Herman Cain said that he would Not appoint a Muslim to any position in his administra

You have any fucking evidence to suggest they're peaceful???

But Muslims are blowing themselves up...

So thats why the WBC only has 50 members?

When was the last time a Christian committed a terrorist attack??? I bet Muslims committed several today.

No, I don't kick it with ignorant trendy people who replace truth with knee jerk emotions.

Religion isn't crazy, people are crazy.

There is a difference between democratic independence and world domination.

Were our founding fathers terrorists too?

Was the US Revolution terrorism???

God you are an idiot and a fool.

You're the one making the assertion that they are NOT peaceful...prove it! Isolated acts from groups don't prove it for all or even the majority of people.

Second, retardoland, you havent explained why the constitution that protects religion should be shredded for your fear of muslims? It's always people like YOU who want to tear up the constitution when you get afraid...wet little panties soaking with pee and fear...

You seem to forget that religious persecution was the genesis of this country. Good thing we have braver men and women and MUSLIMS dying to protect your right not to be discriminated against.
He would be justified in saying he would not appoint a supporter of Al Qaida. To rule out 7 million peaceful US Muslims because you don't like their religion is wrong

You have any fucking evidence to suggest they're peaceful???

A peaceful Muslim in my mind would publicly condemn radical Islam.

Where the fuck are these activists that condemn radical Islam???

I know of 3 and only 3 activists that condemn radical Islam and those individuals receive death threats on a daily basis.

Looking the other way when radical Islam is spewing crazy world domination bullshit is not peaceful...

I could not harm a fly, however I could agree and even financially support organizations that commit violent acts. Now would that make me peaceful???

Do Muslim GIs on the front line fighting the Taliban qualify as "looking the other way?"
Are they those 3 you are talking about?
Funny, there are thousands of Muslims in our military.
Radicals would not know that though.

I never implied all Muslims. I know a few Muslims my age that are just like I am. They're Americans first and Muslims second.

I'm a Christian but I don't go to church, I know Muslims that are Muslim but they don't pray 5 times a day...

I know some Muslims that will eat pork and drink beer..

But then you got the conservative Muslims that are serious about Islam, much like Evangelical Christians.. But Evangelical Christians don't blow shit up in an attempt to kill people every day.
God you are an idiot and a fool.

You're the one making the assertion that they are NOT peaceful...prove it! Isolated acts from groups don't prove it for all or even the majority of people.

Second, retardoland, you havent explained why the constitution that protects religion should be shredded for your fear of muslims? It's always people like YOU who want to tear up the constitution when you get afraid...wet little panties soaking with pee and fear...

You seem to forget that religious persecution was the genesis of this country. Good thing we have braver men and women and MUSLIMS dying to protect your right not to be discriminated against.

Islam: Making a True Difference in the World - One Body at a Time

17,000 terrorist attacks by Muslims since 9/11

How many by Christians since 1980?? maybe 10.

Of course those facts don't jibe in your brain because you've been brainwashed to believe Islam is peaceful and Christians are bigots and racists.

You ever hear Louis Farrakhan or others from the Nation of Islam speak?

Look at Africa you ignorant little person.
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Islam: Making a True Difference in the World - One Body at a Time

17,000 terrorist attacks by Muslims since 9/11

How many by Christians since 1980?? maybe 10.

Of course those facts don't jibe in your brain because you've been brainwashed to believe Islam is peaceful and Christians are bigots and racists.

You ever hear Louis Farrakhan or others from the Nation of Islam speak?

Look at Africa you ignorant little person.

Your self-righteous anger might come off a little better if you weren't perverting reality. Just some advice.

Where are you coming up with that ANYONE is brainwashed to believe that Christians are bigots and racists? Chip on your shoulder much?

You haven't answered several things, douchetool

1. What about the Muslims who serve in the military?
2. What about the constitution that says you can't discriminate?
3. What about the Muslims who commit no acts of terrorism every day?
4. Why elect Cain president if he breaks the laws in the Constitution?

You are just a hate-filled fuckstain who makes redneck Amerikkka look even worse because you can't answer simple questions.

I don't know what they are but they are not Muslims :doubt:

Condemn Osama Bin Laden, condemn the Islamic Brotherhood, condemn the Mujahideen.

Tell me your allegiance is to The United States of America and NOT to Muhammad..

You stated that you are a Christian.

So who n your live is first; Jesus or America??

I know my allegiance do you know yours?

Answer the fucking question I asked you or shut the fuck up.

Problem is you don't know the difference between morals and ethics.

You didn't condemn terrorism so you're proving my point..
I have no problem with muslims. I do have a problem with muslims insisting on bringing sharia law to the usa.

Have you read the Constitution?

What makes you think there is a chance in hell of Sharia Law being accepted in the US?

I don't know what they are but they are not Muslims :doubt:

Condemn Osama Bin Laden, condemn the Islamic Brotherhood, condemn the Mujahideen.

Tell me your allegiance is to The United States of America and NOT to Muhammad..

You stated that you are a Christian.

So who n your life is first; Jesus or America??

Hey sunni man,Iam proud to say that my taxes helped buy the bullet that killed the evil
muslim pig osama bin laden.
Your self-righteous anger might come off a little better if you weren't perverting reality. Just some advice.

Where are you coming up with that ANYONE is brainwashed to believe that Christians are bigots and racists? Chip on your shoulder much?

You haven't answered several things, douchetool

1. What about the Muslims who serve in the military?
2. What about the constitution that says you can't discriminate?
3. What about the Muslims who commit no acts of terrorism every day?
4. Why elect Cain president if he breaks the laws in the Constitution?

You are just a hate-filled fuckstain who makes redneck Amerikkka look even worse because you can't answer simple questions.


Then you assert I'm hate filled? Not like you dummy.

I asserted that Muslims look the other way when terrorists attack - then I asked a poster to condemn terrorism and he cant even do that..

But you're so fucking biased you wont be able to understand that....


Yeah, that speakkks volumes on your worldview.

I don't know what they are but they are not Muslims :doubt:

Condemn Osama Bin Laden, condemn the Islamic Brotherhood, condemn the Mujahideen.

Tell me your allegiance is to The United States of America and NOT to Muhammad..

You stated that you are a Christian.

So who n your life is first; Jesus or America??

Jesus was a PERFECT man.muhammad was a murdering caravan thief who molested little girls.And who did you islamic beasts pick as your prophet?We know the rest of the story muzzie savage animal!
As a Christian I will say: the WBC is shit...

Muslims will NEVER say "Osama Bin Laden is shit."

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