Heres why we NEED a Woman of Color as VP

You just had a Black President for 8 years. So I noticed you didn't say "Its Time".

Find me another Margaret Thatcher and I'll be glad to vote for her, whether she is Black or White.

What the Hell has Stacy Abrams done---other than be black and female. How about Condoleezza Rice instead.

"Qualification" is "overrated"?

Give me a break.

Abrams did an amazing job as a Georgia representative. She graduated Yale law school in only 1 freakin year!!!! She has fought for equality her whole life. Just look her up and see for yourself. Sure she got cheated for Governor and I wish she’d move on from it but everything happens for a reason, and maybe Gods plan for her was VP not Governor
She attended Yale Law from 1996-1999

She failed to pay her income taxes for at least 2 years---her excuse was that she had "family expenses"--(don't we all) and owed the IRS $50,000 at the time she was running for Governor. They have now been paid--likely compliments of someone like George Soros.

A $50,000 delinquency on income taxes would be disqualifying for a White Boy...and NO person who has only been a "State Representative" is qualified to be a Vice-President---unless the Race Card is played---which the O.P. is not ashamed to do.

And Joe Biden's Vice-President MUST also be ready to hold the most powerful office in the world---because there is no way Biden stays out of a Nursing Home for four years.

The Original Post is a bad joke---yet anything is possible with the Democrats. Picking a Black Woman basically out of the phone book for VP just because she is a Black Woman is not as ridiculous as putting a Dementia Patient at the top of the ticket.

And they've absolutely done that.
Sometimes we assume people have bad intent. Saying Stacie Abrams or Kamala Harris are “unqualified” may be racist, but MAYBE not, maybe people saying that just don’t understand why having a Woman of Color VP is important.

Look, we all see the world through different prisms and if you are a straight white male you see it one way. Fine. But everyone else doesnt and if you want EVERYONE to have confidence in government then all viewpoints must hold a % of the power.

Its quite simple. And for my vote, Stacie Abrams would make an EXCELLENT VP pick. Her vision, charisma, ethics, shes the total package honestly
Fuck your identify politics!!!

Yeah, cuz skin color and plumbing are qualifications.

“Qualification” is so overrated at the executive level. The POTUS and VP are surrounded by experts and veteran advisors. They offer them the best options.

At that point MORALS matter far more to make a choice. Having a diverse representation of people making that final choice is so important. Let the advisors and experts be the so called blindly expert qualified people, regardless of race/gender.

But the final “deciders” that they present the handful of options in a situation must represent America

Gosh I didn't realize we all keep our "morals" in our pants. Is this why the idiots at the Women's March wear theirs on their head so they can remember what their "morals" are?
Sometimes we assume people have bad intent. Saying Stacie Abrams or Kamala Harris are “unqualified” may be racist, but MAYBE not, maybe people saying that just don’t understand why having a Woman of Color VP is important.

Look, we all see the world through different prisms and if you are a straight white male you see it one way. Fine. But everyone else doesnt and if you want EVERYONE to have confidence in government then all viewpoints must hold a % of the power.

Its quite simple. And for my vote, Stacie Abrams would make an EXCELLENT VP pick. Her vision, charisma, ethics, shes the total package honestly
Sometimes we assume people have bad intent. Saying Stacie Abrams or Kamala Harris are “unqualified” may be racist, but MAYBE not, maybe people saying that just don’t understand why having a Woman of Color VP is important.

Look, we all see the world through different prisms and if you are a straight white male you see it one way. Fine. But everyone else doesnt and if you want EVERYONE to have confidence in government then all viewpoints must hold a % of the power.

Its quite simple. And for my vote, Stacie Abrams would make an EXCELLENT VP pick. Her vision, charisma, ethics, shes the total package honestly
..and THAT is not racist?????!!!!!!
Sometimes we assume people have bad intent. Saying Stacie Abrams or Kamala Harris are “unqualified” may be racist, but MAYBE not, maybe people saying that just don’t understand why having a Woman of Color VP is important.

Look, we all see the world through different prisms and if you are a straight white male you see it one way. Fine. But everyone else doesnt and if you want EVERYONE to have confidence in government then all viewpoints must hold a % of the power.

Its quite simple. And for my vote, Stacie Abrams would make an EXCELLENT VP pick. Her vision, charisma, ethics, shes the total package honestly sound just like Sotomayor = RACIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sometimes we assume people have bad intent. Saying Stacie Abrams or Kamala Harris are “unqualified” may be racist, but MAYBE not, maybe people saying that just don’t understand why having a Woman of Color VP is important.

Look, we all see the world through different prisms and if you are a straight white male you see it one way. Fine. But everyone else doesnt and if you want EVERYONE to have confidence in government then all viewpoints must hold a % of the power.

Its quite simple. And for my vote, Stacie Abrams would make an EXCELLENT VP pick. Her vision, charisma, ethics, shes the total package honestly
Sometimes we assume people have bad intent. Saying Stacie Abrams or Kamala Harris are “unqualified” may be racist, but MAYBE not, maybe people saying that just don’t understand why having a Woman of Color VP is important.

Look, we all see the world through different prisms and if you are a straight white male you see it one way. Fine. But everyone else doesnt and if you want EVERYONE to have confidence in government then all viewpoints must hold a % of the power.

Its quite simple. And for my vote, Stacie Abrams would make an EXCELLENT VP pick. Her vision, charisma, ethics, shes the total package honestly
....POC are jackass choices--they think of RACE so much it warps their minds--they LOVE criminals!!!!!
....Gardner in St Louis....
..Mosby in Baltimore
..Obama hates whites/cops/America--I've linked this many times with the proof
Yeah, cuz skin color and plumbing are qualifications.

“Qualification” is so overrated at the executive level. The POTUS and VP are surrounded by experts and veteran advisors. They offer them the best options.

At that point MORALS matter far more to make a choice. Having a diverse representation of people making that final choice is so important. Let the advisors and experts be the so called blindly expert qualified people, regardless of race/gender.

But the final “deciders” that they present the handful of options in a situation must represent America
You talk about morals then side with Xi against our President? That dog eating communist is as immoral as it gets. Better dead than red.
The nation voted in a communist twice.Notice that being black had nothing to do with it....but because people voted for color rather than content of character it nearly destroyed us.It is childishly simplistic, stupid,and reckless to vote by skin color.

MLK would roll over in his grave.
Sometimes we assume people have bad intent. Saying Stacie Abrams or Kamala Harris are “unqualified” may be racist, but MAYBE not, maybe people saying that just don’t understand why having a Woman of Color VP is important.

Look, we all see the world through different prisms and if you are a straight white male you see it one way. Fine. But everyone else doesnt and if you want EVERYONE to have confidence in government then all viewpoints must hold a % of the power.

Its quite simple. And for my vote, Stacie Abrams would make an EXCELLENT VP pick. Her vision, charisma, ethics, shes the total package honestly

Um... no. She couldn't even win in her home state. And she's been kind of a whiner since she lost.

What we need is someone we know can run the country if President Biden passes away. That should be the ONLY criteria for picking a veep.
The nation voted in a communist twice.Notice that being black had nothing to do with it....but because people voted for color rather than content of character it nearly destroyed us.It is childishly simplistic, stupid,and reckless to vote by skin color.

MLK would roll over in his grave.

Uh, Obama got us out of the worst recession in 80 years.

Trump has brought us an even worse recession with a PLAGUE to boot. If he starts a war, he can give us the Four Horseman Trifecta!
The nation voted in a communist twice.Notice that being black had nothing to do with it....but because people voted for color rather than content of character it nearly destroyed us.It is childishly simplistic, stupid,and reckless to vote by skin color.

MLK would roll over in his grave.

Uh, Obama got us out of the worst recession in 80 years.

Trump has brought us an even worse recession with a PLAGUE to boot. If he starts a war, he can give us the Four Horseman Trifecta!
Two lies in one post.That's pretty good.You ought to work for the DNC.You've got the talking points down pretty good.Obama got us out of nothing and gave us an illegal medical tax that gutted the middle class....Trump has brought more prosperity to this nation than the Obama could ever imagine.As far as the fake "crisis" the frothing leftist are perpetuating....anybody with a brain sees what is going on....Trump will win by a larger margin this time.
This all assumes Biden isn't replaced during the Democratic Party convention.. :stir:
Sometimes we assume people have bad intent. Saying Stacie Abrams or Kamala Harris are “unqualified” may be racist, but MAYBE not, maybe people saying that just don’t understand why having a Woman of Color VP is important.

Look, we all see the world through different prisms and if you are a straight white male you see it one way. Fine. But everyone else doesnt and if you want EVERYONE to have confidence in government then all viewpoints must hold a % of the power.

Its quite simple. And for my vote, Stacie Abrams would make an EXCELLENT VP pick. Her vision, charisma, ethics, shes the total package honestly
She couldn't even win in her own state!
She is morbidly obese. Has diabetes. Chain smoker. Virtual prerequisites for contracting a fatal dose of the virus.
How long would she last!
Then Kevin McCarthy would become the President. That would totally fuck up CNN's day!
Sometimes we assume people have bad intent. Saying Stacie Abrams or Kamala Harris are “unqualified” may be racist, but MAYBE not, maybe people saying that just don’t understand why having a Woman of Color VP is important.

Look, we all see the world through different prisms and if you are a straight white male you see it one way. Fine. But everyone else doesnt and if you want EVERYONE to have confidence in government then all viewpoints must hold a % of the power.

Its quite simple. And for my vote, Stacie Abrams would make an EXCELLENT VP pick. Her vision, charisma, ethics, shes the total package honestly

She's very qualified for the job and would do a much better job than pence.

However I saw an interview with Joe Biden and he said he pledged to choose a woman who was on the debate stage with him during the primary.

Kamla Harris was on the stage with him. Frankly, I would love to see her debate pence. The woman would tear him apart. She is a former prosecutor and has no problem with ignoring being nice to tell the truth or get to the truth. I've seen her ask questions to people as a senator and she doesn't take garbage.

It really doesn't matter to me who Biden's running mate is. I voted my conscience in the primary. I will hold my nose and vote for Biden in November.
If you must hold your nose when you are making a decision that means your choice stinks. You want THAT fact to form your choice?
You ought to give your head a shake pal.
Sometimes we assume people have bad intent. Saying Stacie Abrams or Kamala Harris are “unqualified” may be racist, but MAYBE not, maybe people saying that just don’t understand why having a Woman of Color VP is important.

Why don't YOU explain why having a Woman of Color VP is important to YOU, instead of projecting your emotional dysfunction on the rest of us by using the term "we?"

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