Hero to me, psycho to society

No good reason?

They broke into his house. More than once. They won't do it again.

I could have guessed that you would be supportive of this degenerates actions.

Whose the degenerate? The Home invader or the home defender?

This man was not defending his home. His goal was not just to stop them and have them arrested, it was to kill them. He planned it out as any killer would plan out a cold blooded murder. It wasn't as if he was awakened from his sleep and grabbed his gun and began shooting. Kids do stupid shit, and these kids deserved some jail time. I hope this guy enjoys the rest of his miserable life.
Hey, I missed your answer yesterday about the number of people that you have shot and killed. Did you respond?

Why would anyone rob my house when I'm seen (from the street) cleaning my shotgun in the brightly lit window at night?


I thank my lucky stars that I've never had to. Try the liberals that live houses over with their "Hillary 2016 signs" and "Still Bush's Fault"

Seriously, "Still Bush's Fault" is one of their signs...

If they know you own guns, they are more likely to rob you. They'll just be extra careful to make certain you are not home when they do it. One of the most valuable things a thief can steal is a gun.
Maybe he should have posed naked and chased them away with a rubber dildo.

Maybe, pvsi, he and those teens needed a friend like you
to teach them right from wrong in advance,
BEFORE their confrontation ended this way.

There were too many things that went wrong.

It is good you do not judge the man, pvsi.

Maybe he would have listened to someone like you who respected him.
This could have been resolved another way, if he had
even ONE FRIEND he could have asked for advice
who could have counseled him in better ways.

This serves as a lesson that we need to resolve issues
and factors in advance, and never let them go on,
escalating and culminating into disasters waiting to happen.
Quite possibly, but what is done is done. now the question goes to the kind people who feel sorry for the "kids" who "made a mistake" and got shot by the old man, and the question is this: could we be kind enough to forgive an old senile man for one mistake and let him live out the rest of his days in freedom? after all we all make mistakes and unlike the mistakes by the "KIDS" which were NOT their first mistakes (they did it before), it WAS the first mistake an old gentleman did like this. So how about we learn to forgive and forget. give an old man another chance at life since his days are numbered anyway, or do we only forgive the "kids"?

No. His mistake ended 2 actual lives who posed no health risk to himself, and he did it in overtly criminal and sadistic fashion.
The question is, how can we get people accepting of being victims and not mind so much?

I don't understand what you are asking - is it how to prevent these things? How do we reduce the rage of crime victims?

By preventing crime. By arresting and convicting people and giving the convicted a punishment that fits the crime. IMHO.

Sad thing is, this guy could have guaranteed that in this case. But he opted to give 'em the death penalty for breaking and entering. And now he's gonna speed the rest of his life in jail.

No winners and no heroes here.

Whatever was done to these two to make them stop committing crimes in the past didn't work. Arresting and convicting people who commit crimes doesn't work. We have the highest recidivism rate in the world. Going to jail is part of the cost of doing business. Criminals rely on unarmed people and people who really don't want to kill them. "you won't hurt me. You'll go to prison for life if you do." That's part of the way they think. The best way to stop this kind of crime, from clueless opportunists looking for a soft target is to create uncertainty. They don't know who is armed. They do know that whoever shoots them will get away with it. They don't know what's a hardened target. That open door may have an arsenal behind the door. Now you have low level criminals thinking twice about what they do.

There really is no other way. In order to make any meaningful inroads on the level of criminal activity, you really have to convince people not to commit that crime in the first place.

"The only way" is the death penalty without judge or jury?
For breaking and entering?

Sorry, I can't go there.

btw - did you listen to the tape? (This guy made an audio recording) This guy is a sadistic psycho.
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Maybe he should have posed naked and chased them away with a rubber dildo.

Maybe, pvsi, he and those teens needed a friend like you
to teach them right from wrong in advance,
BEFORE their confrontation ended this way.

There were too many things that went wrong.

It is good you do not judge the man, pvsi.

Maybe he would have listened to someone like you who respected him.
This could have been resolved another way, if he had
even ONE FRIEND he could have asked for advice
who could have counseled him in better ways.

This serves as a lesson that we need to resolve issues
and factors in advance, and never let them go on,
escalating and culminating into disasters waiting to happen.
Quite possibly, but what is done is done. now the question goes to the kind people who feel sorry for the "kids" who "made a mistake" and got shot by the old man, and the question is this: could we be kind enough to forgive an old senile man for one mistake and let him live out the rest of his days in freedom? after all we all make mistakes and unlike the mistakes by the "KIDS" which were NOT their first mistakes (they did it before), it WAS the first mistake an old gentleman did like this. So how about we learn to forgive and forget. give an old man another chance at life since his days are numbered anyway, or do we only forgive the "kids"?

Well, I would have favored putting the kids in jail like they deserved. And I favor putting this guy in jail.

Avoiding the consequences of mistakes only robs people of the opportunity to fully appreciate the error of their ways.
Let me paint a scenario...

Let's say only police are allowed to do the police work. let's say under cover cops would not exist. No set ups on pedophiles such as where the butt naked perverts are exposed on camera for entering homes of kids with beer and condoms, no under cover agents to track down criminals... etc...

Would our society be safer yes or no?

This man is my hero.

Pvsi, that's not how our society currently is.

Laws are made which allow us to defend ourselves using lethal force, assuming the intruder is trying to attack us. Taking away a human life over material property is not good enough to justify killing someone.

If a man breaks into my home and steals my property, while I'm away, I don't conceal myself and wait to ambush and murder him. No, I'll arm myself, but with intent to protect myself should he attack me, with the goal of either running him off or having the police arrest him. Hiding and waiting to snuff his unarmed life is the very definition of premeditated murder.

Yes it is.
Anybody who was ever victimized by burglars or mugged on the street lives for a while in abject fear of the next attack. The poor guy acted out of fear, anger and frustration just like a PTSD patient but he wasn't a Veteran and he didn't get a pension and apparently was never offered help from the police or society in general. Today we talk about super-rich NBA basketball players who are oh-so offended by "racist comments" and the media rushes to their sensitive outrage while real troubled victims like this guy are ignored and they go to jail.
Anybody who was ever victimized by burglars or mugged on the street lives for a while in abject fear of the next attack. The poor guy acted out of fear, anger and frustration just like a PTSD patient but he wasn't a Veteran and he didn't get a pension and apparently was never offered help from the police or society in general. Today we talk about super-rich NBA basketball players who are oh-so offended by "racist comments" and the media rushes to their sensitive outrage while real troubled victims like this guy are ignored and they go to jail.

I'm gonna go out on a limb here - but I think an offended NBA player who killed the person who offend him, would be in jail.
Anybody who was ever victimized by burglars or mugged on the street lives for a while in abject fear of the next attack. The poor guy acted out of fear, anger and frustration just like a PTSD patient but he wasn't a Veteran and he didn't get a pension and apparently was never offered help from the police or society in general. Today we talk about super-rich NBA basketball players who are oh-so offended by "racist comments" and the media rushes to their sensitive outrage while real troubled victims like this guy are ignored and they go to jail.

Whitehall, I challenge your reasoning in this thread.

• You've mentioned people that were victimized by burglars or mugged on the streets, and you speak of their abject fear of the next attack. That has no bearing on this scenario, Whitehall. This man wasn't physically attacked. The young adults who broke into his home were unarmed. Not only that, but he premeditated murder. He set a trap and made it so that he'd kill those two people in cold blood. He even jammed the phonelines. What victim does that, man?

• I can certainly understand the frustration of your home being vandalized. However, that does not give me licence to plan a murder! Just because someone is stealing my turnips and beets doesn't mean I can hide in my garden with a silencer, and shoot them in the back of their heads in ambush. Justice does NOT work that way. If you have a legitimate issue, you do the reasonable thing. You own a firearm, but you use it responsibly. That means no murdering, because that's not right, right? If those two teens were armed and were attacking you, shoot them down. That'd be defense. But to wait like a trap-door spider to ambush them with murderous intent is wrong. I don't know if you are religious, but I certainly know that murder is not promoted in any religious literature out there.

• Murder is never justified. Whitehall, do you acknowledge that what this man did was murder?
I'd kill a couple of kids if they REPEATEDLY keep stealing my stuff, count on it. Who needs punks like that, hmm? What possible value are they, ever?
I'd kill a couple of kids if they REPEATEDLY keep stealing my stuff, count on it. Who needs punks like that, hmm? What possible value are they, ever?
His only mistake was to be honest, and THAT IS ASHAME. I would have shot them and left them to die in pain, then called police an hour or two later, but the thing is he did not want to take a risk if they had hidden weapons and he did not want to search them I guess. it is really sad that a man who stands up for his rights goes to prison. a really sick society no wonder prisons are over populated here - they PROFIT from inmates via tax payers.
So stealing stuff should be punishable by death but a guy coldly planning and committing murders should get off.

To some, stuff is more valuable than human life.

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