Here's what needs to happen (breaking up the "Union")

It was an easy guess. I think half of your state comes up here in the summer. Your state must really suck.
Don't get mad because we own you.

It's a popular summer destination. What can I say?

I'm sure you don't mind a little sunshine after 5 months of polar winter. We like to take a break from the 100+ weather with 93% humidity.
Even the Mexicans here get fed up with the Texans.
I wish they would.
This makes the most sense.

Alberta and Texas need to form an alliance and start building up military forces. Then, Alberta attacks South while Texas attacks North. We do a march to the middle and form a new country out of the conquered territory, then start moving east and west.


I figure we could take Oklahoma (who will join us willingly) then go through Colorado and meet the Albertans in Wyoming. Idaho and Utah willfully join. Then we help Alberta take BC. Kansas Nebraska and the Dakota's join without a fight. Then, we focus on Saskatchewan and Manitoba.

That would give us 3 coasts and we would almost certainly be rid of the East Coast Commies and the West Coast Bolsheviks.

Let's do this. Today.
A strategic TexMex / Maple Syrup Alliance? The World of Men Shall Fall!!! :afro: :hyper::TH_WAY~113::cheers2:

Which state are you in? I may want to amend the plan.
I am in very climate friendly, but moderately expensive NH. Our winters can be mild..or brutal. I'd say you members of Secession Central would be right at home up here, but the fact that barely a slathering of ice causes you all to lose your shit and for 3/4 of your power grid to go in the toilet, you wouldn't survive long here. :auiqs.jpg:
I am in very climate friendly, but moderately expensive NH. Our winters can be mild..or brutal. I'd say you members of Secession Central would be right at home up here, but the fact that barely a slathering of ice causes you all to lose your shit and for 3/4 of your power grid to go in the toilet, you wouldn't survive long here. :auiqs.jpg:
NH is another beautiful state better left on its own or joining Canada. Why do y'all put up with this shit union?
Honestly, take up your guns in TX and JUST DO IT!! Stop talking about it. Put up a gofundyourself site. I'll contribute. I want TX gone.

Only one request...after TX secedes, can we build a wall around it? :auiqs.jpg:
We're not seceding, we're conquering. The New Mexico campaign didn't go well* but this time we are on it!

*Don't pick the black bean!!!
Why do some people keep starting stupid, pointless troll threads like this over and over?
You're clearly afraid of the unholy Maple Syrup TexMex Alliance. Now wahts truly terrifying, is if we form a strategic alliance with Scotland and their ICBHLs (Intercontinental Ballistic Haggis Launchers). Its the real reason Hitler never invade the British Isles. He knew what they could do.

Also, if you hear a strange keening in the night, don't open the door! Thats herds of millions of Mooses (er Meese?) and Chupacabras trotting through. To Victory!
That's because most of Texas isn't hooked up to that national grid. Dumb move. Texas will soon start to look more and more like California and New York. Kinda brings a smile to my face. :)

We will if we don't eradicate this influx of parasites. Yeah, it brings tears of joy to liberals to watch the US turn into a third world communist dump.
We will if we don't eradicate this influx of parasites. Yeah, it brings tears of joy to liberals to watch the US turn into a third world communist dump.
Stop using words which you have no idea of the meaning to. You wouldn't know a communist if one ran up to you and slapped you on the ass. You don't like seeing the US turn into the melting pot the founding fathers knew it would turn into. Every nation evolves. Only right wingers see threats and reasons to be scared. The rest of us...see a country evolving.

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