Herman Cain said that he would Not appoint a Muslim to any position in his administra

Hey sunni man,There is ocean front property available in the islamic shithole of somalia.Please leave USA as soon as possible.
That fuck will never say a Muslim did wrong... THAT IS WHY those alleged "peaceful" Muslims are not peaceful - they're fucking de facto terrorists.
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Please share with the board what your point is exactly?? :confused:

Muslims - will - not - condemn - Islamic - terrorism - or - Islamic - terrorists.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2l-Pcrc2CP4&feature=youtube_gdata_player]YouTube - ‪CAIR Video: Muslims Welcome Arrest in Times Square Bomb Plot‬‏[/ame]

Yep, and you call them "uncle mohammads"

You're a piece of shit sympathizer. Too big a pussy to actually do anything yourself of course but you cheer them on.
I've never heard you condemn rightwing conservative extremism. Can you refer me to those posts?

Give me an example of "right wing" extremism and maybe I will.

Christian organizations like the KKK and the Aryan Nation for starters. :doubt:

Yeah like: Michael Pfleger - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Are you content with your ignorance?

Oh I'm still waiting for an apology from Sunni asshole on behalf of Islam for 9/11..

I like the fact you're attempting to change the discussion tho...
I've never heard you condemn rightwing conservative extremism. Can you refer me to those posts?

Give me an example of "right wing" extremism and maybe I will.

Christian organizations like the KKK and the Aryan Nation for starters. :doubt:
Muzzie savage,there are millions of you murdering islamic beasts,Very few KKK and Aryan
nation members.And even they dont fly large planes into large buildings.

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