Herman Cain: "They will find the cure for cancer before the cure to Trump Deranged Syndrome (TDS)

I dunno, maybe if Trump smoked a great big spliff it might help with his derangement.
On Hannitty just now. Ouch. Them's fighting words.
I wonder when Herman is finally going to get tired of dancing...

What exactly did Trump do, he denounced all hate groups, including White Supremacists and Neo Nazis, and the violence on both sides, which there was. This is yet another incidence of fake news and fake outrage.
Hannity and Cain have a bad case of Trump Derangement Syndrome. It causes normally intelligent people to say and do stupid things in support of Trump.
What exactly did Trump do, he denounced all hate groups, including White Supremacists and Neo Nazis, and the violence on both sides, which there was. This is yet another incidence of fake news and fake outrage.

He refused to call out the white supremacists out by name. He was praised by them for doing it. That is not the message you want to send. Both sides did not kill 1 person and injure 18. It was white supremacists who did it.

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