Here's the reason the Dims are trying so hard to delay the vote on Kavanaughs confirmation

IF you truly are sure that Kavanaugh would be a good addition to the court, and is a good man who is innocent of any wrong doing, would think You would want it fully investigated to clear his name so that no doubt would linger.
IF you truly are sure that Kavanaugh would be a good addition to the court, and is a good man who is innocent of any wrong doing, would think You would want it fully investigated to clear his name so that no doubt would linger.

Sure. Let Ford hire her own investigation outfit and investigate. It's not under the purview of the FBI because teen house parties are not a federal issue. The FBI only gets involved in federal issues. She had 36 years to do it. She's worth a good buck I'm assuming given the fact she's a doctor and a college professor.

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