Hero to me, psycho to society

[MENTION=33658]Katzndogz[/MENTION], do you disagree this was premeditated murder? Would you list the exact reasons why, please?

There's a very big difference between a person defending themselves or their property and what this man did. This man set the stage with the hopes of getting to kill his intruders, not capture or apprehend but kill. These kids were wrong to break into his place. I am not trying to say that they were right, but now this isn't something they get to learn from because this guy was determined to get vigilante justice.

It was premeditated murder. He was just right. These "kids" had broken into his home before. They had stolen his guns. They were never going to learn a lesson if they keep getting away with committing these kinds of crimes. The natural progression is that an advancement to murder themselves. The lesson isn't theirs. Maybe the next "kid" that wants to break into someone's home will wonder whether or not they have a homeowner that will hide and let them get away with it, or blow them away while they plead for their lives.

Do you believe he was right to murder them, Katz?
[MENTION=33658]Katzndogz[/MENTION], do you disagree this was premeditated murder? Would you list the exact reasons why, please?

There's a very big difference between a person defending themselves or their property and what this man did. This man set the stage with the hopes of getting to kill his intruders, not capture or apprehend but kill. These kids were wrong to break into his place. I am not trying to say that they were right, but now this isn't something they get to learn from because this guy was determined to get vigilante justice.

It was premeditated murder. He was just right. These "kids" had broken into his home before. They had stolen his guns. They were never going to learn a lesson if they keep getting away with committing these kinds of crimes. The natural progression is that an advancement to murder themselves. The lesson isn't theirs. Maybe the next "kid" that wants to break into someone's home will wonder whether or not they have a homeowner that will hide and let them get away with it, or blow them away while they plead for their lives.

No proof he ever had guns stolen from his home.

Premeditated murder is what you're condoning so I guess there is little else to discuss.
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[MENTION=33658]Katzndogz[/MENTION], do you disagree this was premeditated murder? Would you list the exact reasons why, please?

There's a very big difference between a person defending themselves or their property and what this man did. This man set the stage with the hopes of getting to kill his intruders, not capture or apprehend but kill. These kids were wrong to break into his place. I am not trying to say that they were right, but now this isn't something they get to learn from because this guy was determined to get vigilante justice.

It was premeditated murder. He was just right. These "kids" had broken into his home before. They had stolen his guns. They were never going to learn a lesson if they keep getting away with committing these kinds of crimes. The natural progression is that an advancement to murder themselves. The lesson isn't theirs. Maybe the next "kid" that wants to break into someone's home will wonder whether or not they have a homeowner that will hide and let them get away with it, or blow them away while they plead for their lives.

Do you believe he was right to murder them, Katz?

Absolutely. Criminals rely on the assumption that who they are robbing isn't armed and if they are, they won't kill them. They might hold them, wound them, but not execute them in the act. The way to stop it is to create uncertainty in the criminal class. Punks like this don't care if they are caught. Half the time they are on the street in a matter of days breaking into someone else's home. There is only one way to stop it and that's to stop it.
Very disturbing sound bites.
I hate making a judgement based on only part of the story. The jury heard ALL the evidence and made a determination.

But if the events are all exactly as depicted here, this guy is a psycho and it takes another psycho to try to turn him into a hero.
No good reason?

They broke into his house. More than once. They won't do it again.

My House is a Thug Free Zone.

I agree with most of what your saying. But since they were unarmed I don't think any shooting was self defense. I'm sure if he let them know he was home and armed they would .

They would what? How is he supposed to know that these invaders of this property as unarmed?

"Excuse me kind sir, I know that you are invading my territory, but I am currently armed and therefore I request that you vacate the..." BOOOM - Homeowner gets shot by the home invaders.

Get fucking real dude.
I must be out of touch with society, but who is out of touch with reality is another question. I find this man to be a hero while society calls him a psycho. But society also worships presidents who hug, kiss and invite to the white house Saudi Kings who send death row inmates to fight people in other countries, and society also worships military men who rape and kill innocent civilians. THIS MAN, my hero, who is called a PSYCHO, all he did was clean up some thrash, and now your tax dollars will fund the rest of his life in prison. what a degenerate society: LiveLeak.com - BREAKING!!! - Audio Clips Released From Execution of Two Teen Intruders

You call this guy a hero? He should have gotten the death penalty. His intent was not to stop them from robbing him but to kill them. It was premeditated murder. Please do not take it to mean I approve of these kids breaking into this man's home, but this prick got what he deserved.
were the two thieves armed?
Were they laying there wounded, whimpering when he walked up to them telling them they were gonna die before he killed them? Did they pose any threat to his safety?

This certainly appears to be a sadistic, murdering psycho.

The words he spoke on the audio tape (and the fact that he taped this stuff himself) says "psycho" to me.
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Both parties were in the wrong. Those intruders deserved to be shot, but not executed. The first shots were self defense. It became murder when he decided to execute them when they no longer posed a threat after being shot.

I agree with most of what your saying. But since they were unarmed I don't think any shooting was self defense. I'm sure if he let them know he was home and armed they would have run away fast.
Maybe he should have posed naked and chased them away with a rubber dildo.

Maybe, pvsi, he and those teens needed a friend like you
to teach them right from wrong in advance,
BEFORE their confrontation ended this way.

There were too many things that went wrong.

It is good you do not judge the man, pvsi.

Maybe he would have listened to someone like you who respected him.
This could have been resolved another way, if he had
even ONE FRIEND he could have asked for advice
who could have counseled him in better ways.

This serves as a lesson that we need to resolve issues
and factors in advance, and never let them go on,
escalating and culminating into disasters waiting to happen.
Someone who went through so much effort to make it look like he wasn't home should have known that it would be easier to set up a surveillance camera and hand the footage over to the cops.

This was a planned execution. The guy's a criminal and so are the right-wing fringe lunatics who support him. Between Cliven Bundy rallying racists to fight against America, Vladimir Putin looking so strong and virile compared to the Marxist Sharia pussy tyrant Obama, Sarah Palin thinking that waterboarding is the worst thing that the CIA has done, and now this sick mutt who set an ambush to kill a couple of teenagers who might have stolen his tv and beer, the right-wing fringe lunatics in the US are looking more and more psychotic every day.

And let's not forget Bush's dishonorable, unwinnable, big government torture war started by lies.
I could have guessed that you would be supportive of this degenerates actions.

Whose the degenerate? The Home invader or the home defender?

Neither have anything to be proud of. And none here are heroes.

Which is worse? Well .... murder is certainly worse than breaking and entering.

If his intentions were off because of mental illness or PTSD,
that is different if he did not have normal control how he reacted.

If their intentions were off because of the effects of "drug use by choice"
on the adolescent brain, that is something that could be helped.

At that point, they both seem equally off. They both needed help,
didn't get it in time, and everyone paid the price for it.

Regardless how we judge either side, the level of mental instability
is where intervention was needed to prevent bad decisions from going any further.

After bad decisions are made, everything else is "after the fact."
Anything could go wrong, especially when dealing with mental instability.

This is really a wake up call, not to take those things for granted.
But to make sure everyone gets help who has issues like this,
and not wait for things to go wrong to seek help. We take too much for granted.
Until we see cases like this and wonder "why couldn't this be prevented."
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No good reason?

They broke into his house. More than once. They won't do it again.

I could have guessed that you would be supportive of this degenerates actions.

Whose the degenerate? The Home invader or the home defender?

The defender is always going to be the degenerate. The criminals have rights and defenses.

What it is, is that criminals have an occupational hazard when they rob homes. They assume the risk that the homeowner will be armed and not inclined to be understanding. It's not much different than those who want to strip copper from live power lines and get electrocuted.
I could have guessed that you would be supportive of this degenerates actions.

Whose the degenerate? The Home invader or the home defender?

The defender is always going to be the degenerate. The criminals have rights and defenses.

What it is, is that criminals have an occupational hazard when they rob homes. They assume the risk that the homeowner will be armed and not inclined to be understanding. It's not much different than those who want to strip copper from live power lines and get electrocuted.


We're in Beta-Male society babe. Just look at the "office/cubicle-hell" that most Americans live in today. The wimps have taken over, and that's why society is in a constant state of decay. The productive bread-winner is no longer valued.

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