Herman Cain passed away from COVID

Sad to hear. He had some interesting ideas.
True. He also saved Godfather's Pizza from bankruptcy.
For a while. But it wasn’t his, or their, fault. Pizza Hut steamrolled Godfather’s out of existence. In just about every small town they competed with them, Pizza Hut won. Dominoes was the coup de gras.
Oh, now the CIA is good?

Brennan's CIA was the same as him...a muslim-converted den of treacherous traitors....he's gone and hopefully soon gone to prison...don't reply to me again ya worm.
It’s like a tennis match watching “conservatives” whip from one opinion 180 degrees to the other opinion.

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
So thanks for the memories!
"Lmao!!! "Ok, Libya....." moves water bottle "
" He pulled a Rubio before it became popular at 3:51 "
He did not know anthang about facts.

Another giggling little turd happy as a clam about the passing of a great man....your ilk makes the prospect of a shooting civil war all the more enticing.
Our ignorant, homely little turd leftists especially hated Herman Cain because blacks ain't allowed off the reservation. A black who is liberated from communist ideology (no small feat if he attended an American university) is reviled as a race-traitor and a sell-out...uncle Tom. Everything the leftists say is a lie, opposite caring and compassion...they are now Maoists ready to accept any level of "collateral damage" to achieve their goal...the domination of every aspect of American life. Don't look away...look right at them...spit in their faces.
RIP Herman Cain

Entertaining, probably one of the more "creative" presidential candidates in recent memory. 9-9-9 plan to quoting Pokémon, he had to be trolling.

In the end it appears given the timing and circumstances that he likely contracted COVID during a crowded unmasked gathering. It shouldn't come as a surprise that an event like this would get someone killed.

We should hold a memorial for Herman Cain like we do any other cult follower. He died, learn a lesson and move on.
why didn't hydroxychloroquine, which is a known cure, save the poor man?

The question is, did his doctors adminsiter the HCQ cocktail? Just how badly was his immune system affected before contracting the virus? Should HCQ be used as a prophylaxes and taken daily to protect from the virus?
You cannot deny that the use of the HCR+Zn+Erythromycin works. It's been proven in a number of countries and Doctor's are using it. There are proven successes, you can't deny the facts....

i can deny it of course, "doc". with scientific support, as was done ad nauseam.

this is however not the thread for this. this is the thread to highlight the unnecessary death of a person who was in a high-risk group, believed in HCQ as valid treatment, and did not believe in social distancing or mask wearing. instead of using his prominence to act responsibly with regard to himself, and with regard to setting a good example, he decided to act like an irresponsible troll, and died. maybe he can serve as a bad example.
RIP Herman Cain

Entertaining, probably one of the more "creative" presidential candidates in recent memory. 9-9-9 plan to quoting Pokémon, he had to be trolling.

In the end it appears given the timing and circumstances that he likely contracted COVID during a crowded unmasked gathering. It shouldn't come as a surprise that an event like this would get someone killed.

We should hold a memorial for Herman Cain like we do any other cult follower. He died, learn a lesson and move on.

Fuck your "cult follower" bullshit.
maybe his fate will make some twat wake up, and take this virus seriously. it was utterly irresponsible for cain (who was in a very very high-risk group) to behave like he did. he got the virus, and died. that's shitty, especially for his family. but he is responsible for this.
We are all responsible. We are adults. I see a ton of old people out and about in my Leftist state. I just shrug and laugh at their expense. They are stupid thinking little masks will protect them.
why didn't hydroxychloroquine, which is a known cure, save the poor man?

The question is, did his doctors adminsiter the HCQ cocktail? Just how badly was his immune system affected before contracting the virus? Should HCQ be used as a prophylaxes and taken daily to protect from the virus?
You cannot deny that the use of the HCR+Zn+Erythromycin works. It's been proven in a number of countries and Doctor's are using it. There are proven successes, you can't deny the facts....


Add Ohio as the latest state to choose Death over Trump and ban any and all use of hydroxychloroquine use against the China virus.

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