Herman Cain said that he would Not appoint a Muslim to any position in his administra

You wanna know a sad fact? there is not even 1 country that truly practices Shariah law, even the Saudis do not. So why should America and the West embrace Shariah, when the Muslim countries have not?:confused:

Ah yes, the old "it isn't PURE communism" argument.

No one cares. Sharia is an abhorrent form of dictatorship, regardless of the purity of implementation.

What the fuck are you talking about? I was just pointing out that none of the Muslim countries use Shariah law, thats it.
Ahem....Joseph Kennedy was a Nazi sympathizer.....Charles Limburgh wa a Nazi sympathizer.....before Hitler declared war on us, we had LOTS in our government that, if not Nazis themselves, had no problems with the Nazis.

And you think that justifies your support of Islam?

You support Islam also. We all have been for 20 years now.
Every government we have helped in 3 wars over there Islam is their religion.
The current Iraqi and Afghanistan government NOW are Islam.
How come you didn't know that?

Well stated, if you support or have supported any of our current or recent wars in the middle east than you're supporting the spread of Islam in middle east government.
We are currently engaged in a war with radical Islam and this surprises you? Would you have had FDR appoint Nazis to his cabinet and to judicial positions during World War 2? Or would you think that maybe it might be wise not to do that, even if they are qualified for the positions?

i don't care what religion or philosophy you have. If the President has any doubt that you can fulfill the position he needs to appoint you to or that your loyalties might be questionable, why on earth would you expect him to appoint you?

The Constitution prevents any religious test from being used to determine candidates for political office. But the President has complete discretion on whom he appoints to positions in his cabinent and who he appoints to the courts.

Ahem....Joseph Kennedy was a Nazi sympathizer.....Charles Limburgh wa a Nazi sympathizer.....before Hitler declared war on us, we had LOTS in our government that, if not Nazis themselves, had no problems with the Nazis.

I can tell by your "satanic" comment that you are Christian so this makes you rather hipocritical. The Bible contains twice as many violent passages as the Quran.

Yeah, bullshit.

Even if what you claimed were true, which it isn't, it would be irrelevant. Bad acts by one do not excuse bad acts by another.

Nice strawman. Show me where I said that it excused anybody.

I said that he is hypocritical for opposing one violent religion while at the same time being an adherent to another violent religion.

But what you claim is utterly false. The Old Testament offers historical accounts of ancient (mostly mythological) events.

False. It contains mandates to kill people as well as accounts of past events. And even in the past events, they document God commanding the slaughter of entire cities. And who said it's limited to the Old Testament? Jesus said in the New Testament that children who curse their parents shall be put to death.

The Koran provides instructions for behavior by adherents. The Koran is vastly more violent in the commands of violence by Muslims than even the Old Testament. (Christians are pacifist slackers!)

Islam is an extremely violent religion. Surah 9 is entirely bloodthirsty and is effective today. Remember, accounts of wars 5000 years ago offer no threat to living persons; "slay the pagans where ye find them," does.

Yes, the Quran is violent, but you're wrong. Let's debate this in the religion forum.

You comparing WBJ folks to my Muslim friends that are qualified?

Cain wishes now he would not have said it. Everyone here knows that.

It IS possible that some of the WBJ loons would be qualified to hold certain posts , that doesn't mean I'd want them there even if they were technically qualified. So that comparison IS valid.

I'm sure that politically Cain wishes he hadn't spoken the truth. Speaking as a citizen I wish politicians didn't have to KNOW that the truth will get them nowhere in politics.

He would be justified in saying he would not appoint a supporter of Al Qaida. To rule out 7 million peaceful US Muslims because you don't like their religion is wrong

You have any fucking evidence to suggest they're peaceful???

A peaceful Muslim in my mind would publicly condemn radical Islam.

Where the fuck are these activists that condemn radical Islam???

I know of 3 and only 3 activists that condemn radical Islam and those individuals receive death threats on a daily basis.

Looking the other way when radical Islam is spewing crazy world domination bullshit is not peaceful...

I could not harm a fly, however I could agree and even financially support organizations that commit violent acts. Now would that make me peaceful???
Yep. And most Republicans want sharia law to be the law of the land. They just call it something different. Rule by bible, or some such silliness.

There really is not much difference between Muslims and right wing Christians.

Name me ONE, just ONE Right Wing Christian that points to the Bible for justification that the BIBLE REQUIRES its Christians to conquer other nations "BY SWORD (caps mine) if necessary."

How about Judaism? How about the Jews using the Bible to grab a piece of the ME, run off the natives, and carve out a nation?

How about 'we' Americans using the Bible to justify Manifest Destiny?

Both points are pure BULLSHIT. Your usual phantasmagoric

In BOTH cases the BIBLE didn't have anything to do with Israel being an ancient country or the Bible the foundation of Manifest Destiny.

You might as well say that Moby Dick is responsible for both of the issues.

How the fuck can you survive from day to day and reconcile living in the Real World, you fucking LIEberrhoidal nincompoop ???
Name me ONE, just ONE Right Wing Christian that points to the Bible for justification that the BIBLE REQUIRES its Christians to conquer other nations "BY SWORD (caps mine) if necessary."

How about Judaism? How about the Jews using the Bible to grab a piece of the ME, run off the natives, and carve out a nation?

How about 'we' Americans using the Bible to justify Manifest Destiny?

Both points are pure BULLSHIT. Your usual phantasmagoric

In BOTH cases the BIBLE didn't have anything to do with Israel being an ancient country or the Bible the foundation of Manifest Destiny.

You might as well say that Moby Dick is responsible for both of the issues.

How the fuck can you survive from day to day and reconcile living in the Real World, you fucking LIEberrhoidal nincompoop ???

but on the other hand, you forgot to mention the salami, so your post is incomplete and disqualified.
As someone who practices discrimination law... this proves that Herman Cain should not be president.
Not only is he discriminating...he's PLANNING on practicing discrimination...illegal discrimination at that.

Furthermore, it shows he knows FUCK ALL about the laws in our country and is pretty fucking stupid.

Interestingly, when the right criticize Obama, we get called 'racists'. Are you a racist for criticizing Cain?

brat, please. grow up.

Howzabout you getting a brain transplant in order to comprehend REALITY ?
It IS possible that some of the WBJ loons would be qualified to hold certain posts , that doesn't mean I'd want them there even if they were technically qualified. So that comparison IS valid.

I'm sure that politically Cain wishes he hadn't spoken the truth. Speaking as a citizen I wish politicians didn't have to KNOW that the truth will get them nowhere in politics.

He would be justified in saying he would not appoint a supporter of Al Qaida. To rule out 7 million peaceful US Muslims because you don't like their religion is wrong

You have any fucking evidence to suggest they're peaceful???

Maybe the FACT that they are not breaking the law or blowing themselves up in acts of terror....?

A peaceful Muslim in my mind would publicly condemn radical Islam.

Just like a peaceful Christian would publicly condemn radical Christianity.

Where the fuck are these activists that condemn radical Islam???

I think they are hiding with those activists that condemn radical Christianity....

I know of 3 and only 3 activists that condemn radical Islam and those individuals receive death threats on a daily basis.

You don't get out much.

Looking the other way when radical Islam is spewing crazy world domination bullshit is not peaceful...

I agree when you apply that to all religions.

I could not harm a fly, however I could agree and even financially support organizations that commit violent acts. Now would that make me peaceful???

Hmmm...ask those in Irish pubs in NYC to Boston who donate to the IRA....and have been for over 100 years.
It IS possible that some of the WBJ loons would be qualified to hold certain posts , that doesn't mean I'd want them there even if they were technically qualified. So that comparison IS valid.

I'm sure that politically Cain wishes he hadn't spoken the truth. Speaking as a citizen I wish politicians didn't have to KNOW that the truth will get them nowhere in politics.

He would be justified in saying he would not appoint a supporter of Al Qaida. To rule out 7 million peaceful US Muslims because you don't like their religion is wrong

You have any fucking evidence to suggest they're peaceful???

A peaceful Muslim in my mind would publicly condemn radical Islam.

Where the fuck are these activists that condemn radical Islam???

I know of 3 and only 3 activists that condemn radical Islam and those individuals receive death threats on a daily basis.

Looking the other way when radical Islam is spewing crazy world domination bullshit is not peaceful...

I could not harm a fly, however I could agree and even financially support organizations that commit violent acts. Now would that make me peaceful???

Muslim Americans are higher educated than average Americans, they make more money and have a lower crime rate than average Americans. A higher percentage are in professional occupations. Muslims have a higher marriage rate and lower divorce rate

How peaceful do you want?

And yes, American Muslims repeatedly condemn terrorism
He would be justified in saying he would not appoint a supporter of Al Qaida. To rule out 7 million peaceful US Muslims because you don't like their religion is wrong

You have any fucking evidence to suggest they're peaceful???

A peaceful Muslim in my mind would publicly condemn radical Islam.

Where the fuck are these activists that condemn radical Islam???

I know of 3 and only 3 activists that condemn radical Islam and those individuals receive death threats on a daily basis.

Looking the other way when radical Islam is spewing crazy world domination bullshit is not peaceful...

I could not harm a fly, however I could agree and even financially support organizations that commit violent acts. Now would that make me peaceful???

Muslim Americans are higher educated than average Americans, they make more money and have a lower crime rate than average Americans. A higher percentage are in professional occupations. Muslims have a higher marriage rate and lower divorce rate

How peaceful do you want?

And yes, American Muslims repeatedly condemn terrorism

Interesting stats, got any proof?
Name me ONE, just ONE Right Wing Christian that points to the Bible for justification that the BIBLE REQUIRES its Christians to conquer other nations "BY SWORD (caps mine) if necessary."

How about Judaism? How about the Jews using the Bible to grab a piece of the ME, run off the natives, and carve out a nation?

How about 'we' Americans using the Bible to justify Manifest Destiny?

Both points are pure BULLSHIT. Your usual phantasmagoric

In BOTH cases the BIBLE didn't have anything to do with Israel being an ancient country or the Bible the foundation of Manifest Destiny.

You might as well say that Moby Dick is responsible for both of the issues.

How the fuck can you survive from day to day and reconcile living in the Real World, you fucking LIEberrhoidal nincompoop ???
So...there was no PROMISED LAND?
I have no problem with muslims. I do have a problem with muslims insisting on bringing sharia law to the usa.
You support Islam also.

Oh goody, you're going to treat us to some lame, logical fallicies.

We all have been for 20 years now.
Every government we have helped in 3 wars over there Islam is their religion.


Are you saying that we fought WWII on behalf of Catholicism, since Italy and France were Catholic countries?

You claimed someone supported Islam with no facts.
I gave you an example of your support of Islam with facts.

He would be justified in saying he would not appoint a supporter of Al Qaida. To rule out 7 million peaceful US Muslims because you don't like their religion is wrong

You have any fucking evidence to suggest they're peaceful???

Maybe the FACT that they are not breaking the law or blowing themselves up in acts of terror....?

But Muslims are blowing themselves up...

Just like a peaceful Christian would publicly condemn radical Christianity.

So thats why the WBC only has 50 members?

I think they are hiding with those activists that condemn radical Christianity....

When was the last time a Christian committed a terrorist attack??? I bet Muslims committed several today.

You don't get out much

No, I don't kick it with ignorant trendy people who replace truth with knee jerk emotions.

I agree when you apply that to all religions.

Religion isn't crazy, people are crazy.

Hmmm...ask those in Irish pubs in NYC to Boston who donate to the IRA....and have been for over 100 years.

There is a difference between democratic independence and world domination.

Were our founding fathers terrorists too?

Was the US Revolution terrorism???
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It IS possible that some of the WBJ loons would be qualified to hold certain posts , that doesn't mean I'd want them there even if they were technically qualified. So that comparison IS valid.

I'm sure that politically Cain wishes he hadn't spoken the truth. Speaking as a citizen I wish politicians didn't have to KNOW that the truth will get them nowhere in politics.

He would be justified in saying he would not appoint a supporter of Al Qaida. To rule out 7 million peaceful US Muslims because you don't like their religion is wrong

You have any fucking evidence to suggest they're peaceful???

A peaceful Muslim in my mind would publicly condemn radical Islam.

Where the fuck are these activists that condemn radical Islam???

I know of 3 and only 3 activists that condemn radical Islam and those individuals receive death threats on a daily basis.

Looking the other way when radical Islam is spewing crazy world domination bullshit is not peaceful...

I could not harm a fly, however I could agree and even financially support organizations that commit violent acts. Now would that make me peaceful???

Do Muslim GIs on the front line fighting the Taliban qualify as "looking the other way?"
Are they those 3 you are talking about?
Funny, there are thousands of Muslims in our military.
Radicals would not know that though.
Every US cOmmander in the field and military man up and down the command chain on the wars going on now:
"We will not win these wars. These wars are FOR THE MUSLIM COUNTRIES TO WIN."

Well, DUH.
Herman Cain is asked whether he would be willing to appoint a Muslim as a Cabinet officer or judge.

“No. I will not,” he said. “And here’s why: There’s this creeping attempt — there’s this attempt to gradually ease Sharia law and the Muslim faith into our government.” According to Cain, many American Muslims “are trying to force their Sharia law onto the rest of us.”

That’s just stupid. As in not very bright. By comparison, the Sharia conspiracy crowd makes the birthers look downright sane and reasonable. It will be interesting to see who, if anyone, among the GOP mainstream steps up to repudiate such nonsense. After all, the Constitution explicitly rules out such nonsense, stating point blank that “no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.”

I guess Herman Cain doesn’t believe in the Constitution.

| Jay Bookman

YouTube - ‪Herman Cain refuses to appoint a Muslim in his administration‬‏

No problem. The President appoints who he wants to. The President does not have to appoint a Muslim if he doesn't want to. You can't force a President to appoint someone simply because pissant whiners like you demand he do so. Suck on it.

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