Herman Cain passed away from COVID

The Party of Personal Responsibility claims another one.
How about all the deaths and lives lost with the riots that your party supports? Guaranty 100% I won't get a response from you on this since you don't have one.

People got tired of police killing unarmed black men & assfucks like you not giving a shit. How masny of died by this inaction? I guaran-fucking-tee you more than died in these protersts.
Herman Cain was a good man and a great American.
I wonder if the black community will morn him like they are doing with John Lewis? ... :dunno:

we won’t be mourning this man. He promoted not wearing mask in the middle of a pandemic because his buddy Trump said so.

The man died... good grief you tired old bitch, you and everyone else stop making it political.

Just stop already
Cain politicized his own death by dying from COVID-19 after defiantly refusing to wear a mask at an Impeached Trump rally. Even worse, encouraging others to not wear a mask as attendees stood and sat shoulder to shoulder.

Cain deserves a Darwin Award for his efforts.



won’t be mourning this man. He promoted not wearing mask in the middle of a pandemic because his buddy Trump said so.
Pretty much. I am sad for his family. Not for him.
It's like someone going thru the windshield of their car in an accident because they refuse to wear a seatbelt and brag about it, encouraging others to also not wear a seatbelt.
Herman Cain was a good man and a great American.
I wonder if the black community will morn him like they are doing with John Lewis? ... :dunno:

we won’t be mourning this man. He promoted not wearing mask in the middle of a pandemic because his buddy Trump said so.

The man died... good grief you tired old bitch, you and everyone else stop making it political.

Just stop already
Cain politicized his own death by dying from COVID-19 after defiantly refusing to wear a mask at an Impeached Trump rally. Even worse, encouraging others to not wear a mask as attendees stood and sat shoulder to shoulder.

Cain deserves a Darwin Award for his efforts.



I think the guy next to him in that photo is also sick with covid, now.
Poor Mr. Cain put his life on the line to support his friend, ie Trump and to this day, Trump has yet to pay once ounce of respect or support for what his friend did for him.....When will people learn, Trump is not a good person, not a good human being, absent of emotions, feelings and gratitude. RIP Mr. Cain and do explain to God, just how stupid you were not wearing a mask, he'll listen.
Donald Trump who has at his beckon call all the medical intervention one could wish for.....that's why the whore doesn't care to wear a mask, everyone around him is tested and taken care of....stop being fools people and thinking this man is some kind of hero....I am so sick of stupid people thinking Trump is brave.....stop!!
Herman Cain was a good man and a great American.
I wonder if the black community will morn him like they are doing with John Lewis? ... :dunno:
Cain was a foolish man who had battled cancer and was medically vulnerable. He is not equal in any way to the sacrifices Lewis made to mankind. Your question should be, will Trump give him the love he showed him in death. My answer would be NO!!
Our wonderful Pres.Trump always makes the right decisions.
This is what makes him a such great president.
We are truly blessed to have him rule over us. ... :thup:
Dude, you need help, I mean seriously. By the time this man whore gets through with this country, other than a bunch of rednecks proud to be white again.....this nation will be unreconizable....the carnage is beyond....
Our wonderful Pres.Trump always makes the right decisions.
This is what makes him a such great president.
We are truly blessed to have him rule over us. ... :thup:
Dude, you need help, I mean seriously. By the time this man whore gets through with this country, other than a bunch of rednecks proud to be white again.....this nation will be unreconizable....the carnage is beyond....
This is about trust. People have lost trust in their government. Trump was elected because of it. For all I know Cain was purposely infected with something by a deep state operative. Trust! You guys are pure fascists. And you call Repubs that.
Our wonderful Pres.Trump always makes the right decisions.
This is what makes him a such great president.
We are truly blessed to have him rule over us. ... :thup:
Dude, you need help, I mean seriously. By the time this man whore gets through with this country, other than a bunch of rednecks proud to be white again.....this nation will be unreconizable....the carnage is beyond....
This is about trust. People have lost trust in their government. Trump was elected because of it. For all I know Cain was purposely infected with something by a deep state operative. Trust! You guys are pure fascists. And you call Repubs that.
Herman Cain was a good man and a great American.
I wonder if the black community will morn him like they are doing with John Lewis? ... :dunno:

we won’t be mourning this man. He promoted not wearing mask in the middle of a pandemic because his buddy Trump said so.

The man died... good grief you tired old bitch, you and everyone else stop making it political.

Just stop already
Cain politicized his own death by dying from COVID-19 after defiantly refusing to wear a mask at an Impeached Trump rally. Even worse, encouraging others to not wear a mask as attendees stood and sat shoulder to shoulder.

Cain deserves a Darwin Award for his efforts.



Its beyond sad reading this......just sad.
The truth is out there somewhere. Democrats always want to rewrite history for their own benefit.

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