Here's the fraud

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Again...the AGW cheerleaders get all caught up in the deniers vs true believers if it is mattering :iyfyus.jpg:

This has been going on in this forum for over 13 years!!
And what does the AGW contingent have to celebrate?
Incandescent light bulb legislation:cul2:

They spike footballs on symbolic stuff only, "All you deniers don't know science're idiots!"

Well take a bow...nobody is caring about climate change...still. For Christsakes, what thread DOMINATES this forum? A thread by skeptics with over 8,000 posts :eusa_dance::fingerscrossed::fingerscrossed:

What's the analogy with these bozos?

It's like they are a woman all proud of her boob job and flaunts that she increased her boobs 100%!!
But she was flat chested to begin with....Drrrrrr.

The "science" hasn't mattered for 20 years in the real world.

Enjoy the group navel gazing!!

God I love this forum....

Only come in for a cup of coffee these days because frankly, the climate k00ks bring nothing new for years now and the Green New Deal has now gone the way of the VCR.

But still a hoot making fun of progressives....never gets old:eusa_dance::rock:
Look at Sri Lanka. In civil revolt and starving from MANDATES requiring ONLY ORGANIC farming which is failing COMPLETELY there because of "small subsistence" size farms. They're going BANKRUPT without exports food and their energy grid has been IGNORED because of "green weenie" policies.

WHY? Because of ESG. The dude in charge there wanted the HIGHEST ESG score for Sri Lanka and HE GOT THERE by ruining farming, energy, and his economy.

They GOT an ESG score in the HIGH 90s -- right before the civilians took over his palace.

This ESG madness is happening ALL OVER THE globe, look at the farmer revolt in the Netherlands. And what Brandon is doing trying to get SEC to MANDATE ESG reports for all corporations.

There's gonna be DEAD BODIES if the plan is to buy an electric car and have it wind/solar charged.

I agree with what you said -- but as far as "human suffering" goes, we now have AMPLE evidence of how much human suffering can occur if GOVTS take it upon THEMSELVES to redesign entire sectors of energy, transport, agriculture to attempt to fix a problem that could be resolved by adopting widespread 3rd and 4th gen nuclear, hydrogen fueled transport made from OFF-GRID solar/wind and waiting on newer tech to come along.

THAT amount of potential human suffering would be unfathomable and sick.

I was thinking the human suffering from want ... [raises eyebrow] ... what did you think I meant? ...

Global warming is the solution, government shouldn't try to fix it ... we have time to develop nuclear, so let's take our time and design safe reliable affordable power plants ... unless we have hydro ... then use that ...

And use less energy ... that's simple to do right now ... kill your A/C ... when common sense ends is when government takes over ...
30 years ago they made predictions that never happened too.
The world hasn't continued to warm? The poles haven't been melting? Sea level hasn't risen? Weather events haven't intensified? Crops haven't failed? Those predictions HAVE come to be. Fool.
Chick must have me on ignore ... time to file another notch on the top of my computer ...
If by "Chick" you mean me, then, no, I do not have you on ignore. Of course that doesn't mean I find anything you've posted to be worth a response.
Look at Sri Lanka. In civil revolt and starving from MANDATES requiring ONLY ORGANIC farming which is failing COMPLETELY there because of "small subsistence" size farms. They're going BANKRUPT without exports food and their energy grid has been IGNORED because of "green weenie" policies.

WHY? Because of ESG. The dude in charge there wanted the HIGHEST ESG score for Sri Lanka and HE GOT THERE by ruining farming, energy, and his economy.

They GOT an ESG score in the HIGH 90s -- right before the civilians took over his palace.

This ESG madness is happening ALL OVER THE globe, look at the farmer revolt in the Netherlands. And what Brandon is doing trying to get SEC to MANDATE ESG reports for all corporations.

There's gonna be DEAD BODIES if the plan is to buy an electric car and have it wind/solar charged.
Sri Lanka? Sri Lanka? Are they the only nation on the planet instituting green policies? That's pretty pathetic dude.
70 responses to this post and so far (unless I missed it) not one single serious attempt to refute the OP's claim.
The denier cult losers here are a dedicated bunch of political/religious cultists, I'll give them that.

If they see any thread that introduces facts, they all jump in immediately and try to troll it to death with their library of Russian-generated memes and their entirely faked propaganda.

We get it, deniers. You can't debate the facts, and you know it, so you see trolling as your only option. No need to keep hammering on that point.

lol....where is your side winning sweetie besides on random community message boards in the nether sphere if the internet? Please provide the evidence....with links please!

If your side were winning, renewable energy would have grown in leaps and bounds over the past 20 years. But its still fringe.

What that means is that the "science" is not mattering in the real world. The discussion of climate science is what it has always been: a hobby.


The dedicated bunch of political/religious cultists continue to do all the winning....which in life, is the only thing that matters! :popcorn: :popcorn:

The world hasn't continued to warm?
Yes, for the past 20,000 years or so.
The poles haven't been melting?
Yes, for the past 20,000 years or so. But mainly the northern hemisphere which has a higher temperature threshold than the southern hemisphere for extensive continental glaciation.
Sea level hasn't risen?
Yes, for the past 20,000 years or so. The rate of change is the same for the last 6,000 years.
Weather events haven't intensified?
Not anymore than usual.
Crops haven't failed?
Not anymore than usual.
Those predictions HAVE come to be. Fool.
All normal events for an interglacial cycle.

The native state of our planet with its current land mass and ocean configuration is to cool. They have mistakenly correlated the recent warming trend to CO2 despite the geologic record being littered with warming and cooling trends that were not caused by CO2 or orbital forcing. Arguing that there can be no other causes for the recent warming trend is disingenuous. The geologic record is littered with examples. This is especially true ever since the planet transitioned from a greenhouse planet to an icehouse planet 3 million years ago. Climate fluctuations and environmental uncertainties are hallmarks of our bipolar glaciated world which has different glaciation thresholds at each pole.

The only correlation between temperature and CO2 on a planetary scale that is known with any certainty is from the time before the industrial revolution. Prior to the industrial revolution CO2 was a proxy for temperature. This is a fact that no one disputes. If you don't know why this correlation existed, just ask me. Since that time man's emissions have broken the correlation between temperature and CO2. We know this with 100% certainty because we are 2C cooler than in the past with 120 ppm more CO2.
If by "Chick" you mean me, then, no, I do not have you on ignore. Of course that doesn't mean I find anything you've posted to be worth a response.

You asked for a conversation? ... but then you don't participate ... especially if you might have to learn something ...

But if you insist ... then fine ... everything I say is the indisputable word of God ... warmer means wetter, fewer crop failures ... the failure will be oversupply and crashing prices ... no margins to free food ...
It's especially hard to argue a warmer world isn't a wetter world when the models the IPCC relies upon literally have 2 to 3 times more feedback than the GHG effect of CO2 from INCREASED WATER VAPOR IN THE ATMOSPHERE.
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