Here's why religious restoration acts are repressive

Perhaps their wedding ceremony was a civil ceremony without religious context..

Even a civil ceremony is a couple getting married under Gods Command.
God himself married Adam and Eve
Genesis 2: 23-24
23 And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.

24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

There was no Churches back then.
Even folks who have never heard of the Bible get married. Some ceremonies never mention God at all. Some ceremonies are held in for profit wedding 'chapels' that have no religious affiliation.

Not everyone must believe in Adam and Eve, I sure don't!

You are still married under Gods eyes.
Unless of course there was a previous marriage that ended in divorce. In which case it's an adulterous, sinful marriage.

Not necessarily
Jesus Explains Why Divorce is Allowed
Matthew 19:8 He said to them, “Because of your hardness of heart Moses allowed you to divorce your wives, but from the beginning it was not so.

Matthew 19:9 And I say to you: whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another, commits adultery.”
The other three gospels don't make that exception. But in any case, that doesn't excuse the others. If a baker bakes a cake for the reception of a wedding where either the bride or groom was divorced for other than fornication, it is a sinful wedding, as stated by Jesus in reference to the 10 Commandments.
So if a "christian" real estate office/apartment propertty chose not to show a house/apartment to a gay couple...that would be okay....

What if the couple were black....interracial...or just two friends who happened to be of the same sex who wished to live together while they were going to school or happened to be working on a project and were going to share expenses during the temporary situation?

Does the Realtor (who doesn't own the house) or the leasing agent (who doesn't own the apartment) get to decide if you have shelter?

Renting is not a religious ceremony.
Perhaps their wedding ceremony was a civil ceremony without religious context..

The question isn't the couples' religious context, halfwit. The question is the BAKER'S religious context, which does not get dictated by the couple or you.

Please try to wrap both of your functioning brain cells around this: My personal beliefs are decided by me and God. You are neither of those people. You do not get a vote. I do not have to justify it to you, or even explain it to you. I do not need your approval.

Any post you make that assumes otherwise is based on a false premise and is therefore invalid.
You are perfectly within your rights to exclude anyone you find unworthy from your church. You can commit any discriminatory practices you want to keep the 'undesirables' from your congregation.

But if you operate a licensed business offering services to the public, your 'right' to discriminate against a group you deem unworthy of your services ends when you open your shop for business. Otherwise, other ersatz Christians can start discriminating against other groups as they hide behind their peculi9ar dogma.

Would you go to any baker that was forced to bake something?
I wouldn't
How do you know if they did or did not spit into your baked goods.
That baker has the benefit of the doubt that the quality of his wares will pass muster.

Now, he is not "forced" to provide services to heterosexual clients is he? Why would providing THE EXACT SAME SERVICES to a Gay wedding cause him to suddenly be "forced" to ply his trade? Because he thinks Gay weddings are 'icky'? Does he have similar feelings about any other heterosexual wedding? Yet he bakes, decorates and delivers the cake, waits for the check to clear, enters the transaction in his accounts and moves on. If the baker is so worried about the status of his immortal soul, shouldn't he apply some standard to each and every client he serves? Or, is it just okay to repress the Gays? If so, why?
Even a civil ceremony is a couple getting married under Gods Command.
God himself married Adam and Eve
Genesis 2: 23-24
23 And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.

24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

There was no Churches back then.
Even folks who have never heard of the Bible get married. Some ceremonies never mention God at all. Some ceremonies are held in for profit wedding 'chapels' that have no religious affiliation.

Not everyone must believe in Adam and Eve, I sure don't!

You are still married under Gods eyes.
Unless of course there was a previous marriage that ended in divorce. In which case it's an adulterous, sinful marriage.

Not necessarily
Jesus Explains Why Divorce is Allowed
Matthew 19:8 He said to them, “Because of your hardness of heart Moses allowed you to divorce your wives, but from the beginning it was not so.

Matthew 19:9 And I say to you: whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another, commits adultery.”
The other three gospels don't make that exception. But in any case, that doesn't excuse the others. If a baker bakes a cake for the reception of a wedding where either the bride or groom was divorced for other than fornication, it is a sinful wedding, as stated by Jesus in reference to the 10 Commandments.

Very different for some believers to bake for sinners and bake for two men or two women.
A man and woman sinner can still do gods will of multiplying but 2 men or 2 women can't multiply.
It is their belief and it should be honored.
Even folks who have never heard of the Bible get married. Some ceremonies never mention God at all. Some ceremonies are held in for profit wedding 'chapels' that have no religious affiliation.

Not everyone must believe in Adam and Eve, I sure don't!

You are still married under Gods eyes.
Unless of course there was a previous marriage that ended in divorce. In which case it's an adulterous, sinful marriage.

Not necessarily
Jesus Explains Why Divorce is Allowed
Matthew 19:8 He said to them, “Because of your hardness of heart Moses allowed you to divorce your wives, but from the beginning it was not so.

Matthew 19:9 And I say to you: whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another, commits adultery.”
The other three gospels don't make that exception. But in any case, that doesn't excuse the others. If a baker bakes a cake for the reception of a wedding where either the bride or groom was divorced for other than fornication, it is a sinful wedding, as stated by Jesus in reference to the 10 Commandments.

Very different for some believers to bake for sinners and bake for two men or two women.
A man and woman sinner can still do gods will of multiplying but 2 men or 2 women can't multiply.
It is their belief and it should be honored.
Is procreation a requirement for marriage? If my widowed grandmother wants to get married at 81, should she expect blowback from ersatz Christians too?
Even folks who have never heard of the Bible get married. Some ceremonies never mention God at all. Some ceremonies are held in for profit wedding 'chapels' that have no religious affiliation.

Not everyone must believe in Adam and Eve, I sure don't!

You are still married under Gods eyes.
Unless of course there was a previous marriage that ended in divorce. In which case it's an adulterous, sinful marriage.

Not necessarily
Jesus Explains Why Divorce is Allowed
Matthew 19:8 He said to them, “Because of your hardness of heart Moses allowed you to divorce your wives, but from the beginning it was not so.

Matthew 19:9 And I say to you: whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another, commits adultery.”
The other three gospels don't make that exception. But in any case, that doesn't excuse the others. If a baker bakes a cake for the reception of a wedding where either the bride or groom was divorced for other than fornication, it is a sinful wedding, as stated by Jesus in reference to the 10 Commandments.

Very different for some believers to bake for sinners and bake for two men or two women.
A man and woman sinner can still do gods will of multiplying but 2 men or 2 women can't multiply.
It is their belief and it should be honored.
Then it's not a question of religion, then. The claim was that same sex marriage is against the baker/florist/whatever's religion and therefore he shouldn't be forced to participate. But if that's the only sin that he objects to, then it doesn't look like it's really because of sin.
Renting is not a religious ceremony.
Perhaps their wedding ceremony was a civil ceremony without religious context..

The question isn't the couples' religious context, halfwit. The question is the BAKER'S religious context, which does not get dictated by the couple or you.

Please try to wrap both of your functioning brain cells around this: My personal beliefs are decided by me and God. You are neither of those people. You do not get a vote. I do not have to justify it to you, or even explain it to you. I do not need your approval.

Any post you make that assumes otherwise is based on a false premise and is therefore invalid.
You are perfectly within your rights to exclude anyone you find unworthy from your church. You can commit any discriminatory practices you want to keep the 'undesirables' from your congregation.

But if you operate a licensed business offering services to the public, your 'right' to discriminate against a group you deem unworthy of your services ends when you open your shop for business. Otherwise, other ersatz Christians can start discriminating against other groups as they hide behind their peculi9ar dogma.

Would you go to any baker that was forced to bake something?
I wouldn't
How do you know if they did or did not spit into your baked goods.
That baker has the benefit of the doubt that the quality of his wares will pass muster.

Now, he is not "forced" to provide services to heterosexual clients is he? Why would providing THE EXACT SAME SERVICES to a Gay wedding cause him to suddenly be "forced" to ply his trade? Because he thinks Gay weddings are 'icky'? Does he have similar feelings about any other heterosexual wedding? Yet he bakes, decorates and delivers the cake, waits for the check to clear, enters the transaction in his accounts and moves on. If the baker is so worried about the status of his immortal soul, shouldn't he apply some standard to each and every client he serves? Or, is it just okay to repress the Gays? If so, why?

It is not repression to Gays if they can get the service elsewhere.
Why are you so against Gays to have the freedom to choose a baker who does not care one way or the other?
Because it's his religious belief and it is protected under the 1st amendment.
You are still married under Gods eyes.
Unless of course there was a previous marriage that ended in divorce. In which case it's an adulterous, sinful marriage.

Not necessarily
Jesus Explains Why Divorce is Allowed
Matthew 19:8 He said to them, “Because of your hardness of heart Moses allowed you to divorce your wives, but from the beginning it was not so.

Matthew 19:9 And I say to you: whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another, commits adultery.”
The other three gospels don't make that exception. But in any case, that doesn't excuse the others. If a baker bakes a cake for the reception of a wedding where either the bride or groom was divorced for other than fornication, it is a sinful wedding, as stated by Jesus in reference to the 10 Commandments.

Very different for some believers to bake for sinners and bake for two men or two women.
A man and woman sinner can still do gods will of multiplying but 2 men or 2 women can't multiply.
It is their belief and it should be honored.
Is procreation a requirement for marriage? If my widowed grandmother wants to get married at 81, should she expect blowback from ersatz Christians too?

If you have a Grandma that means she had a kid.
Perhaps their wedding ceremony was a civil ceremony without religious context..

The question isn't the couples' religious context, halfwit. The question is the BAKER'S religious context, which does not get dictated by the couple or you.

Please try to wrap both of your functioning brain cells around this: My personal beliefs are decided by me and God. You are neither of those people. You do not get a vote. I do not have to justify it to you, or even explain it to you. I do not need your approval.

Any post you make that assumes otherwise is based on a false premise and is therefore invalid.
You are perfectly within your rights to exclude anyone you find unworthy from your church. You can commit any discriminatory practices you want to keep the 'undesirables' from your congregation.

But if you operate a licensed business offering services to the public, your 'right' to discriminate against a group you deem unworthy of your services ends when you open your shop for business. Otherwise, other ersatz Christians can start discriminating against other groups as they hide behind their peculi9ar dogma.

Would you go to any baker that was forced to bake something?
I wouldn't
How do you know if they did or did not spit into your baked goods.
That baker has the benefit of the doubt that the quality of his wares will pass muster.

Now, he is not "forced" to provide services to heterosexual clients is he? Why would providing THE EXACT SAME SERVICES to a Gay wedding cause him to suddenly be "forced" to ply his trade? Because he thinks Gay weddings are 'icky'? Does he have similar feelings about any other heterosexual wedding? Yet he bakes, decorates and delivers the cake, waits for the check to clear, enters the transaction in his accounts and moves on. If the baker is so worried about the status of his immortal soul, shouldn't he apply some standard to each and every client he serves? Or, is it just okay to repress the Gays? If so, why?

It is not repression to Gays if they can get the service elsewhere.
Why are you so against Gays to have the freedom to choose a baker who does not care one way or the other?
Because it's his religious belief and it is protected under the 1st amendment.
He has the religiou right to exclude anyone from his congregation he choses. He can employ all the black arts of discrimination in his church.

But those protected rights end once he applies for and is granted a business license and he opens his doors.

Now, perhaps there is only one vendor in town. Or a couple wants the same quality goods they have seen at other affairs. Why is that choice excluded to them? Is it because the merchants find their lives to be too 'icky' to deal with?

If that's the case, what's stopping these ersatz Christian vendors from excluding other customers based on their own interpretation of what's 'acceptable' and what's not? Could these ersatz Christians decline the business of other religions? Other races? Other creeds?
Unless of course there was a previous marriage that ended in divorce. In which case it's an adulterous, sinful marriage.

Not necessarily
Jesus Explains Why Divorce is Allowed
Matthew 19:8 He said to them, “Because of your hardness of heart Moses allowed you to divorce your wives, but from the beginning it was not so.

Matthew 19:9 And I say to you: whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another, commits adultery.”
The other three gospels don't make that exception. But in any case, that doesn't excuse the others. If a baker bakes a cake for the reception of a wedding where either the bride or groom was divorced for other than fornication, it is a sinful wedding, as stated by Jesus in reference to the 10 Commandments.

Very different for some believers to bake for sinners and bake for two men or two women.
A man and woman sinner can still do gods will of multiplying but 2 men or 2 women can't multiply.
It is their belief and it should be honored.
Is procreation a requirement for marriage? If my widowed grandmother wants to get married at 81, should she expect blowback from ersatz Christians too?

If you have a Grandma that means she had a kid.
The problem is Gay activists do not want mere equality, they want "government mandated" acceptance.
You are still married under Gods eyes.
Unless of course there was a previous marriage that ended in divorce. In which case it's an adulterous, sinful marriage.

Not necessarily
Jesus Explains Why Divorce is Allowed
Matthew 19:8 He said to them, “Because of your hardness of heart Moses allowed you to divorce your wives, but from the beginning it was not so.

Matthew 19:9 And I say to you: whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another, commits adultery.”
The other three gospels don't make that exception. But in any case, that doesn't excuse the others. If a baker bakes a cake for the reception of a wedding where either the bride or groom was divorced for other than fornication, it is a sinful wedding, as stated by Jesus in reference to the 10 Commandments.

Very different for some believers to bake for sinners and bake for two men or two women.
A man and woman sinner can still do gods will of multiplying but 2 men or 2 women can't multiply.
It is their belief and it should be honored.
Then it's not a question of religion, then. The claim was that same sex marriage is against the baker/florist/whatever's religion and therefore he shouldn't be forced to participate. But if that's the only sin that he objects to, then it doesn't look like it's really because of sin.

Non procreation of the human race is the biggest sin of all.
It is why God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.
If you can't see that it is a violation of their 1st amendment right, then you should think that none of us have civil rights.
You can't see the compromise between the two is freedom for both, then all we have seeing it your way, is government control with no freedom for either side.
Not necessarily
Jesus Explains Why Divorce is Allowed
Matthew 19:8 He said to them, “Because of your hardness of heart Moses allowed you to divorce your wives, but from the beginning it was not so.

Matthew 19:9 And I say to you: whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another, commits adultery.”
The other three gospels don't make that exception. But in any case, that doesn't excuse the others. If a baker bakes a cake for the reception of a wedding where either the bride or groom was divorced for other than fornication, it is a sinful wedding, as stated by Jesus in reference to the 10 Commandments.

Very different for some believers to bake for sinners and bake for two men or two women.
A man and woman sinner can still do gods will of multiplying but 2 men or 2 women can't multiply.
It is their belief and it should be honored.
Is procreation a requirement for marriage? If my widowed grandmother wants to get married at 81, should she expect blowback from ersatz Christians too?

If you have a Grandma that means she had a kid.

You really do have blinders on
The problem is Gay activists do not want mere equality, they want "government mandated" acceptance.
That's the exact same argument your processors, the blatant bigots and racists in the Jim Crow south used more than 50 years ago.

Do you think that extending the exact same rights to Gay American citizens means that your rights will somehow be eroded?
The other three gospels don't make that exception. But in any case, that doesn't excuse the others. If a baker bakes a cake for the reception of a wedding where either the bride or groom was divorced for other than fornication, it is a sinful wedding, as stated by Jesus in reference to the 10 Commandments.

Very different for some believers to bake for sinners and bake for two men or two women.
A man and woman sinner can still do gods will of multiplying but 2 men or 2 women can't multiply.
It is their belief and it should be honored.
Is procreation a requirement for marriage? If my widowed grandmother wants to get married at 81, should she expect blowback from ersatz Christians too?

If you have a Grandma that means she had a kid.

You really do have blinders on
She can't very well procreate in her second marriage! And procreation is the argument used by the narrow minded to repress marriage equality.

So what is it? If a heterosexual couple cannot procreate due to age or medical condition, should their marriage be validated?
So if a "christian" real estate office/apartment propertty chose not to show a house/apartment to a gay couple...that would be okay....

What if the couple were black....interracial...or just two friends who happened to be of the same sex who wished to live together while they were going to school or happened to be working on a project and were going to share expenses during the temporary situation?

Does the Realtor (who doesn't own the house) or the leasing agent (who doesn't own the apartment) get to decide if you have shelter?

Renting is not a religious ceremony.
Perhaps their wedding ceremony was a civil ceremony without religious context..

The question isn't the couples' religious context, halfwit. The question is the BAKER'S religious context, which does not get dictated by the couple or you.

Please try to wrap both of your functioning brain cells around this: My personal beliefs are decided by me and God. You are neither of those people. You do not get a vote. I do not have to justify it to you, or even explain it to you. I do not need your approval.

Any post you make that assumes otherwise is based on a false premise and is therefore invalid.
You are perfectly within your rights to exclude anyone you find unworthy from your church. You can commit any discriminatory practices you want to keep the 'undesirables' from your congregation.

But if you operate a licensed business offering services to the public, your 'right' to discriminate against a group you deem unworthy of your services ends when you open your shop for business. Otherwise, other ersatz Christians can start discriminating against other groups as they hide behind their peculiar dogma.

Thank you for your unsolicited opinion.
The problem is Gay activists do not want mere equality, they want "government mandated" acceptance.
That's the exact same argument your processors, the blatant bigots and racists in the Jim Crow south used more than 50 years ago.

Do you think that extending the exact same rights to Gay American citizens means that your rights will somehow be eroded?

Our "processors"?
So if a "christian" real estate office/apartment propertty chose not to show a house/apartment to a gay couple...that would be okay....

What if the couple were black....interracial...or just two friends who happened to be of the same sex who wished to live together while they were going to school or happened to be working on a project and were going to share expenses during the temporary situation?

Does the Realtor (who doesn't own the house) or the leasing agent (who doesn't own the apartment) get to decide if you have shelter?

Renting is not a religious ceremony.
Perhaps their wedding ceremony was a civil ceremony without religious context..

The question isn't the couples' religious context, halfwit. The question is the BAKER'S religious context, which does not get dictated by the couple or you.

Please try to wrap both of your functioning brain cells around this: My personal beliefs are decided by me and God. You are neither of those people. You do not get a vote. I do not have to justify it to you, or even explain it to you. I do not need your approval.

Any post you make that assumes otherwise is based on a false premise and is therefore invalid.
You are perfectly within your rights to exclude anyone you find unworthy from your church. You can commit any discriminatory practices you want to keep the 'undesirables' from your congregation.

But if you operate a licensed business offering services to the public, your 'right' to discriminate against a group you deem unworthy of your services ends when you open your shop for business. Otherwise, other ersatz Christians can start discriminating against other groups as they hide behind their peculiar dogma.

Thank you for your unsolicited opinion.
But you solicited my opinion, didn't you? Just look at the previous posts. It's right there. Just because my opinion makes more sense, there's no reason to dismiss it out of hand. I used ALL my functioning brain cells to divine a cogent answer for you.
The problem is Gay activists do not want mere equality, they want "government mandated" acceptance.
That's the exact same argument your processors, the blatant bigots and racists in the Jim Crow south used more than 50 years ago.

Do you think that extending the exact same rights to Gay American citizens means that your rights will somehow be eroded?

Our "processors"?
Your predecessors. They had the same opinions, held the same beliefs and somehow lived with the same shaky morality.
Very different for some believers to bake for sinners and bake for two men or two women.
A man and woman sinner can still do gods will of multiplying but 2 men or 2 women can't multiply.
It is their belief and it should be honored.
Is procreation a requirement for marriage? If my widowed grandmother wants to get married at 81, should she expect blowback from ersatz Christians too?

If you have a Grandma that means she had a kid.

You really do have blinders on
She can't very well procreate in her second marriage! And procreation is the argument used by the narrow minded to repress marriage equality.

So what is it? If a heterosexual couple cannot procreate due to age or medical condition, should their marriage be validated?

They are following what the Bible says and that is God's words.
It would be narrow minded if it was men who thought it.
If you can't see the overall whole rather than just the individual then you won't get it.
The point is if you grandma who did have a kid with the 1st marriage means she fulfilled Gods command.
The problem is Gay activists do not want mere equality, they want "government mandated" acceptance.
That's the exact same argument your processors, the blatant bigots and racists in the Jim Crow south used more than 50 years ago.

Do you think that extending the exact same rights to Gay American citizens means that your rights will somehow be eroded?

Our "processors"?
Your predecessors. They had the same opinions, held the same beliefs and somehow lived with the same shaky morality.

How are they MY predecessors, dumbass? I've never been a Democrat in my life.

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