Here's why religious restoration acts are repressive

If you don't like X,Y or Z business, you are FREE to find one that you like, THAT is what freedom is about. But this browbeating, bullying and cajoling is what spoilt children and immature adults do. If a business is genuinely bad, ripping off people or is incompetent, fine. Boycott, class action suits, get a lawyer and sue. But I am not seeing a problem with anyone that won't cater to pervs of any stripe. And it's that simple.
All this comes down to is intimidation and impinging on one group's freedom to reinforce another's freedom.... this isn't what freedom is about. No, this is Orwellian and it's hypocritical.
Stretching the meaning of "freedom" to include the freedom to discriminate is what's Orwellian and hypocritical.

No....they simply choose not to participate in the wedding they are not discriminating....they will bake any thing else for whatever other occasion...but their religious beliefs won't let them bake a cake for a gay wedding....and forcing them to or face personal and financial destruction is the greater wrong...
You don't get to redefine Christian beliefs to suit yourself or your agenda.
Tell that to the merchants. Because that is precisely what they are doing.
No. They are conducting their affairs in accordance with what they believe. Not imposing on anyone else.
Business does not have the right when offering service and goods to the entire public to discriminate against any of that public based on religious values.

Actually...they do...even if the statists have created laws that force them to.....
Government is not to endorse or denigrate religious belief or worship.

To allow religious values to govern the offer of goods and services in public commerce violates the 1st Amendment. couldn't be more wrong you have that inverted.....the government forcing a religious person to choose between making a living or holding to their faith is the violation of the First Amendment.......that is the choice the government is forcing on these people......the government is telling them they cannot practice their religion...
This is why it is religious freedom....we interpret our beliefs and our religion according to our own is not your business to tell others what they should believe...hence the First Amendment of the can say whatever you think someone else's religion should be and do....and that is fine for you....but they are equally correct for their own faith...and hence the slippery slope if you impose government sanctions on people for what you believe they should believe...
But those 'beliefs' are used as legal cover to discriminate. We've seen it before. "I believe the White Man and the Negro are two separated species and must never co-mingle" "I believe that associating with non-Christians is sinful and therefore I will not serve anyone who does not conform with my personal beliefs."
Interpreting scripture to advance an agenda that creates second class citizens is not a protected right.
What we are watching is the birth of government mandated religion. The marriage of faith and politics. Religion will be redefined and the redefinition imposed on the whole of the people. Values and principles will be removed and replaced with values and principles the governnent likes better. This is pretty much the end of separation of church and state.
This is why it is religious freedom....we interpret our beliefs and our religion according to our own is not your business to tell others what they should believe...hence the First Amendment of the can say whatever you think someone else's religion should be and do....and that is fine for you....but they are equally correct for their own faith...and hence the slippery slope if you impose government sanctions on people for what you believe they should believe...
But those 'beliefs' are used as legal cover to discriminate. We've seen it before. "I believe the White Man and the Negro are two separated species and must never co-mingle" "I believe that associating with non-Christians is sinful and therefore I will not serve anyone who does not conform with my personal beliefs."
Interpreting scripture to advance an agenda that creates second class citizens is not a protected right.
All except there's no discrimination. No one has refused service to gays. They refuse their personal participation.
Let me spell this out for you all. Sexual dysfunctions 101: If someone has a sexual fetish, and can only enjoy sex with objects, animals or people of the same sex, that is a dysfunction. I might feel pity for these people, and if I feel so inclined, if I want to cater to these people, so be it. BUT, I shouldn't be forced to provide non essential services to people I find repellent and disgusting, and how dare anyone give me lectures on morality or rights, hypocrites.
This is why it is religious freedom....we interpret our beliefs and our religion according to our own is not your business to tell others what they should believe...hence the First Amendment of the can say whatever you think someone else's religion should be and do....and that is fine for you....but they are equally correct for their own faith...and hence the slippery slope if you impose government sanctions on people for what you believe they should believe...
But those 'beliefs' are used as legal cover to discriminate. We've seen it before. "I believe the White Man and the Negro are two separated species and must never co-mingle" "I believe that associating with non-Christians is sinful and therefore I will not serve anyone who does not conform with my personal beliefs."
Interpreting scripture to advance an agenda that creates second class citizens is not a protected right.
All except there's no discrimination. No one has refused service to gays. They refuse their personal participation.
And yet they do not participate, they are plying their trade.

You are clinging to the slimmest of semantic reeds.
First, no harm befalls a merchant when servicing same sex weddings and affairs.

Also, no harm befalls weddings when a merchant refuses to bake them a cake. True fact.
The couple may not have as many options for vendors. They may truly desire the wares of a particular vendor for the quality and value?

But, in the end, the couple is made to feel less than. And there's harm in that.
First, no harm befalls a merchant when servicing same sex weddings and affairs.

Also, no harm befalls weddings when a merchant refuses to bake them a cake. True fact.
The couple may not have as many options for vendors. They may truly desire the wares of a particular vendor for the quality and value?

But, in the end, the couple is made to feel less than. And there's harm in that.
There's harm in making people participate in something immoral to them. That's the bottom line here, you simply don't give a fuck about them.
First, no harm befalls a merchant when servicing same sex weddings and affairs.

Also, no harm befalls weddings when a merchant refuses to bake them a cake. True fact.
The couple may not have as many options for vendors. They may truly desire the wares of a particular vendor for the quality and value?

But, in the end, the couple is made to feel less than. And there's harm in that.

A lot less harm in feeling "less than" than using the government to take away a person's livelihood and dreams as well as crush them with lawyers fees and fines and penalties and then...if out of religious conviction they refuse to pay those fines....sending them to prison............cause they won't bake you one type of cake that you can easily get at another shop.........

so please....who is harmed more?
First, no harm befalls a merchant when servicing same sex weddings and affairs.

Also, no harm befalls weddings when a merchant refuses to bake them a cake. True fact.
The couple may not have as many options for vendors. They may truly desire the wares of a particular vendor for the quality and value?

But, in the end, the couple is made to feel less than. And there's harm in that.

That doesn't seem weak, and rather ridiculous and a justification for legal action, to you? Are you saying it should be illegal to hurt someone's feelings?
All this comes down to is intimidation and impinging on one group's freedom to reinforce another's freedom.... this isn't what freedom is about. No, this is Orwellian and it's hypocritical.
No, it is not. In the public forum, no one cannot be infringed upon by religious prejudice. We have treat every one equally. The far right reactionary social cons want to re-institute the moral domination of 19th and 20th century evangelicalism in the public square. Folks, those days are over, forever.
No shirt, no shoes, no service. Please no masks or hoodies...seen those signs? Discrimination. Come on now. I refuse to equate homosexuals with racial or ethnic groups because one is an norm, the other is dysfunctional sexuality. Not even on the same level. Apples and oranges.
Not protected activity, wearing whatever you want. What you think, MaryL, is not the constitutional norm, either.
Anyone take notice of Jeb`s flip-flop on the Indiana law? He supported the anti-gay legislation until the backlash and now he`s hopping off the crazy train. Leading from behind as he did with immigration.
A politician most oftn will determine where the people go and then try to lead them.

He just jumped too soon, misjudging that the power of hating gays in America is over.
The object is to put these Christians out of business since if they had real integrity and conviction they wouldn't be bakers or florists knowing they would have to commit sinful acts just to stay in business.

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