Herman Cain said that he would Not appoint a Muslim to any position in his administra

We are currently engaged in a war with radical Islam and this surprises you? Would you have had FDR appoint Nazis to his cabinet and to judicial positions during World War 2? Or would you think that maybe it might be wise not to do that, even if they are qualified for the positions?

i don't care what religion or philosophy you have. If the President has any doubt that you can fulfill the position he needs to appoint you to or that your loyalties might be questionable, why on earth would you expect him to appoint you?

The Constitution prevents any religious test from being used to determine candidates for political office. But the President has complete discretion on whom he appoints to positions in his cabinent and who he appoints to the courts.

cabinent? really?

Anywho... no he doesnt have complete discretion. There's this thing called THE CONSTITUTION that says you can't not hire someone based on their religious views. You might try reading it before you go all chicken hawk and puff your chest out.

And this shows that he doesnt even understand the fundamental laws of our country. So why the FUCK would we elect him?

Nazi = political party affiliation
Muslim = religion

Not all Muslims are terrorists or support terrorism. That's a fact. Discriminating because the wacko-right-wing base isn't sophisticated enough in thought to understand that...that's a crappy candidate right there.

I'm happy Cain hung himself so early in the campaign. :clap2:
The gig is up muzzie savage animal.Freedom and islam are incompatable and we will NEVER give up our freedoms.You may have the liberal scum on your side but the rest of us know that the evil quran orders you evil islamic beasts to murder infidels(thats ALL non muzz)and force islam on the whole world.FUCK YOU!Take islam and ram it up your ass sideways.muhammad was a thieving murdering childmolesting evil pig.And thats who started your evil deathcult of islam.

i wouldnt go around calling other people savage with this post you just made.
Go away.

You are the liberal scum who defends these islamic satanic beasts.FUCK YOU MUZZIE LOVER!!In the name of islam thousands murdered on 9/11.In the name of islam
dozens killed at Ft. Hood.Iam PROUD to HATE islam!!!!!!!!!

I can tell by your "satanic" comment that you are Christian so this makes you rather hipocritical. The Bible contains twice as many violent passages as the Quran. This is fact and if you want to debate that, let's take it to the religion forum. And ironically, the God of the Bible killed millions of people while Satan only killed about 13 people, so it's funny that you use "satan" to signify evil when your God killed millions more than satan.

Of you're not a Christian, then it's rather an odd thing for an Atheist to call something "satanic."

We are currently engaged in a war with radical Islam and this surprises you? Would you have had FDR appoint Nazis to his cabinet and to judicial positions during World War 2? Or would you think that maybe it might be wise not to do that, even if they are qualified for the positions?

i don't care what religion or philosophy you have. If the President has any doubt that you can fulfill the position he needs to appoint you to or that your loyalties might be questionable, why on earth would you expect him to appoint you?

The Constitution prevents any religious test from being used to determine candidates for political office. But the President has complete discretion on whom he appoints to positions in his cabinent and who he appoints to the courts.

cabinent? really?

Anywho... no he doesnt have complete discretion. There's this thing called THE CONSTITUTION that says you can't not hire someone based on their religious views. You might try reading it before you go all chicken hawk and puff your chest out.

And this shows that he doesnt even understand the fundamental laws of our country. So why the FUCK would we elect him?

Nazi = political party affiliation
Muslim = religion

Not all Muslims are terrorists or support terrorism. That's a fact. Discriminating because the wacko-right-wing base isn't sophisticated enough in thought to understand that...that's a crappy candidate right there.

I'm happy Cain hung himself so early in the campaign. :clap2:

UM WHAT? First of all the COTUS only applies to the government , it doesn't protect your rights from being violated by individuals, or at least it shouldn't even though some loopy judges rule that way occasionally. SO as of right now Cain the private citizen can say whatever he'd like.

Second of all, the POTUS has complete discretion to nominate whomever he wold want to serve him. Cabinet members serve at his pleasure. There is no requirements whatsoever for hiring quotas.

Talk about needing to learn the law :cuckoo:
Ahem....Joseph Kennedy was a Nazi sympathizer.....Charles Limburgh wa a Nazi sympathizer.....before Hitler declared war on us, we had LOTS in our government that, if not Nazis themselves, had no problems with the Nazis.

And you think that justifies your support of Islam?
Would anyone be outraged if Cain said he refused to appoint anyone from the Westboro Baptist Church to any positions of power?

You comparing WBJ folks to my Muslim friends that are qualified?

Cain wishes now he would not have said it. Everyone here knows that.
Would a liberal appoint a conservative to his cabinet? Of course not. Doesn't mean he hates them; just doesn't trust them or share the same values.

Would Sunni Man appoint a Jew? Of course not.

Herman Cain spoke the obvious and will pay for it. I wonder how many death threats he's gotten in the name of the "Religion of Peace"?
Ahem....Joseph Kennedy was a Nazi sympathizer.....Charles Limburgh wa a Nazi sympathizer.....before Hitler declared war on us, we had LOTS in our government that, if not Nazis themselves, had no problems with the Nazis.

And you think that justifies your support of Islam?

You support Islam also. We all have been for 20 years now.
Every government we have helped in 3 wars over there Islam is their religion.
The current Iraqi and Afghanistan government NOW are Islam.
How come you didn't know that?
You wanna know a sad fact? there is not even 1 country that truly practices Shariah law, even the Saudis do not. So why should America and the West embrace Shariah, when the Muslim countries have not?:confused:

Ah yes, the old "it isn't PURE communism" argument.

No one cares. Sharia is an abhorrent form of dictatorship, regardless of the purity of implementation.
Would a liberal appoint a conservative to his cabinet? Of course not. Doesn't mean he hates them; just doesn't trust them or share the same values.

Would Sunni Man appoint a Jew? Of course not.

Herman Cain spoke the obvious and will pay for it. I wonder how many death threats he's gotten in the name of the "Religion of Peace"?

Obama would be a liberal.
And he has a conservative cabinet member.
Would anyone be outraged if Cain said he refused to appoint anyone from the Westboro Baptist Church to any positions of power?

You comparing WBJ folks to my Muslim friends that are qualified?

Cain wishes now he would not have said it. Everyone here knows that.

It IS possible that some of the WBJ loons would be qualified to hold certain posts , that doesn't mean I'd want them there even if they were technically qualified. So that comparison IS valid.

I'm sure that politically Cain wishes he hadn't spoken the truth. Speaking as a citizen I wish politicians didn't have to KNOW that the truth will get them nowhere in politics.
Would a liberal appoint a conservative to his cabinet? Of course not. Doesn't mean he hates them; just doesn't trust them or share the same values.

Would Sunni Man appoint a Jew? Of course not.

Herman Cain spoke the obvious and will pay for it. I wonder how many death threats he's gotten in the name of the "Religion of Peace"?

Why wouldn't he appoint a Muslim to to the Dept of Education or Treasury Dept if they were best qualified?

To say outright you would not consider them is prejudice

Would it be acceptable if he said he would not appoint any whites?
I can tell by your "satanic" comment that you are Christian so this makes you rather hipocritical. The Bible contains twice as many violent passages as the Quran.

Yeah, bullshit.

Even if what you claimed were true, which it isn't, it would be irrelevant. Bad acts by one do not excuse bad acts by another.

But what you claim is utterly false. The Old Testament offers historical accounts of ancient (mostly mythological) events. The Koran provides instructions for behavior by adherents. The Koran is vastly more violent in the commands of violence by Muslims than even the Old Testament. (Christians are pacifist slackers!)

Islam is an extremely violent religion. Surah 9 is entirely bloodthirsty and is effective today. Remember, accounts of wars 5000 years ago offer no threat to living persons; "slay the pagans where ye find them," does.
Would anyone be outraged if Cain said he refused to appoint anyone from the Westboro Baptist Church to any positions of power?

You comparing WBJ folks to my Muslim friends that are qualified?

Cain wishes now he would not have said it. Everyone here knows that.

It IS possible that some of the WBJ loons would be qualified to hold certain posts , that doesn't mean I'd want them there even if they were technically qualified. So that comparison IS valid.

I'm sure that politically Cain wishes he hadn't spoken the truth. Speaking as a citizen I wish politicians didn't have to KNOW that the truth will get them nowhere in politics.

He would be justified in saying he would not appoint a supporter of Al Qaida. To rule out 7 million peaceful US Muslims because you don't like their religion is wrong
You support Islam also.

Oh goody, you're going to treat us to some lame, logical fallicies.

We all have been for 20 years now.
Every government we have helped in 3 wars over there Islam is their religion.


Are you saying that we fought WWII on behalf of Catholicism, since Italy and France were Catholic countries?
You comparing WBJ folks to my Muslim friends that are qualified?

Cain wishes now he would not have said it. Everyone here knows that.

It IS possible that some of the WBJ loons would be qualified to hold certain posts , that doesn't mean I'd want them there even if they were technically qualified. So that comparison IS valid.

I'm sure that politically Cain wishes he hadn't spoken the truth. Speaking as a citizen I wish politicians didn't have to KNOW that the truth will get them nowhere in politics.

He would be justified in saying he would not appoint a supporter of Al Qaida. To rule out 7 million peaceful US Muslims because you don't like their religion is wrong

On an intellectual level, you may have a point. On a practical level, the POTUS can nominate whomever he pleases. Them's the perks of winning office.
You comparing WBJ folks to my Muslim friends that are qualified?

Cain wishes now he would not have said it. Everyone here knows that.

It IS possible that some of the WBJ loons would be qualified to hold certain posts , that doesn't mean I'd want them there even if they were technically qualified. So that comparison IS valid.

I'm sure that politically Cain wishes he hadn't spoken the truth. Speaking as a citizen I wish politicians didn't have to KNOW that the truth will get them nowhere in politics.

He would be justified in saying he would not appoint a supporter of Al Qaida. To rule out 7 million peaceful US Muslims because you don't like their religion is wrong

I read that there are only about 3 million Muslims in the US, where do you come up with 7 Million?
Muslim Statistics for the U.S. / Number of Muslims in America
Q. How many Muslims are in the United States?
A. According to an academic review of available survey-based data in 2001, informed by information provided by Muslim organizations and mosques, the highest reasonable total number of Muslims in the United States is 2.8 million.

A more realistic number, supported by statistically significant survey data comparable to what has been used to to calculate the sizes of other religious groups, is less than 2 million Muslims in the United States, or about 0.5% of the total population.

Estimates of the U.S. Muslim population of 6 million, 8 million, 10 million or more may indeed be correct, but are not supported by empirical data. Such numbers may best be understood as "spiritual" numbers, rather than actual numbers.
As someone who practices discrimination law... this proves that Herman Cain should not be president.
Not only is he discriminating...he's PLANNING on practicing discrimination...illegal discrimination at that.

Furthermore, it shows he knows FUCK ALL about the laws in our country and is pretty fucking stupid.

Interestingly, when the right criticize Obama, we get called 'racists'. Are you a racist for criticizing Cain?

brat, please. grow up.

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