Here's why they cannot indict Trump, no matter how many classified documents that he failed to return they find

It doesn't fucking matter...

Explain how you tell a judge 'But, but, Hillary......'

Trump had the DOJ at his disposal for 4 years, How was he so incompetent not to have her arrested and convicted?
He had his followers chant it.
The way it sounds, Hillary email stuff was just made up bullshit for Trump to spread crap to get elected. It was either:

  • Not a crime.
  • Trump is incompetent
howbout both.
trump gave her a de facto pardon.
Ummm, w-h-a-t??
Show us.
Prove that he did that.
Got a document?
Got any credible reportage on this so called 'pardon'?
If not, then paint me skeptical.
As in, I don't believe it.

Only one person can declassify documents. The President. Guess which President did that when he left office.
OK, if you say so, but.....
But prove it.
Prove that DTrump actually 'de-classified' any of our secrets.
And if he did....which ones? How do you know?

Is there a paper trail? After all, these were secrets. And secret for a reason.
Without DTrump informing anyone that he de-classified, say, Secret #27, then those folks who are impacted by, dependent upon, Secret #27 could do something dumb, ignorant, lethal......because DTrump never told them that now a lot of other people...including our know what was a secret. But, unbeknownst them longer is.

I know you know that secrets are secret for a reason....and for our nation, any nation, must be handled with care, diligence, and responsibility. De-classifying secrets and not informing the people who could be harmed or who are responsible for possible harm.......ain't any of those things.

And I know you know that too.
trump gave her a de facto pardon. He was a president that wanted to bring people together.

He, like Ford, tried to put that dark history behind us. Little did he know demafasict weren’t
So you are saying that Trump told the DOJ not to go after Hillary?

Trump had the DOJ at his disposal for 4 years, How was he so incompetent not to have her arrested and convicted?
The DOJ was not "at his disposal," they were conspiring to "get" him with lies and falsified documents.
Wrong. Only one person can declassify documents. The President. Guess which President did that when he left office. The democrats want to know what Trump has on them. That's all this is about, and like the pawns y'all are, you fall for the bullshit about "classified documents".
He still can't 'just take them'
What makes you think trump can just take documents (top secret) and preserve them with NARA?
Where's the indictment?
Can't indict a sitting President. 4 years.
The FBI, the DOJ, others are being very patient, and YOU HATE it.
It takes time because we know this POS fuckstain will appeal everything.
I guess "the world" is getting the worst of it because seven years and no indictment.
Well we have the QAnon "take" on this situation
More bullshit smears from the left. ^^^

Not surprised.

But THEY are amazed when they get pushback. They go running to Mommy Nanny Deep State and hide beneath her legal skirts.

Because they have nothing else.

Nothing but cheap-ass very childish and idiotic mudslinging.

These are libtards. Childish and more than a little idiotic.
Your ass sucks hot air bellowed by Trump, mouth breather. You're a CLOWN led by the nose by Agent Orange Trump who's a private citizen & a traitor.
What a fucktard. ^^^

Another moron for the ignore list.

Sigh. They're dropping like flies.
He still can't 'just take them'
What makes you think trump can just take documents (top secret) and preserve them with NARA?

Can't indict a sitting President. 4 years.
The FBI, the DOJ, others are being very patient, and YOU HATE it.
It takes time because we know this POS fuckstain will appeal everything.

Every ex President takes papers. Trump is not allowed to because he's Trump.
He still can't 'just take them'
What makes you think trump can just take documents (top secret) and preserve them with NARA?
Every other president "just took" documents from the White House.

If that is theft, start the prosecutions. If it is that only Trump is not allowed to, good luck with that prosecution.
Can't indict a sitting President. 4 years.
The FBI, the DOJ, others are being very patient, and YOU HATE it.
It takes time because we know this POS fuckstain will appeal everything.
They're not being patient, they are dragging out while desperately seeking a crime for seven years.

If it was about him being the sitting president, after four years of gathering evidence, they could have asked a grand jury for an indictment on Jan 21, 2020. They got nothing.

More bullshit smears from the left. ^^^

Not surprised.

But THEY are amazed when they get pushback. They go running to Mommy Nanny Deep State and hide beneath her legal skirts.

Because they have nothing else.

Nothing but cheap-ass very childish and idiotic mudslinging.

These are libtards. Childish and more than a little idiotic.
That pushback do always surprise them, don't it? They get geeked up with self-righteousness listing to Lemmon and Maddow, and they are shocked that other people don't get all information from Woke news sources and so know more than the pure woke.
"Every ex President takes papers. Trump is not allowed to because he's Trump."

Out of curiosity.....would the poster BS consider that the nature and character of those papers do matter to some? And that that may be the determinant here.
Instead of, say, Chester Arthur taking his collection of Cleveland Plain Dealer with him on departure?

Jus' askin'.
If it was about him being the sitting president, after four years of gathering evidence,
"Four years"?
So, the poster Flops thinks Trump was possibly illegally taking our documents for over two years longer than the DOJ thought he was?

Gettouttatown! Who knew?

Poster Flops.....let's just stick with the misappropriation of our documents, some of them very sensitive secret documents, beginning in January of 2021. And let's not forget his stonewalling on the return of them. To the point of refusing a subpoena intended to get them back. Whiskeytangofoxtrot! Just how responsible is that for a former chief executive of the United States of America?

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