Here's the "racist" Democraps are hollering about.


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
Yup, seems like Sessions actually desegregated schools, and as prosecutor got the death penalty for the head of the KKK. But let's not let the facts get in the way, anybody associated with Trump HAS to be a racist. I guess Democraps will never learn.

In Alabama, Jeff Sessions Desegregated Schools and Got the Death Penalty for KKK Head

"Sessions's actual track record certainly doesn't suggest he's a racist. Quite the opposite, in fact. As a U.S. Attorney he filed several cases to desegregate schools in Alabama. And he also prosecuted the head of the state Klan, Henry Francis Hays, for abducting and killing Michael Donald, a black teenager selected at random. Sessions insisted on the death penalty for Hays. When he was later elected the state Attorney General, Sessions followed through and made sure Hays was executed. The successful prosecution of Hays also led to a $7 million civil judgment against the Klan, effectively breaking the back of the KKK in Alabama."
Yup, seems like Sessions actually desegregated schools, and as prosecutor got the death penalty for the head of the KKK. But let's not let the facts get in the way, anybody associated with Trump HAS to be a racist. I guess Democraps will never learn.

In Alabama, Jeff Sessions Desegregated Schools and Got the Death Penalty for KKK Head

"Sessions's actual track record certainly doesn't suggest he's a racist. Quite the opposite, in fact. As a U.S. Attorney he filed several cases to desegregate schools in Alabama. And he also prosecuted the head of the state Klan, Henry Francis Hays, for abducting and killing Michael Donald, a black teenager selected at random. Sessions insisted on the death penalty for Hays. When he was later elected the state Attorney General, Sessions followed through and made sure Hays was executed. The successful prosecution of Hays also led to a $7 million civil judgment against the Klan, effectively breaking the back of the KKK in Alabama."
But he still has a southern accent...and he's from Alabama.

Before you nut......I'm being ironical
Yup, seems like Sessions actually desegregated schools, and as prosecutor got the death penalty for the head of the KKK. But let's not let the facts get in the way, anybody associated with Trump HAS to be a racist. I guess Democraps will never learn.

In Alabama, Jeff Sessions Desegregated Schools and Got the Death Penalty for KKK Head

"Sessions's actual track record certainly doesn't suggest he's a racist. Quite the opposite, in fact. As a U.S. Attorney he filed several cases to desegregate schools in Alabama. And he also prosecuted the head of the state Klan, Henry Francis Hays, for abducting and killing Michael Donald, a black teenager selected at random. Sessions insisted on the death penalty for Hays. When he was later elected the state Attorney General, Sessions followed through and made sure Hays was executed. The successful prosecution of Hays also led to a $7 million civil judgment against the Klan, effectively breaking the back of the KKK in Alabama."
But he still has a southern accent...and he's from Alabama.

Before you nut......I'm being ironical

I cannot understand what you're saying, but this post is not about you, personally, is it?

I just really posted to say I love your avatar. Great picture of Darrin! His enduring character made him funny. Paul Lynde was funny, too. When Dick York left the show became inconsequential.
Bill Clinton raped and sexually assaulted women and Democrats let him slide.

But they want to blackball Jeff Sessions because he once made a joke about the KKK smoking dope.

It's so insane it defies explanation, except that Democrats are so butthurt that they don't care how stupid they look.
I agree that it seems that they (the Demon-crats), are trying to paint this new administration that is forming as racist, but as Tucker Carlson is doing right now (he is ripping a guest who is trying to back track now on a column where he writes suggesting Trump is appointing racist). This bull crap is getting ridiculous, and the left should be sooo embarrassed by what they are trying to pull off. Lies, more lies, and dam lies is what we are finding in these Demon-crats. It's disgusting. Bret Baire on Fox news seems to still be going after Trump, and that just aggravates my ace. He looks like a stuffed shirt know it all, who was embarrassed because he failed to see the mood of the American people. Trump is President Bret, Megan, Chris Wallace or anyone else at Fox who still want a piece of Trump's ace. Good grief.
If there is a white lash happening, then the blacks who cried wolf to many times are the cause of it. I have confidence that the whites are smart enough people still, that they recognize that the fear mongering going on is just that (fear mongering), and it is being orchestrated by the idiotic left over being butt hurt bad, and who are extremely mad that their agenda is at risk. The forcing of Immoralism that is being found in cultures upon the American people against it's will is at an end, and thank God for it.
At this point, regardless of who Trump selects for his cabinet, the left/progressives will find fault and their media lap dogs will hound any illegitimate allegations to the bitter end. I surely hope that the Trump administration has the intestinal fortitude to tell them to "f**k off".
Bill Clinton raped and sexually assaulted women and Democrats let him slide.

But they want to blackball Jeff Sessions because he once made a joke about the KKK smoking dope.

It's so insane it defies explanation, except that Democrats are so butthurt that they don't care how stupid they look.
Democraps and the media have jumped the shark. They're going to blackball and demonize everything Trump says and does.
If there is a white lash happening, then the blacks who cried wolf to many times are the cause of it. I have confidence that the whites are smart enough people still, that they recognize that the fear mongering going on is just that (fear mongering), and it is being orchestrated by the idiotic left over being butt hurt bad, and who are extremely mad that their agenda is at risk. The forcing of Immoralism that is being found in cultures upon the American people against it's will is at an end, and thank God for it.
Whites voted for Obama and Obama stabbed them and fellow blacks in the back. And Hillary made a fatal mistake in her campaign by glueing herself to Obama. She didn't have to.
If there is a white lash happening, then the blacks who cried wolf to many times are the cause of it. I have confidence that the whites are smart enough people still, that they recognize that the fear mongering going on is just that (fear mongering), and it is being orchestrated by the idiotic left over being butt hurt bad, and who are extremely mad that their agenda is at risk. The forcing of Immoralism that is being found in cultures upon the American people against it's will is at an end, and thank God for it.
Whites voted for Obama and Obama stabbed them and fellow blacks in the back. And Hillary made a fatal mistake in her campaign by glueing herself to Obama. She didn't have to.
. Yep, and her race hustling was disgusting and so obvious that it was unbelievable how low that woman actually was... Good riddance to Hillary and her ilk.
Our immigration was so out of whack, that any attempts to fix it is being construed as being racist or racism.. Give me a dam break already. We need to put pride back into Americans working again, and becoming strong again by working. There is no other way to bring back the pride of being a strong America that isn't ashamed to roll up it's sleeves and get dirty again. Mike Row in the series "Dirty Jobs" was outstanding, and it showed Americans at work, owning businesses, and doing what it takes to get the job done for themselves and their families.... Dam the globalist who thought they had this nation in it's grip.
Thankfully intelligent fellow Americans have the MSM's liberal bias number. If we didn't, Trump would've never been elected.
That racist card has worked so effectively thus far, why give it up now?

Because their racist in chief is leaving the White House. Boo Hoo for them.
. Obama screwed them good, because he had the opportunity to unite this nation, but instead he chose to shuck & jive like a bad car salesman trying to sell his voters a Chevy Vega as if it was an SS Camaro.
That racist card has worked so effectively thus far, why give it up now?
. Hopefully the dam card will be revoked due to being over drawn. Enough is enough already.

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