Here's the fraud

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This is why you can not trust NOAA or the NWS.. Below is the warning on the NWS site:


What they do not tell you is that most of the regions are below average temperatures for this time of year by 6-8 deg F.

They refuse to tell you that the low pressures are creating the heat bubble in small regions of the North West and Mid West. The more powerful polar jet has already descended into the US. This is a late August to early September weather pattern. The heat bubbles will be short lived.

This is why you can not trust NOAA or the NWS.. Below is the warning on the NWS site:

View attachment 674819

What they do not tell you is that most of the regions are below average temperatures for this time of year by 6-8 deg F.

They refuse to tell you that the low pressures are creating the heat bubble in small regions of the North West and Mid West. The more powerful polar jet has already descended into the US. This is a late August to early September weather pattern. The heat bubbles will be short lived.

View attachment 674824

I can speak directly to the Portland, Seattle, and down here in North Jefferson weather ... 70's and 80's are the norm ... 90's and 100's are above normal ... you seem to have that backwards ... and this is as typical July weather as typical July weather can be ...

Do you get up at night and work this out ... or do you make it up as you go? ...
Quotes from serious climate scientists? No.
Poster being a dick and not addressing the OP? Yes.

The denial of AGW has been, almost in its entirety, a fabrication of the fossil fuel industry. You have all been, as several of you like to say, "useful idiots". You've been had. That you should have missed the old rubrik "follow the money", that would clearly have shown you the fossil fuel industry to, by FAR, the most likely agent in this debate to be untrustworthy, was an abysmal failure on all your parts. Virtually EVERY argument every ONE of you has used in these arguments has had its origin in the mind of an amoral and willfully deceitful PR person working for the fossil fuel industry.

And when this topic is brought up, NOT ONE OF YOU will do anything but RUN LIKE A SCARED BUNNY from anything resembling an actual conversation on the topic. You know you don't have a leg to stand on and that has made you all spineless cowards. Sit down and think to yourself if that is really where you want to be.'ve been saying the same tired crap for years and what's changed on your side?

I'll tell you what?

Dick :bye1: :bye1:

The "science" continues to be unimpressive to the folks who craft energy policy.

In other words, the usefully idiots continue to win... unimpeded btw.

Saw this today and laughed my fcuking balls off....

Texas adds greatest number of oil, natural gas jobs in recorded state history
AGW denialism was spread by funded articles, funded research, biased talking points and background papers provided to science-illiterate journalists. And, of course, when Al Gore became a spokesman for the issue, GCC saw the opportunity to politicize the debate and bring in almost every piece of the right wing media machine. Tell us you got none of your denialism from such sources Todd.

Never saw a single word from GCC.
I've always been a skeptic. How do I know the greens are lying?
Their lips are moving.
And, of course, when Al Gore became a spokesman for the issue,

My suspicions were confirmed. I remember my roommate bought me his book.
She was cute, but a flaming liberal.
I tried reading it on the train to work.
What a pile of shit that thing turned out to be.
They gave us all our talking points.....secretly. We never saw them, but they're there.
Implanted subliminally. No one could be skeptical on their own. No independent thought possible.
GCC was the source of them all.

It says so, right in the OP.

I thought only Coca Cola was running subliminal ads about "We'd like to teach the world to swing in gayly harmony" WHICH IS the cause of lower fertility in the Western world.

I'm gonna contact them via my trans-dimensional, super modulated spread spectrum denier cult modem for a new download of instructions.
AGW denialism was spread by funded articles, funded research, biased talking points and background papers provided to science-illiterate journalists. And, of course, when Al Gore became a spokesman for the issue, GCC saw the opportunity to politicize the debate and bring in almost every piece of the right wing media machine. Tell us you got none of your denialism from such sources Todd.

I can tell you that Todd did not get his info from "almost every piece of the right wing media machine". Because I "get it all". The science and the hype. I NEVER have to reach beyond credible primary SCIENTIFIC sources.

NEVER SEEN ANY debate on GWarming on Fox Biz or Fox News. NEVER SEEN any "anti-GW" propaganda from my primary talk radio sources who LINK to scientific papers and notes.

You severely misunderstand that the folks you're dealing with here are NOT automatons. NOT easily convinced by propaganda.

So FIRST -- the GCC mission was to saturate the media with patently phony GW info.
I pointed out that MOST of the media WILL NOT ALLOW any debate or GW science on their platforms.

So NOW -- the GCC just focuses on "every piece of the RIGHT WING media? Same challengte. Bring the EXAMPLES.....

You're not thinking this thru. NEITHER SIDE has offered up the SCIENCE and DEBATE. They are STUCK on stupid/silly memes. Outside of some VERY HARD WORKING blogs and radio show hosts, I've NOT GOTTEN ANYTHING VALUABLE about GW FROM ANY of the "consumer" media.

IN FACT, THE LEFTIST MEDIA FAKES the headlines and the studies they quote actually SAY SOMETHING ELSE. THERE'S your "media collusion" WRIT LARGELY !!!!!!!
AGW denialism was spread by funded articles, funded research, biased talking points and background papers provided to science-illiterate journalists

BULLSHIT. To you anybody that CORRECTS fallacies about GW science IS A DENIER. You have ZERO credibility to be able to distinguish between scientific debate and propaganda.

"Science illiterate journalists" ARE an EXISTENTIAL NATIONAL CRISIS. But not the IMAGINED ones like GCC. The dangerous real ones are the LEFTIST media machine that wait for summer heat waves to MOAN about the 1.2DegC change in avg global temperature. And MANGLE stories about the Great Barrier reef and shrinking glaciers in the Himalayas.

And if I'm caught CORRECTING these mental midgets -- I'm a DENIER?
Let's end this thread now. I HAD TO GO looking for the unethical insidious work of this GCC mystery group. THEY DISBANDED in 2002. Which was coincidentally, when MOST of the hype about CATASTROPHIC GW theories was crumbling and sliding away. So -- MAYBE they "helped" to save the world from BAD science. They existed for about 10 years. They are no more. And haven't weighed in on ANYTHING in 20 years. That was still when the WWW was in the crib and diapers.

. The Global Climate Coalition was created in 1989, shortly after the IPCC's first meeting.

The GCC operated until 1997 out of the offices of the National Association of Manufacturers. Its early members included Amoco, the American Forest & Paper Association, American Petroleum Institute, Chevron, Chrysler, Cyprus AMAX Minerals, Exxon, Ford, General Motors, Shell Oil, Texaco, and the United States Chamber of Commerce.

By 1997, the growing scientific and public consensus regarding global warming forced a number of GCC supporters to reconsider the negative PR implications of their involvement in a group that was increasingly recognized as a self-serving anti-environmental front group. BP/Amoco withdrew from GCC after BP's chairman admitted that "the time to consider the policy dimensions of climate change is not when the link between greenhouse gases and climate change is conclusively proven, but when the possibility cannot be discounted and is taken seriously by the society of which we are part. We in BP have reached that point." Other prominent companies that have publicly abandoned GCC include American Electric Power, Dow, Dupont, Royal Dutch Shell, Ford, Daimler Chrysler, Southern Company, Texaco and General Motors.

The GCC disbanded in early 2002, explaining that it "has served its purpose by contributing to a new national approach to global warming.
The Bush administration will soon announce a climate policy that is expected to rely on the development of new technologies to reduce greenhouse emissions, a concept strongly supported by the GCC." After years spent denying that greenhouse emissions were a serious environmental problem, the organization's parting shot at history combined a tacit admission that it had been wrong all along, along with an endorsement of the George W. Bush administration's proposal for ineffective "voluntary" industry measures to address the problem.

Excerpts from the GCC web site​

The Global Climate Coalition has been deactivated. The industry voice on climate change has served its purpose by contributing to a new national approach to global warming.The Bush administration will soon announce a climate policy that is expected to rely on the development of new technologies to reduce greenhouse emissions, a concept strongly supported by the GCC.The coalition also opposed Senate ratification of the Kyoto Protocol that would assign such stringent targets for lowering greenhouse gas emissions that economic growth in the U. S. would be severely hampered and energy prices for consumers would skyrocket. The GCC also opposed the treaty because it does not require the largest developing countries to make cuts in their emissions.At this point, both Congress and the Administration agree that the U.S. should not accept the mandatory cuts in emissions required by the protocol.
I'm laughing

Progressives like Crick are such hopeless social oddballs, they don't even realize when they are being publicly humiliated.

It's like those people at the ocean...come out of the water with sand all over their feet and walk straight across the blanket to get attention, even if it is historic verbal abuse. It's still attention :coffee: We all know they type!!
The denier cult losers here are a dedicated bunch of political/religious cultists, I'll give them that.

If they see any thread that introduces facts, they all jump in immediately and try to troll it to death with their library of Russian-generated memes and their entirely faked propaganda.

We get it, deniers. You can't debate the facts, and you know it, so you see trolling as your only option. No need to keep hammering on that point.
The denier cult losers here are a dedicated bunch of political/religious cultists, I'll give them that.

If they see any thread that introduces facts, they all jump in immediately and try to troll it to death with their library of Russian-generated memes and their entirely faked propaganda.

We get it, deniers. You can't debate the facts, and you know it, so you see trolling as your only option. No need to keep hammering on that point.

$76 trillion!!!
Global surface temperature is rising at 0.14DegC per decade. Taking periods SHORTER than 15 or 30 years just isnt productive in finding the actual trend.

That's RSS and UAH satellite measured since 1979.
So junk, in other words. Even the creator of RSS says it shouldn't be used for climate studies, because it's just not good.

The good data says 0.18C/ decade. The 3-year strong La Nina has pushed it down a bit, but next El Nino, it will come roaring back.

What do honest people who want to know temperature trends at the surface do? They use temperatures measured at the surface with these amazing devices called "thermometers".

What do pseudoscience devotees do? They use microwave emissions that come from the whole troposphere, which are then sent into a model containing a dozen fudge factors.

Why do they do something that crazy? Because it pushes with their politics. No other reasons.
So the extra drinking water and fertile farmland in formerly Arctic areas is nothing? ... that the Northwest Passage is open again is frivolous? ... glaciers are in retreat ...

Global Warming is a good thing ... who likes cold temperatures? ... we're at the dawn of a new Golden Age of Humanity ... wars will end, famine forgotten, housing for the homeless, clothes for the naked ...

A small rise in temperatures ends human suffering ...
So the extra drinking water and fertile farmland in formerly Arctic areas is nothing? ... that the Northwest Passage is open again is frivolous? ... glaciers are in retreat ...

Global Warming is a good thing ... who likes cold temperatures? ... we're at the dawn of a new Golden Age of Humanity ... wars will end, famine forgotten, housing for the homeless, clothes for the naked ...

A small rise in temperatures ends human suffering ...
And it will be what it will be as the world shows no signs of slowing down.
A small rise in temperatures ends human suffering ...

I agree with what you said -- but as far as "human suffering" goes, we now have AMPLE evidence of how much human suffering can occur if GOVTS take it upon THEMSELVES to redesign entire sectors of energy, transport, agriculture to attempt to fix a problem that could be resolved by adopting widespread 3rd and 4th gen nuclear, hydrogen fueled transport made from OFF-GRID solar/wind and waiting on newer tech to come along.

THAT amount of potential human suffering would be unfathomable and sick.
I agree with what you said -- but as far as "human suffering" goes, we now have AMPLE evidence of how much human suffering can occur if GOVTS take it upon THEMSELVES to redesign entire sectors of energy, transport, agriculture to attempt to fix a problem that could be resolved by adopting widespread 3rd and 4th gen nuclear, hydrogen fueled transport made from OFF-GRID solar/wind and waiting on newer tech to come along.

THAT amount of potential human suffering would be unfathomable and sick.
What "ample evidence" do you have of what "human suffering"?
What "ample evidence" do you have of what "human suffering"?

Look at Sri Lanka. In civil revolt and starving from MANDATES requiring ONLY ORGANIC farming which is failing COMPLETELY there because of "small subsistence" size farms. They're going BANKRUPT without exports food and their energy grid has been IGNORED because of "green weenie" policies.

WHY? Because of ESG. The dude in charge there wanted the HIGHEST ESG score for Sri Lanka and HE GOT THERE by ruining farming, energy, and his economy.

They GOT an ESG score in the HIGH 90s -- right before the civilians took over his palace.

This ESG madness is happening ALL OVER THE globe, look at the farmer revolt in the Netherlands. And what Brandon is doing trying to get SEC to MANDATE ESG reports for all corporations.

There's gonna be DEAD BODIES if the plan is to buy an electric car and have it wind/solar charged.
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