Herman Cain said that he would Not appoint a Muslim to any position in his administra

Oh I'm still waiting for an apology from Sunni asshole on behalf of Islam for 9/11..
Islam is a religion and does not require me or anyone to apologize for it. :cool:

Yeah because you cant - which makes you a de facto terrorist.

Muslims cannot go against another Muslim, therefore you're a terrorist.

As a Christian I have liberty - I have freedom.

You're a fucking terrorist tho....

Then it is your obligation as an American citizen to report his posts to the FBI...I'm sure they can take it from there. Here is their web page with a "Contact Us" tab: FBI — Homepage

Let us know how it goes.
Islam is a religion and does not require me or anyone to apologize for it. :cool:

Yeah because you cant - which makes you a de facto terrorist.

Muslims cannot go against another Muslim, therefore you're a terrorist.

As a Christian I have liberty - I have freedom.

You're a fucking terrorist tho....

Then it is your obligation as an American citizen to report his posts to the FBI...I'm sure they can take it from there. Here is their web page with a "Contact Us" tab: FBI — Homepage

Let us know how it goes.

Thats funny.....I would never call the enemies.....

Thats my family getting fucked by the punk bitch police..

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Islam is a religion and does not require me or anyone to apologize for it. :cool:

Yeah because you cant - which makes you a de facto terrorist.

Muslims cannot go against another Muslim, therefore you're a terrorist.

As a Christian I have liberty - I have freedom.

You're a fucking terrorist tho....

Then it is your obligation as an American citizen to report his posts to the FBI...I'm sure they can take it from there. Here is their web page with a "Contact Us" tab: FBI — Homepage

Let us know how it goes.
Tell them that I wouldn't answer your idiotic questions.

I am sure they will hang on your every word. :cuckoo:
Yeah because you cant - which makes you a de facto terrorist.

Muslims cannot go against another Muslim, therefore you're a terrorist.

As a Christian I have liberty - I have freedom.

You're a fucking terrorist tho....

Then it is your obligation as an American citizen to report his posts to the FBI...I'm sure they can take it from there. Here is their web page with a "Contact Us" tab: FBI — Homepage

Let us know how it goes.

Thats funny.....I would never call the enemies.....

Thats my family getting fucked by the punk bitch police..

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lupF3XCtFzk]YouTube - ‪Tased Execution Style at Home... (Full Video)‬‏[/ame]

Ah...so you tell someone they are a terrorist, yet you will not report them. That makes you an assessory. I expect that the police may have reason.......
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Muslim Americans are higher educated than average Americans, they make more money and have a lower crime rate than average Americans. A higher percentage are in professional occupations. Muslims have a higher marriage rate and lower divorce rate

Sure they do.

Why wouldn't everyone just believe you - the most prolific liar in the forum?

Islam in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Contrary to popular perceptions, the condition of Muslims in the U.S. is very good. Many are professionals, especially doctors, scientists, engineers, and financial analysts, and there are also a large number of entrepreneurs. The five urban areas with the largest Indian populations include the Washington/Baltimore metropolitan area as well as New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. The 10 states with the largest Muslim populations are California, New York, Illinois, New Jersey, Indiana, Michigan, Virginia, Texas, Ohio, and Maryland. 45 percent of immigrant Muslims report annual household income levels of $50,000 or higher. This compares to the national average of 44 percent. Immigrant Muslims are well represented among higher-income earners, with 19 percent claiming annual household incomes of $100,000 or higher (compared to 16 percent for the Muslim population as a whole and 17 percent for the U.S. average). This is likely due to the strong concentration of Muslims in professional, managerial, and technical fields, especially in information technology, education, medicine, law, and the corporate world.[76]
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Herman Cain is asked whether he would be willing to appoint a Muslim as a Cabinet officer or judge.

“No. I will not,” he said. “And here’s why: There’s this creeping attempt — there’s this attempt to gradually ease Sharia law and the Muslim faith into our government.” According to Cain, many American Muslims “are trying to force their Sharia law onto the rest of us.”

That’s just stupid. As in not very bright. By comparison, the Sharia conspiracy crowd makes the birthers look downright sane and reasonable. It will be interesting to see who, if anyone, among the GOP mainstream steps up to repudiate such nonsense. After all, the Constitution explicitly rules out such nonsense, stating point blank that “no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.”

I guess Herman Cain doesn’t believe in the Constitution.

| Jay Bookman

YouTube - ‪Herman Cain refuses to appoint a Muslim in his administration‬‏

Does the constitution say we have to appoint Muslims?

We already know a conservative would appoint people with conservative values, and that clearly rules out Muslims.

A liberal President would not appoint a conservative, it doesn't mean that its 'discrimination' against conservatives.
Then it is your obligation as an American citizen to report his posts to the FBI...I'm sure they can take it from there. Here is their web page with a "Contact Us" tab: FBI — Homepage

Let us know how it goes.

Thats funny.....I would never call the enemies.....

Thats my family getting fucked by the punk bitch police..

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lupF3XCtFzk]YouTube - ‪Tased Execution Style at Home... (Full Video)‬‏[/ame]

Ah...so you tell someone they are a terrorist, yet you will not report them. That makes you an assessory. I expect that the police may have reason.......

No, thats my dad being tazed - my biological family..

After that, give me a reason to call the cops.....

Who would???
I would like to thank Herman Cain for announcing that if elected he would respect keeping religion out of government.

So he is going to refuse to appoint Jews and Catholics also. :doubt:

If either of those religious groups decide to fly some airplanes into some US skyscrapers, I suspect they will also not be included in a Cain White House.

Timothy McVeigh was a Catholic and blew up the Federal Building in OKC

Thus no Catholics should not be a part of the Herman Cain administration. :doubt:
Would a liberal appoint a conservative to his cabinet? Of course not. Doesn't mean he hates them; just doesn't trust them or share the same values.

Would Sunni Man appoint a Jew? Of course not.

Herman Cain spoke the obvious and will pay for it. I wonder how many death threats he's gotten in the name of the "Religion of Peace"?

Obama would be a liberal.
And he has a conservative cabinet member.

Please enlighten me and tell me who the conservative cabinet member is.

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