Here's Trump's REAL BIG ANNOUNCEMENT Instead Of The Trading Card

I agree with you a point with all this trading card nonsense as he has a horrible attitude and ego and I don't really like him as much as I used to because of it, but if he can get the job done that's all that counts.

I think his decision to run again is also a money grab, a chance to line his pockets. He'll raise a bunch of money, then drop out without spending any of it...

I've never liked the man. To me, he has always been slimy little charlatan.
I've never liked the man. To me, he has always been slimy little charlatan.

I never really liked his personality,.. it's just that I hate it even worse than I did before. Donald Trump puts Donald Trump before anybody else. This whole trading card thing is proof of it. :rolleyes: (Still I would MUCH rather have him in the white house than Biden.)

Righties may not be perfect, but the democommienaziprogtards are fucking INSANE.

who is crazy enough to spend $99?
I think his decision to run again is also a money grab, a chance to line his pockets. He'll raise a bunch of money, then drop out without spending any of it...

I've never liked the man. To me, he has always been slimy little charlatan.
and what are YOUR sins and defects of character?

Inquiring minds want to know.. Let's hear it.. Come on, you can confess to your buddies here..
The only thing he cares about is Donald Trump, and I don't mean his son. That and bilking his worshipers for all the money he can.
I'm still waiting to hear what your sins are... I mean, you likely don't have any, right?

I mean you wouldn't find fault with someone else when you have some of the same or worse faults/sins... would u?

still waiting to hear your sins and shortcomings..
I have a few, but I'm not running for office. And I'm not asking people for money.
nice dodge

and how do we know you're not doing those things anyhow?

Besides, we didn't ask you about how you are superior to Trump or anyone else. We just want to know what your objective sins are

That's what's fair, right? You tell us Trump's faults.. then you tell us your own.. sounds fair to me
I'm still waiting to hear what your sins are... I mean, you likely don't have any, right?

I mean you wouldn't find fault with someone else when you have some of the same or worse faults/sins... would u?

still waiting to hear your sins and shortcomings..


I have a few, my share to be sure. But I'm not "running" for office. And I'm not asking people for money.

I have a few, my share to be sure. But I'm not "running" for office. And I'm not asking people for money.
we don't care about you running for office. We just want to hear your sins and faults.. u know.. in case u ever do run for office or ask folks for $$

You act like you are better than Trump

prove it

But we won't believe your "proof" if we don't have the honest scoop on your defects
nice dodge

and how do we know you're not doing those things anyhow?

Besides, we didn't ask you about how you are superior to Trump or anyone else. We just want to know what your objective sins are

That's what's fair, right? You tell us Trump's faults.. then you tell us your own.. sounds fair to me

Wow, the truth must have really hurt you.

Look, my sins and shortcomings are my own, I am not a public figure. I admit I have them. Until I run for public office, that's all you get from me. They're not terribly interesting anyway.

Now run along... I think Trump needs your cash...
Wow, the truth must have really hurt you.

Look, my sins and shortcomings are my own, I am not a public figure. I admit I have them. Until I run for public office, that's all you get from me. They're not terribly interesting anyway.

Now run along... I think Trump needs your cash...
I would NEVER send my limited cash to ANYONE who is FAR FAR wealthier than I am..

so there's that..

And we also don't care whether you think your defects are "terribly interesting" or not.. We just want to hear them because it is only fair you list them since you are always listing Trump's faults.. or maybe not.. All I recall is how he has a big ego.. But if someone has a big ego yet runs the country extremely well.. then why do you care if he has ... I dunno.. worse defects than you?

Again, we want you to prove you are better than Trump.. that you have a right to condemn him and/or judge him or whatever u call it
I would NEVER send my limited cash to ANYONE who is FAR FAR wealthier than I am..

so there's that..

And we also don't care whether you think your defects are "terribly interesting" or not.. We just want to hear them because it is only fair you list them since you are always listing Trump's faults.. or maybe not.. All I recall is how he has a big ego.. But if someone has a big ego yet runs the country extremely well.. then why do you care if he has ... I dunno.. worse defects than you?

Again, we want you to prove you are better than Trump.. that you have a right to condemn him and/or judge him or whatever u call it

Junior, I never said I was better than he was. I essentially said he was a greedy fuck, which he is. I am not. I basically called him a liar, which he is. I am not. These things do not make me better than him or anyone else, they are just facts. You think he ran the country "extremely well?" Good for you. I think you're wrong. Just like I think people are wrong when they say Joe Biden is running the country extremely well.

Now, if what I posted hurt your delicate snowflake feelings, tough shit.
-Banning the Federal Government from policing lawful domestic speech.
I think all we need to do is end the Patriot Act so that the government focuses on actual suspects of crime instead of everyone, hoping to catch a criminal somewhere in their dragnets.

-Firing any Federal Bureaucrat who has directly or indirectly engaged in censorship.
We already have a law forbidding the government to limit free speech. That includes colluding with private enterprise to act on their behalf or direction to do it for them. What might be considered is making it a crime to collude with the government or to use politics as a measure to limit a private company's services to any paying customer! Facebook or Twitter banning people for conservative thought is no different from banning black people from using a washroom or riding a bus or voting, etc., because of the color of their skin. BOTH are discrimination.

-Barring federal funds for universities that censor speech.
Maybe the fed ought to just get out of financing education completely to begin with! Not only is such funding unconstitutional, it just gives the fed a backdoor into pressuring schools to teach what they want the way they want it.

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