Here’s video PROOF that Trump was at Ground Zero after 9/11… MSM FAKE NEWS Busted Again!

if trumps a commie then why are dems opposed to him???
that doesnt make sense,,,

Trump isn't a communist, he's trying to be a totalitarian authoritarian but the damned Constitution keeps getting in his way. You keep trying to put Trump in some box of your own imagining, all tied up with conservative or liberal, while ignoring the totalitarian in the room.

This is why Trump is railing against oversight. As long as he had Devon Nunez running interference for him and steering Conngressional oversight away from sensitive areas, like security clearances for employees, Ivanka's use of private email, ethics violations, and other bad behaviour by Trump and his subordinates, Trump was prepared to put up with it. But now the Democrats are conducting REAL oversight, Trump is outright saying he can do whatever he wants as President and no one can stop him.
The Dims are the ones who want to throw the Constitution in the trash. Biden is proposing a constitutional amendment to repeal the First Amendment. Obama ignored the Constitution when he signed ACA and when he created DACA.

Dims hate the Constitution.

sure the dems want to get rid of it,,,but the repubes just ignore it,,,
at least the dems are honest on this
When do the Dims follow it?

when did I say they did??
When you said the Pubs just ignore it. That implies the Dims don't.
Trump isn't a communist, he's trying to be a totalitarian authoritarian but the damned Constitution keeps getting in his way. You keep trying to put Trump in some box of your own imagining, all tied up with conservative or liberal, while ignoring the totalitarian in the room.

This is why Trump is railing against oversight. As long as he had Devon Nunez running interference for him and steering Conngressional oversight away from sensitive areas, like security clearances for employees, Ivanka's use of private email, ethics violations, and other bad behaviour by Trump and his subordinates, Trump was prepared to put up with it. But now the Democrats are conducting REAL oversight, Trump is outright saying he can do whatever he wants as President and no one can stop him.
The Dims are the ones who want to throw the Constitution in the trash. Biden is proposing a constitutional amendment to repeal the First Amendment. Obama ignored the Constitution when he signed ACA and when he created DACA.

Dims hate the Constitution.

sure the dems want to get rid of it,,,but the repubes just ignore it,,,
at least the dems are honest on this
When do the Dims follow it?

when did I say they did??
When you said the Pubs just ignore it. That implies the Dims don't.

dont assume anything,,,it always turns on you
First of all the physical was in 2019, and since bone spurs never go away, if he doesn't have them now, and his physical shows he doesn't, then he didn't have bone spurs then.

most physicals dont check for bone spurs
,,,at least not one I've ever had

you have to ask for that,,,
They do if you have a history of them.

only if you ask them too,,,
You must have lousy doctors. Bone spurs need to be monitored. They can grow and can become serious problems that require surgical removal. Only an incompetent doctor would ignore them.
I wanted to have surgery on mine, but my doctor refused to approve. Instead he gave me these extremely painful shots into the arch of my foot that made it go away for about a month. They always came back.
You should go to Rrump's doctor. He has a way of making them magically disappear. ^

All day long today the dominant MSM narrative has been that President Trump lied about his presence at Ground Zero after 9/11. This archived video proves the President has been telling the truth.

MSM: Trump lied and said he was at Ground Zero during the aftermath of 9/11....You CAN NOT believe ANYTHING the Commie press says!

Watched the video and as usual, he's bullshitting.

There were NOT "bodies all over". He's lying. People were either incinerated by the jet fuel that went into the streets or exploded inside the buildings.

I have a friend who saw this first-hand from his offices at American Express on Vesey Street before he and everyone in WTC 3 were evacuated from the building. He said a woman screamed on his floor, so everyone ran to her office and saw the plane hit WTC 1 and people in the street were on fire from the jet fuel. Instantly cremated on the spot.

That's why the burn docs and ER docs were standing idle and had nothing to do.

Trump watched the whole thing on TV and then ran down there to get a photo op/TV interview to talk about his buildings 2 days later.


All day long today the dominant MSM narrative has been that President Trump lied about his presence at Ground Zero after 9/11. This archived video proves the President has been telling the truth.

MSM: Trump lied and said he was at Ground Zero during the aftermath of 9/11....You CAN NOT believe ANYTHING the Commie press says!

Watched the video and as usual, he's bullshitting.

There were NOT "bodies all over". He's lying. People were either incinerated by the jet fuel that went into the streets or exploded inside the buildings.

I have a friend who saw this first-hand from his offices at American Express on Vesey Street before he and everyone in WTC 3 were evacuated from the building.

Trump watched the whole thing on TV and then ran down there to get a photo op/TV interview to talk about his buildings 2 days later.


what about the bodies from the collapse??? they didnt burn in the fire,,,
Just admit Trump never had bone spurs, child.
Again from the Presidential 2019 physical report:
musculoskeletal – normal throughout. Full range of motion in all joints.

You obviously aren't a fucking doctor. Bone spurs of the foot don't stop the motion, they hurt to stand on. I talked to a woman who was a cashier and she was in obvious pain. I asked her what was wrong and she said she was diagnosed with a bone spur on the heel of her foot. She said it was the most painful thing she ever had.

It's a skeletal problem :asshole: and the report says: skeletal – normal throughout.
There are skeletal problems that don't affect your range of motion, you fucking dumbass.

Do you always talk like this Bri? I bet in real life...... Fuck this and fuck that is part of your vocabulary in every discussion or sentence in your daily deplorable life.
No, I only talk like that to dumbasses like you in this forum. That's why I come here: to get it out of my system.

How can you sleep at night under the bridge?
Melania's farther was a life long card-carrying member of the communist party. You can look it up on Google for details.

or you could provide a link since its your claim,,,
Not a claim dumb ass, provable fact. I prefer you to keep your lazy ass stupid and ignorant.

if trumps a commie then why are dems opposed to him???
that doesnt make sense,,,
Trump loves marrying Commies
Republicans love him

What does that tell you about Republicans?

but its the democrats that are currently calling for more of a communist type of government,,,

so why are you complaining???
Looks like Trump has commies in his bed ^

All day long today the dominant MSM narrative has been that President Trump lied about his presence at Ground Zero after 9/11. This archived video proves the President has been telling the truth.

MSM: Trump lied and said he was at Ground Zero during the aftermath of 9/11....You CAN NOT believe ANYTHING the Commie press says!

Watched the video and as usual, he's bullshitting.

There were NOT "bodies all over". He's lying. People were either incinerated by the jet fuel that went into the streets or exploded inside the buildings.

I have a friend who saw this first-hand from his offices at American Express on Vesey Street before he and everyone in WTC 3 were evacuated from the building.

Trump watched the whole thing on TV and then ran down there to get a photo op/TV interview to talk about his buildings 2 days later.


what about the bodies from the collapse??? they didnt burn in the fire,,,

Many people were alive before the collapse, including First Responders

There were mostly body parts recovered ^

All day long today the dominant MSM narrative has been that President Trump lied about his presence at Ground Zero after 9/11. This archived video proves the President has been telling the truth.

MSM: Trump lied and said he was at Ground Zero during the aftermath of 9/11....You CAN NOT believe ANYTHING the Commie press says!

Watched the video and as usual, he's bullshitting.

There were NOT "bodies all over". He's lying. People were either incinerated by the jet fuel that went into the streets or exploded inside the buildings.

I have a friend who saw this first-hand from his offices at American Express on Vesey Street before he and everyone in WTC 3 were evacuated from the building.

Trump watched the whole thing on TV and then ran down there to get a photo op/TV interview to talk about his buildings 2 days later.


what about the bodies from the collapse??? they didnt burn in the fire,,,

Many people were alive before the collapse, including First Responders

There were mostly body parts recovered

mostly yes,,,but body parts are put in body bags just like bodies are

still doesnt prove he wasnt there
First of all the physical was in 2019, and since bone spurs never go away, if he doesn't have them now, and his physical shows he doesn't, then he didn't have bone spurs then.

most physicals dont check for bone spurs
,,,at least not one I've ever had

you have to ask for that,,,
They do if you have a history of them.

only if you ask them too,,,
You must have lousy doctors. Bone spurs need to be monitored. They can grow and can become serious problems that require surgical removal. Only an incompetent doctor would ignore them.
I wanted to have surgery on mine, but my doctor refused to approve. Instead he gave me these extremely painful shots into the arch of my foot that made it go away for about a month. They always came back.
Poor, poor baby

Mommy kiss it and make it better?
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First of all the physical was in 2019, and since bone spurs never go away, if he doesn't have them now, and his physical shows he doesn't, then he didn't have bone spurs then.

most physicals dont check for bone spurs
,,,at least not one I've ever had

you have to ask for that,,,
And how many PRESIDENTIAL physicals have YOU had?
From the report:
Extremities and musculoskeletal – normal throughout. Full range of motion in all joints.

got a link???
Of course, by now you should know I always do.
Directly from the White House, so you can't call it fake news:

my curiosity is how does this prove he wasnt at ground zero???
You asked for the link, I provided it, It matched the part I quoted EXACTLY, so you of course try to change the subject.
Thank you.
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No he doesn't you mindless lying scum asshole, and his presidential physical proved it, but you knew that already.
There is no way a physical in 2016 can prove a state of health 30 to 40 years ago. Gee. Talk about your lying scum assholes. You win the prize.
First of all the physical was in 2019, and since bone spurs never go away, if he doesn't have them now, and his physical shows he doesn't, then he didn't have bone spurs then.

most physicals dont check for bone spurs
,,,at least not one I've ever had

you have to ask for that,,,
And how many PRESIDENTIAL physicals have YOU had?
From the report:
Extremities and musculoskeletal – normal throughout. Full range of motion in all joints.
multiple people have already explained to you why that statement proves nothing.
No, multiple wing-nuts have lied about it proving nothing. ^

All day long today the dominant MSM narrative has been that President Trump lied about his presence at Ground Zero after 9/11. This archived video proves the President has been telling the truth.

MSM: Trump lied and said he was at Ground Zero during the aftermath of 9/11....You CAN NOT believe ANYTHING the Commie press says!

Watched the video and as usual, he's bullshitting.

There were NOT "bodies all over". He's lying. People were either incinerated by the jet fuel that went into the streets or exploded inside the buildings.

I have a friend who saw this first-hand from his offices at American Express on Vesey Street before he and everyone in WTC 3 were evacuated from the building.

Trump watched the whole thing on TV and then ran down there to get a photo op/TV interview to talk about his buildings 2 days later.


what about the bodies from the collapse??? they didnt burn in the fire,,,

Many people were alive before the collapse, including First Responders

There were mostly body parts recovered

Exactly. 110 stories collapse and there's not going to be bodies. Trump always.
most physicals dont check for bone spurs
,,,at least not one I've ever had

you have to ask for that,,,
And how many PRESIDENTIAL physicals have YOU had?
From the report:
Extremities and musculoskeletal – normal throughout. Full range of motion in all joints.

got a link???
Of course, by now you should know I always do.
Directly from the White House, so you can't call it fake news:

my curiosity is how does this prove he wasnt at ground zero???
You asked for the link, I provided it, It matched the part I quoted EXACTLY, so you of course try to change the subject.
Thank you.

UHH dumbass the subject is trump being at ground zero, not his sore foot,,,,
The whole world is losing, ya fucking moron. Today's a historic day. Today's the day the Cold War starts again -- all thanks to the Asshole-in-Chief.
You were referring to the INF treaty?
Of course. As of today, that treaty no longer exists. Thanks to Crazy Donald, the world will be an infinitely more dangerous place as the arms race is now back on again.
As typical of a dumbass liberal, you allow your enemy to build up their weapons of mass destruction and their delivery system while, while some liberal leader like pansy ass Obama, has more flexibility to suck Putins dick. Now a real man is in the oval office, he is going to mass produce as much as necessary to keep the peace in the world, just like the Great Ronald Reagan did with Michael Gorby.

Did you know back in the 1950's there wasn't any MAD(mutual assured destruction), because with the technology of the US and the Nike Missile interceptors we could shoot down any Soviet Ballistic Missile, but it wasn't FAIR that we could defend ourselves so the liberals shut that program down. Thank you, you worthless fuckers, who had us duck and cover, instead of living our lives in prosperity and not fear the Red Threat.

SMDC History: NIKE II study demonstrates intercept feasibility
RAMMSO was the first Army organization established with a ballistic missile defense and space mission. Before there could be a RAMMSO, however, there was the Nike II study. Begun in March 1955, the Nike II study would determine the feasibility of a defense against strategic ballistic missiles.

Trump isn’t a “real man”. Trump is a thin-thinned narcissistic bully. Putin, Kim and Xi are playing him like a cheap fiddle.

Kim got a promise to keep his nukes in exchange for a box of bones. Putin got a free hand in Syria, and a fracturing if NATO. Xi took the lead nation place of the USA in the TPP.

What did Trump get? What did America gain in return for these gifts?

you wouldnt know a real man if he had you bent over a stump humping you like a greatdane
The whole world is losing, ya fucking moron. Today's a historic day. Today's the day the Cold War starts again -- all thanks to the Asshole-in-Chief.
You were referring to the INF treaty?
Of course. As of today, that treaty no longer exists. Thanks to Crazy Donald, the world will be an infinitely more dangerous place as the arms race is now back on again.
As typical of a dumbass liberal, you allow your enemy to build up their weapons of mass destruction and their delivery system while, while some liberal leader like pansy ass Obama, has more flexibility to suck Putins dick. Now a real man is in the oval office, he is going to mass produce as much as necessary to keep the peace in the world, just like the Great Ronald Reagan did with Michael Gorby.

Did you know back in the 1950's there wasn't any MAD(mutual assured destruction), because with the technology of the US and the Nike Missile interceptors we could shoot down any Soviet Ballistic Missile, but it wasn't FAIR that we could defend ourselves so the liberals shut that program down. Thank you, you worthless fuckers, who had us duck and cover, instead of living our lives in prosperity and not fear the Red Threat.

SMDC History: NIKE II study demonstrates intercept feasibility
RAMMSO was the first Army organization established with a ballistic missile defense and space mission. Before there could be a RAMMSO, however, there was the Nike II study. Begun in March 1955, the Nike II study would determine the feasibility of a defense against strategic ballistic missiles.

Trump isn’t a “real man”. Trump is a thin-thinned narcissistic bully. Putin, Kim and Xi are playing him like a cheap fiddle.

Kim got a promise to keep his nukes in exchange for a box of bones. Putin got a free hand in Syria, and a fracturing if NATO. Xi took the lead nation place of the USA in the TPP.

What did Trump get? What did America gain in return for these gifts?

you wouldnt know a real man if he had you bent over a stump humping you like a greatdane

Real men don't have any need to try to subjugate others. Real men take care of the weak, and enable the strong to be their best. They don't have destroy or humiliate others to build themselves up. Only a weak man does such a thing. A strong man leads, a weak man bullies.

What you're describing is a forceful rape, and rape is a tool of the weak, not the strong. No "real man" would ever rape a woman, nor would he allow others to do so. A real man would protect a woman from such behaviour.
You were referring to the INF treaty?
Of course. As of today, that treaty no longer exists. Thanks to Crazy Donald, the world will be an infinitely more dangerous place as the arms race is now back on again.
As typical of a dumbass liberal, you allow your enemy to build up their weapons of mass destruction and their delivery system while, while some liberal leader like pansy ass Obama, has more flexibility to suck Putins dick. Now a real man is in the oval office, he is going to mass produce as much as necessary to keep the peace in the world, just like the Great Ronald Reagan did with Michael Gorby.

Did you know back in the 1950's there wasn't any MAD(mutual assured destruction), because with the technology of the US and the Nike Missile interceptors we could shoot down any Soviet Ballistic Missile, but it wasn't FAIR that we could defend ourselves so the liberals shut that program down. Thank you, you worthless fuckers, who had us duck and cover, instead of living our lives in prosperity and not fear the Red Threat.

SMDC History: NIKE II study demonstrates intercept feasibility
RAMMSO was the first Army organization established with a ballistic missile defense and space mission. Before there could be a RAMMSO, however, there was the Nike II study. Begun in March 1955, the Nike II study would determine the feasibility of a defense against strategic ballistic missiles.

Trump isn’t a “real man”. Trump is a thin-thinned narcissistic bully. Putin, Kim and Xi are playing him like a cheap fiddle.

Kim got a promise to keep his nukes in exchange for a box of bones. Putin got a free hand in Syria, and a fracturing if NATO. Xi took the lead nation place of the USA in the TPP.

What did Trump get? What did America gain in return for these gifts?

you wouldnt know a real man if he had you bent over a stump humping you like a greatdane
You were referring to the INF treaty?
Of course. As of today, that treaty no longer exists. Thanks to Crazy Donald, the world will be an infinitely more dangerous place as the arms race is now back on again.
As typical of a dumbass liberal, you allow your enemy to build up their weapons of mass destruction and their delivery system while, while some liberal leader like pansy ass Obama, has more flexibility to suck Putins dick. Now a real man is in the oval office, he is going to mass produce as much as necessary to keep the peace in the world, just like the Great Ronald Reagan did with Michael Gorby.

Did you know back in the 1950's there wasn't any MAD(mutual assured destruction), because with the technology of the US and the Nike Missile interceptors we could shoot down any Soviet Ballistic Missile, but it wasn't FAIR that we could defend ourselves so the liberals shut that program down. Thank you, you worthless fuckers, who had us duck and cover, instead of living our lives in prosperity and not fear the Red Threat.

SMDC History: NIKE II study demonstrates intercept feasibility
RAMMSO was the first Army organization established with a ballistic missile defense and space mission. Before there could be a RAMMSO, however, there was the Nike II study. Begun in March 1955, the Nike II study would determine the feasibility of a defense against strategic ballistic missiles.

Trump isn’t a “real man”. Trump is a thin-thinned narcissistic bully. Putin, Kim and Xi are playing him like a cheap fiddle.

Kim got a promise to keep his nukes in exchange for a box of bones. Putin got a free hand in Syria, and a fracturing if NATO. Xi took the lead nation place of the USA in the TPP.

What did Trump get? What did America gain in return for these gifts?

you wouldnt know a real man if he had you bent over a stump humping you like a greatdane

Real men don't have any need to try to subjugate others. Real men take care of the weak, and enable the strong to be their best. They don't have destroy or humiliate others to build themselves up. Only a weak man does such a thing. A strong man leads, a weak man bullies.

What you're describing is a forceful rape, and rape is a tool of the weak, not the strong. No "real man" would ever rape a woman, nor would he allow others to do so. A real man would protect a woman from such behaviour.

so do you like great danes??? ^

All day long today the dominant MSM narrative has been that President Trump lied about his presence at Ground Zero after 9/11. This archived video proves the President has been telling the truth.

MSM: Trump lied and said he was at Ground Zero during the aftermath of 9/11....You CAN NOT believe ANYTHING the Commie press says!

Watched the video and as usual, he's bullshitting.

There were NOT "bodies all over". He's lying. People were either incinerated by the jet fuel that went into the streets or exploded inside the buildings.

I have a friend who saw this first-hand from his offices at American Express on Vesey Street before he and everyone in WTC 3 were evacuated from the building. He said a woman screamed on his floor, so everyone ran to her office and saw the plane hit WTC 1 and people in the street were on fire from the jet fuel. Instantly cremated on the spot.

That's why the burn docs and ER docs were standing idle and had nothing to do.

Trump watched the whole thing on TV and then ran down there to get a photo op/TV interview to talk about his buildings 2 days later.


You do know that those that were able to escape from the burning buildings did so, but at a terrible cost.

What you are about to see, is what makes me hate rag head Muslims, who still to this day, think the US deserved the attack. The terrorists got off easy, I wanted to burn them in an incinerator or throw them out of a plane about 300 feet up. That was the choice those people had that day, the Muzzies should of had the same decision.


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