Here's the fraud

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70 responses to this post and so far (unless I missed it) not one single serious attempt to refute the OP's claim.
I proved the OPs claim false in post #13 by posting a unique argument that they never made.

How many more unique arguments will it take to make you shut up?
A scheme cooked up by a PR firm and the fossil fuel industries 30 years ago that has provided all you deniers nearly every word you've ever posted.

Can you show me where they argued...

Correlation does not prove causation. The geologic record is littered with examples of warming and cooling trends that were not cause by CO2 or orbital forcing.
It's especially hard to argue a warmer world isn't a wetter world when the models the IPCC relies upon literally have 2 to 3 times more feedback than the GHG effect of CO2 from INCREASED WATER VAPOR IN THE ATMOSPHERE.

Increased water vapor going into the atmosphere ... it can't stay there ... so precipitation must also increase completing the hydrologic cycle ... and that drives up the Earth's albedo ... any pilot will tell you the sky can look clear from the ground, but up 8,000 feet it's a glaring nasty mess of ice crystals ... all that extra solar energy being reflected back out to space never being a part of Earth's energy budget ...

I don't know where the balance is ... but I'm glad it's being researched ... more knowledge is always better ...
Increased water vapor going into the atmosphere ... it can't stay there ... so precipitation must also increase completing the hydrologic cycle ... and that drives up the Earth's albedo ... any pilot will tell you the sky can look clear from the ground, but up 8,000 feet it's a glaring nasty mess of ice crystals ... all that extra solar energy being reflected back out to space never being a part of Earth's energy budget ...

I don't know where the balance is ... but I'm glad it's being researched ... more knowledge is always better ...

70 responses to this post and so far (unless I missed it) not one single serious attempt to refute the OP's claim.


It's so odd that a 450,000 year long data set would be a DENIER!!! but what other explanation is there for CO2 lagging temperature on both increase and decrease?????

It's so odd that a 450,000 year long data set would be a DENIER!!! but what other explanation is there for CO2 lagging temperature on both increase and decrease?????
Never mind the fact that temperature and solubility of CO2 in water versus temperature is the only mechanism that can explain the correlation. And that requires CO2 to lag temperature as CO2 IS a proxy for temperature prior to the industrial revolution.
The world hasn't continued to warm? The poles haven't been melting? Sea level hasn't risen? Weather events haven't intensified? Crops haven't failed? Those predictions HAVE come to be. Fool.
The weather changes naturally. Redistribution of wealth, which this is all about, is all mans fault. You are the fool here.
And use less energy ... that's simple to do right now ... kill your A/C ... when common sense ends is when government takes over ...

THat's a great example of the govt already being involved. The "nega-watts" conservation campaigns worked SOMEWHAT with LED lighting and to a lesser extent "pulling your unused chargers out of the wall". But when my neighbor gets a govt subsidized trophy EV -- you cant expect ME to worry about 3 or 5 watts that an idle charger is pulling. Neither can you expect ME to "kill my AC" where i live. So the GOVERNMENT policies are the OPPOSITE now of electric Grid conservation. That ship has already approached the iceberg field.
Yes, for the past 20,000 years or so.
No, the world had been cooling for the past 8000 years, until humans flipped things to fast warming.

Given how little you know about the topic, you shouldn't be bothering the grownups.

The native state of our planet with its current land mass and ocean configuration is to cool.
That's correct. Given the natural factors, the planet should be slowly cooling. Instead, it's warming strongly. That would indicate that something humans have done has upset the natural cycle.

We know this with 100% certainty because we are 2C cooler than in the past with 120 ppm more CO2.
That would make sense if anyone had ever said CO2 was the only thing affecting climate. Since no one has ever said that, you're just making up a wildly stupid and dishonest strawman, and then attacking it.

We do get it. You can't debate our actual arguments, and you know it, so you just make stupid shit up and pretend it's our argument.
but what other explanation is there for CO2 lagging temperature on both increase and decrease?????
Mainstream AGW theory, which none of the deniers here grasp.

CO2 is both a forcing and a feedback. Orbital factors give the initial kick and start a little warming in the southern ocean, that releases CO2, then CO2 feedback takes over from there.

Come on, learn the basics.
No, the world had been cooling for the past 8000 years, until humans flipped things to fast warming.

Given how little you know about the topic, you shouldn't be bothering the grownups.
That's hilarious that you believe CO2 saved the planet from an ice age. The last eccentricity cycle was nearly circular, so no. Learn some science.
That's correct. Given the natural factors, the planet should be slowly cooling. Instead, it's warming strongly. That would indicate that something humans have done has upset the natural cycle.
Incorrect. The last eccentricity cycle was nearly circular, so no. Learn some science.
That would make sense if anyone had ever said CO2 was the only thing affecting climate. Since no one has ever said that, you're just making up a wildly stupid and dishonest strawman, and then attacking it.

We do get it. You can't debate our actual arguments, and you know it, so you just make stupid shit up and pretend it's our argument.
Have you seen the radiative forcing components graphic? It says CO2 is the only thing that can change the climate.
That's hilarious that you believe CO2 saved the planet from an ice age.
I'm correct. You're a cult imbecile.

The last eccentricity cycle was nearly circular, so no. Learn some science.
Now, tell us all about how that makes orbital forcing impossible, preferably with something besides your usual "BECAUSE I SAY SO!".

Also tell us just how glaciation periods begin and end, since you seem to be implying that orbital forcing has no effect at all.

Have you seen the radiative forcing components graphic? It says CO2 is the only thing that can change the climate.
If you're going to lie, at least tell lies that aren't so easily debunked. We've been lied to by experts, and the poor quality of your lies is insulting.

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THat's a great example of the govt already being involved. The "nega-watts" conservation campaigns worked SOMEWHAT with LED lighting and to a lesser extent "pulling your unused chargers out of the wall". But when my neighbor gets a govt subsidized trophy EV -- you cant expect ME to worry about 3 or 5 watts that an idle charger is pulling. Neither can you expect ME to "kill my AC" where i live. So the GOVERNMENT policies are the OPPOSITE now of electric Grid conservation. That ship has already approached the iceberg field.

You must be young to not remember the Great Weatherization Program ... government stepping forward first with building regulations requiring basic energy conservation ... windows and doors that make air-tight seals, double- if not triple-paned ... vapor barriers ... 2" extra insulation in residential building walls ...

Second by retrofitting these types of items into existing homes and businesses where cost effective ... this is one of the long lasting legacy from the Carter Administration ... just about all the buildings in the United States are insulated and sealed up ... for energy conservation ...

Why do you think this is a bad idea? ... and why do you think this would have been done with just market pressures? ...

Neither can you expect ME to "kill my AC" where i live.

Oh hell yes I can ... California, Florida and Tennessee were all inhabited long before refrigeration came along ... your A/C is strictly luxury ... <emotional blackmail> because you run your A/C, a small child in Africa goes without electric service and must toil sun-up to sun-down collecting firewood ... or the child doesn't eat ... </emotional blackmail>
Now, tell us all about how that makes orbital forcing impossible, preferably with something besides your usual "BECAUSE I SAY SO!".

Axial tilt has no effect on annual weather averages ... only the length and depth of summer which is balanced back with the same length and depth from winter ... so it's a climate wash ...

Changes in eccentricity effect the semi-minor axis of Earth's orbit ... which lines up roughly with the two equinoxes ... thus no effect on either winter or summer ... current eccentricity gives us less than three Earth diameters away from a perfect circle, and we're moving towards that perfect circle right now ...

I'll leave it to you to calculate the radiation differences ... and there's your proof orbital forcings have nothing to do with Earth's climate ... that's if the utter lack of correlation isn't good enough for you (four glacial cycles in 500,000 years is a period of 125,000 years) ... then your answer is in the math ...


Oh sorry ... did I use math to prove you don't understand the physics? ... that's why two years calculus is required to take a climatology class ...
Oh hell yes I can ... California, Florida and Tennessee were all inhabited long before refrigeration came along ... your A/C is strictly luxury ... <emotional blackmail> because you run your A/C, a small child in Africa goes without electric service and must toil sun-up to sun-down collecting firewood ... or the child doesn't eat ... </emotional blackmail>

Not gonna work. Even IF i wanted to. My 90 yr old mother in law living upstairs would be dead in a couple days if her room wasn't at 73 or below. You really trying to KILL people that quickly or what?

<emotional blackmail back atcha> :stir::meow:

Look -- right now I'M worried about FREEZING to death in the middle of July downstairs where all that cold air ends up !!! Have some sympathy for both of us...

What better things does that small wood gathering kid in Africa have to do? LOL. Not like he's gonna get a diploma and move to the big city.. Send him a solar panel and old fashioned lead/acid car battery. An incandescent bulb gives off a lot of heat if you tape up all the holes in your shack.
Second by retrofitting these types of items into existing homes and businesses where cost effective ... this is one of the long lasting legacy from the Carter Administration ... just about all the buildings in the United States are insulated and sealed up ... for energy conservation ...

Why do you think this is a bad idea? ... and why do you think this would have been done with just market pressures? ...

If you bought that crap at Home Depot -- it's useless dust by now. Until they make a product that LASTS longer than 2 years -- I've stopped stewing about it with a clean conscience.

BUT -- my redeeming quality is ---- I am an extremist on recycling. Even tho I know much of goes overseas and gets dumped in the ocean.
Mainstream AGW theory, which none of the deniers here grasp.

CO2 is both a forcing and a feedback. Orbital factors give the initial kick and start a little warming in the southern ocean, that releases CO2, then CO2 feedback takes over from there.

Come on, learn the basics.
It lagged for 450,000 years and only staring "forcing" 170 years ago? Are you sure? Is this the same CO2? What changed?
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