Hero to me, psycho to society

Both parties were in the wrong. Those intruders deserved to be shot, but not executed. The first shots were self defense. It became murder when he decided to execute them when they no longer posed a threat after being shot.
I see your point, but I think you people are missing the point:
HE DOES NOT HAVE TIME TO KEEP HUNTING THEM - he wants to live in peace, he understands the prisons in USA are overcrowded and the police is corrupt, no one can deny these things - there just isn't enough room for all rats in this world

He's a moron, because he just took away ALL of his time.

Now he will have prison time to sit and mull that retarded frame of mind over. Hopefully, until he dies.
Both parties were in the wrong. Those intruders deserved to be shot, but not executed. The first shots were self defense. It became murder when he decided to execute them when they no longer posed a threat after being shot.

I agree with most of what your saying. But since they were unarmed I don't think any shooting was self defense. I'm sure if he let them know he was home and armed they would have run away fast.
Maybe he should have posed naked and chased them away with a rubber dildo.
Both parties were in the wrong. Those intruders deserved to be shot, but not executed. The first shots were self defense. It became murder when he decided to execute them when they no longer posed a threat after being shot.

I agree with most of what your saying. But since they were unarmed I don't think any shooting was self defense. I'm sure if he let them know he was home and armed they would have run away fast.

Yeah, I'm just noticing that. Assuming they were unarmed, you don't shoot them. He could have held them at gunpoint and called the police, right? But no, he waited for them in anticipation to murder them.

Both parties were in the wrong. Those intruders deserved to be shot, but not executed. The first shots were self defense. It became murder when he decided to execute them when they no longer posed a threat after being shot.
I see your point, but I think you people are missing the point:
HE DOES NOT HAVE TIME TO KEEP HUNTING THEM - he wants to live in peace, he understands the prisons in USA are overcrowded and the police is corrupt, no one can deny these things - there just isn't enough room for all rats in this world

That's an immoral justification for murder, and a lack of value on human life.

It is not up to you to decide who is human and who isn't, and who should live and die.

You do not murder people who aren't directly threatening your life.

I implore you to walk away from this rationalization for murder.

He took out the trash.

That's murder, Katz. Murder. It is not right.

He was right, but not lawful.

Murder is not right, Katz.
Let me paint a scenario...

Let's say only police are allowed to do the police work. let's say under cover cops would not exist. No set ups on pedophiles such as where the butt naked perverts are exposed on camera for entering homes of kids with beer and condoms, no under cover agents to track down criminals... etc...

Would our society be safer yes or no?

This man is my hero.
Let me paint a scenario...

Let's say only police are allowed to do the police work. let's say under cover cops would not exist. No set ups on pedophiles such as where the butt naked perverts are exposed on camera for entering homes of kids with beer and condoms, no under cover agents to track down criminals... etc...

Would our society be safer yes or no?

This man is my hero.

You're an ass.

You'd be the same guy along with paulitician with a "police brutality/police state rah rah rah" thread if police used force like this in a similar situation.

This man is a COWARD. A COWArd IS YOUR HERO. Mull that over.
Let me paint a scenario...

Let's say only police are allowed to do the police work. let's say under cover cops would not exist. No set ups on pedophiles such as where the butt naked perverts are exposed on camera for entering homes of kids with beer and condoms, no under cover agents to track down criminals... etc...

Would our society be safer yes or no?

This man is my hero.

Pvsi, that's not how our society currently is.

Laws are made which allow us to defend ourselves using lethal force, assuming the intruder is trying to attack us. Taking away a human life over material property is not good enough to justify killing someone.

If a man breaks into my home and steals my property, while I'm away, I don't conceal myself and wait to ambush and murder him. No, I'll arm myself, but with intent to protect myself should he attack me, with the goal of either running him off or having the police arrest him. Hiding and waiting to snuff his unarmed life is the very definition of premeditated murder.
I must be out of touch with society, but who is out of touch with reality is another question. I find this man to be a hero while society calls him a psycho. But society also worships presidents who hug, kiss and invite to the white house Saudi Kings who send death row inmates to fight people in other countries, and society also worships military men who rape and kill innocent civilians. THIS MAN, my hero, who is called a PSYCHO, all he did was clean up some thrash, and now your tax dollars will fund the rest of his life in prison. what a degenerate society: LiveLeak.com - BREAKING!!! - Audio Clips Released From Execution of Two Teen Intruders

What next. Kids ball accidently goes in your yard and you shoot him when he tries to get it? Your pretty sick to call this guy a hero. He saved no one. He risked nothing. He did nothing at all heroic. Just killed two kids doing something stupid.
- He saved some other people from being robbed by these vermin,
- He risked going to prison in this degenerate society,

No he stalked and killed people
He knew he would go to prison since murder is against the law

Nice spin tho. Do Hitler next :tongue:
Both parties were in the wrong. Those intruders deserved to be shot, but not executed. The first shots were self defense. It became murder when he decided to execute them when they no longer posed a threat after being shot.

He did everything possible to catch them, except phone the police. They could have been caught dead to rights in his home -unarmed, and taken into custody. He knew enough to jam the phones, have loaded guns, sit and wait in the dark while pretending not to be home and record the break in and confrontation.

He executed them and there is only bloodthirsty rationalization to defend it imnsho.
A degenerate is someone who thinks it's okay to kill a couple of kids for no good reason.
A degenerate is someone who stands on a pile of dead children and advocates policy that will kill more children and call it sensible.
The man broke the law. He was tried and sentenced. That's under the law. More than anything else this sentence is a warning to others that they should allow themselves to be robbed rather than defend their property.
Both parties were in the wrong. Those intruders deserved to be shot, but not executed. The first shots were self defense. It became murder when he decided to execute them when they no longer posed a threat after being shot.
This is exactly right. When your enemy is no longer a threat, you are obligated to end your defense.

I have little sympathy for the two who broke into his house. But they did NOT deserve to be butchered when they could not pose any additional harm.

For once, the court got it right.
Both parties were in the wrong. Those intruders deserved to be shot, but not executed. The first shots were self defense. It became murder when he decided to execute them when they no longer posed a threat after being shot.

He did everything possible to catch them, except phone the police. They could have been caught dead to rights in his home -unarmed, and taken into custody. He knew enough to jam the phones, have loaded guns, sit and wait in the dark while pretending not to be home and record the break in and confrontation.

He executed them and there is only bloodthirsty rationalization to defend it imnsho.

He jammed the phones, too?

That's man's just a murderer, and he deserves his fate.

I'm pretty conservative by nature, and I'm telling both the Right and the Left this isn't a political issue, and neither side should champion him or use his evilness to attack the other. He's just another dirty, rotten murderer, in my opinion.

The man broke the law. He was tried and sentenced. That's under the law. More than anything else this sentence is a warning to others that they should allow themselves to be robbed rather than defend their property.

Katz, I implore you to listen to reason. The sentence, if any sort of warning, is a warning to others to not wait in your home for the explicit goal of ambushing and murdering unarmed intruders. You don't kill people over property, either.

If I own a garden, and someone's stealing my tomatoes, I don't hunker down and wait to murder the person.
The man broke the law. He was tried and sentenced. That's under the law. More than anything else this sentence is a warning to others that they should allow themselves to be robbed rather than defend their property.

Don't be so dramatic. In Minn. lethal force is legal to protect and defend your home, not execution.
[MENTION=33658]Katzndogz[/MENTION], do you disagree this was premeditated murder? Would you list the exact reasons why, please?

There's a very big difference between a person defending themselves or their property and what this man did. This man set the stage with the hopes of getting to kill his intruders, not capture or apprehend but kill. These kids were wrong to break into his place. I am not trying to say that they were right, but now this isn't something they get to learn from because this guy was determined to get vigilante justice.
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Let me paint a scenario...

Let's say only police are allowed to do the police work. let's say under cover cops would not exist. No set ups on pedophiles such as where the butt naked perverts are exposed on camera for entering homes of kids with beer and condoms, no under cover agents to track down criminals... etc...

Would our society be safer yes or no?

This man is my hero.

You're an ass.

You'd be the same guy along with paulitician with a "police brutality/police state rah rah rah" thread if police used force like this in a similar situation.

This man is a COWARD. A COWArd IS YOUR HERO. Mull that over.
I shared many videos such as of cops setting up and busting car thieves and enjoyed watching them, so you are wrong.
It's sad that you see it the way you do, but I guess the question then is what does need to be done so that "kids" will not be the way they are these days, knockout games, aggressive crack heads, war mongers and all that. it all seems to be a part of the same culture to me. what should be done to change or eliminate this culture?
[MENTION=33658]Katzndogz[/MENTION], do you disagree this was premeditated murder? Would you list the exact reasons why, please?

There's a very big difference between a person defending themselves or their property and what this man did. This man set the stage with the hopes of getting to kill his intruders, not capture or apprehend but kill. These kids were wrong to break into his place. I am not trying to say that they were right, but now this isn't something they get to learn from because this guy was determined to get vigilante justice.

It was premeditated murder. He was just right. These "kids" had broken into his home before. They had stolen his guns. They were never going to learn a lesson if they keep getting away with committing these kinds of crimes. The natural progression is that an advancement to murder themselves. The lesson isn't theirs. Maybe the next "kid" that wants to break into someone's home will wonder whether or not they have a homeowner that will hide and let them get away with it, or blow them away while they plead for their lives.
It's sad that you see it the way you do, but I guess the question then is what does need to be done so that "kids" will not be the way they are these days, knockout games, aggressive crack heads, war mongers and all that. it all seems to be a part of the same culture to me. what should be done to change or eliminate this culture?

What shouldn't be used is murder, for one.

I say have the young people who are guilty of these kinds of crimes do some hard work. Put them to work cleaning up the city, renovating houses, WEEDING, etc! If what they're doing is hurting society, have them sweat helping society for a good while. Might do them some good. It'll likely never happen, sadly...
It's sad that you see it the way you do, but I guess the question then is what does need to be done so that "kids" will not be the way they are these days, knockout games, aggressive crack heads, war mongers and all that. it all seems to be a part of the same culture to me. what should be done to change or eliminate this culture?

So...the cold blooded killing of two dopers is headed in the right direction?

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