Herman Cain said that he would Not appoint a Muslim to any position in his administra

You little snot nosed liberal punk,My AR15 and I are not afraid of any body.

:lol: son put down your water gun before you hurt someone, and turn off Medal of Honor, your not scaring anyone over here kid.:lol:

When I see guys, and some gals, post shit like this all I can think of is the commercial with guy in his basement shooting up everything on the screen then suddenly crying to his mom that the Internets out again.


This Hot Wire clown is too soft to play paintball.:lol:
We are currently engaged in a war with radical Islam and this surprises you? Would you have had FDR appoint Nazis to his cabinet and to judicial positions during World War 2? Or would you think that maybe it might be wise not to do that, even if they are qualified for the positions?

i don't care what religion or philosophy you have. If the President has any doubt that you can fulfill the position he needs to appoint you to or that your loyalties might be questionable, why on earth would you expect him to appoint you?

The Constitution prevents any religious test from being used to determine candidates for political office. But the President has complete discretion on whom he appoints to positions in his cabinent and who he appoints to the courts.
Would anyone be outraged if Cain said he refused to appoint anyone from the Westboro Baptist Church to any positions of power?
We are currently engaged in a war with radical Islam and this surprises you? Would you have had FDR appoint Nazis to his cabinet and to judicial positions during World War 2? Or would you think that maybe it might be wise not to do that, even if they are qualified for the positions?

i don't care what religion or philosophy you have. If the President has any doubt that you can fulfill the position he needs to appoint you to or that your loyalties might be questionable, why on earth would you expect him to appoint you?

The Constitution prevents any religious test from being used to determine candidates for political office. But the President has complete discretion on whom he appoints to positions in his cabinent and who he appoints to the courts.

Ahem....Joseph Kennedy was a Nazi sympathizer.....Charles Limburgh wa a Nazi sympathizer.....before Hitler declared war on us, we had LOTS in our government that, if not Nazis themselves, had no problems with the Nazis.
here liberal scum and muzzie pigs,defend your quran
"Make firm those who believe.I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve.Therefore strike off thier heads and strike off every fingertip of them."

Go fuckyourselves muzzie loving pigs.

You're safe, Gomer. Muslims don't attack trailer parks.
But they do like to chop off heads of you liberal queers punk.

Must not be any cows in heat in Iowa this time of the year. You sound a bit frustrated.
Sharia is creeping. That is a statement of fact. And while all Muslims may not support it, CAIR, the Muslim Brotherhood, the GZ Mosque crowd, and the Sunni Man do. The fact that he compares the opposition to Anti-Constitution conspiracy theorists is laughable. Their positions are well documented.

Mr Cain needs to polish his rhetoric if he want to survive in politics. Muslims are especially sensitive to any perceived slight. And to airline safety. And to soup. And cartoons..
That is not the reason at all.

Muslims voted Republican because the party is more conservative than the Democratic Party
Yep. And most Republicans want sharia law to be the law of the land. They just call it something different. Rule by bible, or some such silliness.

There really is not much difference between Muslims and right wing Christians.

Name me ONE, just ONE Right Wing Christian that points to the Bible for justification that the BIBLE REQUIRES its Christians to conquer other nations "BY SWORD (caps mine) if necessary."

How about Judaism? How about the Jews using the Bible to grab a piece of the ME, run off the natives, and carve out a nation?

How about 'we' Americans using the Bible to justify Manifest Destiny?
Sharia is creeping. That is a statement of fact. And while all Muslims may not support it, CAIR, the Muslim Brotherhood, the GZ Mosque crowd, and the Sunni Man do. The fact that he compares the opposition to Anti-Constitution conspiracy theorists is laughable. Their positions are well documented.

Mr Cain needs to polish his rhetoric if he want to survive in politics. Muslims are especially sensitive to any perceived slight. And to airline safety. And to soup. And cartoons..

You wanna know a sad fact? there is not even 1 country that truly practices Shariah law, even the Saudis do not. So why should America and the West embrace Shariah, when the Muslim countries have not?:confused:

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