Herman Cain passed away from COVID

why didn't hydroxychloroquine, which is a known cure, save the poor man?

The question is, did his doctors adminsiter the HCQ cocktail? Just how badly was his immune system affected before contracting the virus? Should HCQ be used as a prophylaxes and taken daily to protect from the virus?
You cannot deny that the use of the HCR+Zn+Erythromycin works. It's been proven in a number of countries and Doctor's are using it. There are proven successes, you can't deny the facts....

Herman beat cancer..... extensive cancer....a long shot but he did it. So his immune-system was probably compromised to some extent from that battle. He was 74 but may have started taking care of himself too late. This is an opportunistic virus....I wonder if it's the same one China first attacked us with or if this is the second wave they're sending us now. I'm so tempted to call for nuking their stinking yellow asses off the face of the earth but the whole world dies if we do it so no.
The truth has triggered you. Ignorance and arrogance killed Herman Cain.

Wrong....the CHI-NA virus killed Herman Cain. You should be furious they let it escape the Chinese mainland and infect the whole world....but you're an idiot and a puppet for the commissars Pelousy and Schumer....disgusting.
Flights leave Chinese cities to destinations around the world every few minutes, if not quicker. This is eye-opening:

Wuhan is dead center. This is right now.

maybe his fate will make some twat wake up, and take this virus seriously. it was utterly irresponsible for cain (who was in a very very high-risk group) to behave like he did. he got the virus, and died. that's shitty, especially for his family. but he is responsible for this.
It won't be enough. More, like him, need to die first before it begins to register with these deplorable people.
i think they are unreachable until the virus reaches them, personally.
Republicans don’t care about anything until it affects them personally.
Cain won't be the only victim of Trump's ignorance and arrogance from that Tulsa rally.
He was Dx one week after attending it.

He's been traveling all over the country making appearances. He could have picked up it at Tulsa or at any of the other places he'd been in that time period.
He was tested before the rally in Tulsa, as all others on or near the stage in Trump's campaign, and he did not have the virus before the Tulsa rally.... was hospitalized a week or so later.
Watch the Trump boot lickers squirm

To whom are you referring?
The Trump boot-lickers? Just a guess.
The truth has triggered you. Ignorance and arrogance killed Herman Cain.

Wrong....the CHI-NA virus killed Herman Cain. You should be furious they let it escape the Chinese mainland and infect the whole world....but you're an idiot and a puppet for the commissars Pelousy and Schumer....disgusting.
Flights leave Chinese cities to destinations around the world every few minutes, if not quicker. This is eye-opening:

Wuhan is dead center. This is right now.

View attachment 369080

All I can say is I watched the Chinese vice-premier or whatever the fuck he is sitting in the Oval Office during the signing of the trade deal with Trump. I didn't like the look on his face...I saw it many times in Vietnam...the hard eyes at a supposedly beneficial event. And it turns out 3 days before that day, the Chinese knew the virus transmitted human to human and air traffic was leaving China headed all over the world....ESPECIALLY here. That son of a bitch had a look like: "you'll get your reward for challenging us" and we did. The question now is what are we going to do about it? If I was running the CIA they'd wish they never messed with us like this.
i think they are unreachable until the virus reaches them, personally.
Let's see what becomes of Gohmert.
that guy is younger and not a cancer survivor, if i am not mistaken, so he will most likely get through it, and afterwards claim how it was only a minor inconvenience.
He doesn’t look in great shape to begin with, though. I’d bet Cain was in better shape, post-cancer, than Gohmert. I may be wrong, but I remember Cain as being fairly broad-shouldered and sturdy.
So thanks for the memories!
"Lmao!!! "Ok, Libya....." moves water bottle "
" He pulled a Rubio before it became popular at 3:51 "
He did not know anthang about facts.

"Clown 101!"

Sexual assault. There were a few more with NDA's.
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So thanks for the memories!
"Lmao!!! "Ok, Libya....." moves water bottle "
" He pulled a Rubio before it became popular at 3:51 "
He did not know anthang about facts.

Another giggling little turd happy as a clam about the passing of a great man....your ilk makes the prospect of a shooting civil war all the more enticing.
If humans rather than lizards ran the Republican Party they could use this sad, premature death as an example for people to take this virus seriously.
Over 34,000 deaths occurred in the 2018-19 flu season, not an exceptional total. This Is How Many People Die From the Flu Each Year

Would you be so stupid as to suggest no one takes influenza seriously? Well, you probably might if you
could get any political mileage out of your politicized bullshit the way the Covid virus has been completely
turned into a political football by the left.

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