they make a product that LASTS longer than 2 years -- I've stopped stewing about it with a clean conscience.

BUT -- my redeeming quality is ---- I am an extremist on recycling. Even tho I know much of goes overseas and gets dumped in the ocean.

We didn't have Home Depots back then ... but the materials would have been the same ... sourced from the same manufacturers ... I can get 20 years for doors and windows in a rental unit, so homeowner should get 40 years ... my own home was re-doored in the 1950's and she needs it again ... steel doors should last the century ...

The secret is to not buy the crap at these places ... if all they have is crap, then go someplace else ... Crud, Corrosion and Beyond ... and spend some money cheapskate ... that's the grandmother of your children, she deserves better from you ...
I'm correct. You're a cult imbecile.
Says the imbecile who just argued that CO2 saved the planet from cooling.
Now, tell us all about how that makes orbital forcing impossible, preferably with something besides your usual "BECAUSE I SAY SO!".

Also tell us just how glaciation periods begin and end, since you seem to be implying that orbital forcing has no effect at all.
I love it when you make incorrect assumptions of what I believe and why I believe it.

If you're going to lie, at least tell lies that aren't so easily debunked. We've been lied to by experts, and the poor quality of your lies is insulting.
That graphic proves my point. How is it possible that these warming and cooling trends occurred?


δ18O from the GISP2 ice core for the past 10,000 years

Says the imbecile who just argued that CO2 saved the planet from cooling.
Being that it's a greenhouse gas, of course it's warmed the planet. Why does that simple fact trigger you so?

Nobody ever said "saved" of course, except you.

That graphic proves my point. How is it possible that these warming and cooling trends occurred?
As usual, you're not making any sense. Nobody said that warming and cooling trends never occurred naturally, so you're attacking another one of yoru stupid strawmen.
CO2 is a forcing and a feedback.

It's not that complicated. A bright grade-schooler can grasp it, but you can't. You shouldn't be bothering the adults.

cracking me up!!! So when CO2 peaks and temperature drops, is that the forcing or feedback?

This new learning amazes me!

Not with an elliptical orbit.

Come on, learn the basics.

Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion require a constant semi-major axis length, look it up in your old calculus textbook ... which lines up well with the solstices ... so it's near the equinoxes where eccentricity bring us closer to the Sun, currently only 20,000 km closer and decreasing to what appears to be less than 1,000 km ... 10 ppm if you will ...

I'll leave it to you to calculate irradiation differences ... remember, it's the difference between the inverse squares, not the inverse square of the difference ... and then it's your fourth root to get temperature difference ...

C'mon big boy, don't be afraid of a little algebra ...

The important point is our orbit is become more circular, which swings our planet further away from the Sun ... causing perhaps as much as a thousandth of a degree temperature change per century ...
Being that it's a greenhouse gas, of course it's warmed the planet. Why does that simple fact trigger you so?

Nobody ever said "saved" of course, except you.
Except it didn't. Correlation does not prove causation. The geologic record is littered with examples of warming and cooling trends that were not caused by CO2 or orbital forcing. You have mistakenly correlated the recent warming trend to CO2 despite the geologic record being littered with warming and cooling trends that were not caused by CO2 or orbital forcing. Arguing that there can be no other causes for the recent warming trend is disingenuous. The geologic record is littered with examples. This is especially true ever since the planet transitioned from a greenhouse planet to an icehouse planet 3 million years ago. Climate fluctuations and environmental uncertainties are hallmarks of our bipolar glaciated world which has different glaciation thresholds at each pole.

The only correlation between temperature and CO2 on a planetary scale that is known with any certainty is from the time before the industrial revolution. Prior to the industrial revolution CO2 was a proxy for temperature. This is a fact that no one disputes. Since that time man's emissions have broken the correlation between temperature and CO2. We know this with 100% certainty because we are 2C cooler than in the past with 120 ppm more CO2.

As usual, you're not making any sense. Nobody said that warming and cooling trends never occurred naturally, so you're attacking another one of yoru stupid strawmen.
Show me using the so called radiative forcing components which natural causes can cause warming and cooling trends USING THE RADIATIVE FORCING THAT IS SHOWN IN THAT GRAPHIC FOR NATURAL CAUSES.
The major oil companies have been investing in research for emissions reduction and alternative energy sources for 40 years at universities all over the world. Look at KAUST, Caltech, Sanford and others.
So no one actually said that. So, you have made up a quote that no one said to attempt to throw some shade on greens, whoever they are. As if I said that Toddsterpatriot said "I always lie and have no morals of any sort"

Since no one said we have only 12 years to live, your attempted defense for nuclear waste is a complete failure.

I was talking about an intentional, willful attempt to deceive the public so as to keep making money hand over fist. Except for the money, I guess you've got them matched.
I know Cortez has said we only have 12 years left but that was like 2019, so we are down to 9 years left according to her.
Except it didn't. Correlation does not prove causation. The geologic record is littered with examples of warming and cooling trends that were not caused by CO2 or orbital forcing. You have mistakenly correlated the recent warming trend to CO2 despite the geologic record being littered with warming and cooling trends that were not caused by CO2 or orbital forcing. Arguing that there can be no other causes for the recent warming trend is disingenuous. The geologic record is littered with examples. This is especially true ever since the planet transitioned from a greenhouse planet to an icehouse planet 3 million years ago. Climate fluctuations and environmental uncertainties are hallmarks of our bipolar glaciated world which has different glaciation thresholds at each pole.

The only correlation between temperature and CO2 on a planetary scale that is known with any certainty is from the time before the industrial revolution. Prior to the industrial revolution CO2 was a proxy for temperature. This is a fact that no one disputes. Since that time man's emissions have broken the correlation between temperature and CO2. We know this with 100% certainty because we are 2C cooler than in the past with 120 ppm more CO2.

Show me using the so called radiative forcing components which natural causes can cause warming and cooling trends USING THE RADIATIVE FORCING THAT IS SHOWN IN THAT GRAPHIC FOR NATURAL CAUSES.

I count 24 of the past 42 years where temperature correlates to carbon dioxide ... 18 years where there is no correlation ... 57% correlation ratio where flipping a coin is 50% correlation ratio ...

We can manage a 49% correlation ratio in a Nevada casino if we're careful ...
The major oil companies have been investing in research for emissions reduction and alternative energy sources for 40 years at universities all over the world. Look at KAUST, Caltech, Sanford and others.
And produce a product that is intended to be burned. :rolleyes:
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