Herschel Walker gets shellacked in debate

Don't gaslight, you fucking brainwashed Cult45 magaturd. He absolutely did. Several times.

NOPE. I've never searched for any of that bullshit in my entire life. Douche.

Do I, magaturd? Please, do post examples of me hating blacks :auiqs.jpg:
No he didn’t you racist retarded coward. Hey dumbfuck, you’re hating a black man in this very thread you fucking idiot. Get those tissues ready. You’ll need them in less than 30 days.
Notice the bias from the moderators....

  • Instead of referring to crime, they refer to "gun violence."
  • After the timer beeps for Walker, they give Warnock an extra 15 seconds
  • But Warnock continues for 52 seconds, and the moderators not once called time on him.
  • Then Walker begins his counter response, and the mods immediately cut him off.
Earlier, the mods completely mischaracterized Walker's position on abortion.
Thank you.

I was hoping someone would take some time to do an in depth analysis. It would be nice if we had a conservative, and liberal black forum member to also give their POV on this.

For, this is obviously the establishment's attempt, to target these demographics for their vote, in attempt to get this seat.

Will they be swayed by the image of the "every man populist," selling a family conservative POV? Or will they be sold by the image of a highly educated elitist policy wonk?


And which comes off as more genuine in the roles they are trying to play?

That is what I was paying attention to. I did not even clue into the fact that the establishment itself, was helping Warnock in HIS sales pitch, while hindering Walker with his. I was focused on their respective presentations, and how they were coming off to the electorate.

A very good man? Walker has told lie after lie. He is a violent wife-beater. He is a deadbeat dad. And even his old neighborhood doesn't want him in office.
Yet you support the deadbeat Warnock who tried to kill his ex-wife with a car and got called out by Walker on his lies. So fuck off with your idiocy.
The debate was hilarious. Moron said to get off govt healthcare and get on govt healthcare. He said diabetes prices aren’t the problem it’s their diet, called his baby momma a liar with no explanation, and pulled out a fake badge. Only way it could have been worse would to have been if he pulled down his pants and pissed on the podium.
For a highly educated liberal elite, yes, that would appear to you, to be a slam dunk.

BUT? That is part of the problem that we are increasingly having in this nation. The poor and the middle classes, feel that the ruling classes are working in the interests of the global corporate stake holders, and NOT in the interests of the little folks.

You might think such buffoonery would automatically work in favor of the DNC candidate? But, then, you have probably not taken a lot of political science classes. This type of performance usually only counts for those who have a bachelors, or some higher degree. If folks that are being crushed by the economy, and only have a HS diploma actually show up to vote? It might not be a plus.

Then again, it might be. Hard to say.

Only polling will tell.
You did not provide a source for your googling.

Here's what a lawyer who knows Georgia says, answering the question from another person who received the same honor...

This is given to someone who is a big supporter of law enforcement in Georgia. You are being recognized for your long time support and relationship with law enforcement and/or the civil duties you have performed for your law enforcement society.

Shaquille O'Neil was made an honorary deputy in Alabama for his sponsorship of police programs for inner-city schoolchildren, for example.

M. Strisik Esq.

As long as Walker is not running around making arrests, he has a right to be proud of his recognition and honorary title. It was extremely relevant to the debate question he was answering!
I apologize for the length of my last post but I wanted to make one other point.

The badge in the photo you showed looks very nice (and real without studying the details) but the badge Walker pulled out of his pocket during the debate looked very different. From the photo I saw it was afixed to what looked like a piece of cardboard and near the top of the cardboard there was a slot and hole like you see in stores where the item can be hung from a rack.

I couldn't help but wonder why he was holding up something that looked so obviously fake, like he had just grabbed it from a costume store.

And what about his statement "this is real" (while holding up his badge). That statement standing alone is almost certainly false, but most definitely deceiving in that it "may be" a "real" badge but it is far from being a "real" "police badge".

A real police badge displays the officer's identity on it, among other differences.

So this is one of the reasons why I consider him dishonest and deceitful.
I didn't provide a source because it was not specific to Spaulding County, Georgia, however I did do enough Googling to verify that being an honorary deputy/sheriff/police officer does not convey law enforcement powers upon the recipient.

I take no exception at all to him being proud of supporting the police, the issue however is his deceit in the way he has lied to imply that he's actually a law enforcement officer or worked in the past as an FBI agent.

I know the difference between someone stating "I/I've worked with law enforcement" and "I/I've worked in law enforcement". It appears to me that Walker has intentionally misstated and misrepresented what he's actually done and achieved to give people the impression that he has somehow earned the right to have been granted police powers when that is patently not the case.

What is particularly disturbing for me is not just that people who support him don't seem to know the difference, present company excluded, but that 1) he himself doesn't seem to know the difference, 2) he doesn't think anyone else will know the difference and just take him at his word and/or 3) he doesn't know how this makes him look to people who do know the difference (it makes him look deceitful at best and ignorant at worst, in my opinion).
I was not aware of his prior claims; I only watched the debate.

So, I just looked for video of him claiming first-hand that he was in law enforcement. I need first-hand info, not biased news articles to be convinced.

He said it, all right. It is a little concerning, but I would gladly still vote for him if I lived in Georgia.

She supported these claims with a $575 receipt from the abortion clinic, a “get well” card from Walker, and a bank deposit receipt that included an image of a signed $700 personal check from Walker.
SO where is the proof? She says. A check? And that means what? Epic fail.
This is truly sad, but this is the best our country has to offer as a candidate for the Senate?
It is no worse than the Fetterman/Oz tragedy unfolding in PA right now, IMO.

Folks will vote for whatever the corporate parties and the media tell them to vote for.
So, you blame the moderation, and I blame the bad candidate that seemed to eschew unqualified incompetence during every moment of that debate. Simply different takes. :dunno:
That’s because you’re a complete hack and you assign “blame” strictly according to your partisan hackery, not on facts or logic.
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I apologize for the length of my last post but I wanted to make one other point.

The badge in the photo you showed looks very nice (and real without studying the details) but the badge Walker pulled out of his pocket during the debate looked very different. From the photo I saw it was afixed to what looked like a piece of cardboard and near the top of the cardboard there was a slot and hole like you see in stores where the item can be hung from a rack.

I couldn't help but wonder why he was holding up something that looked so obviously fake, like he had just grabbed it from a costume store.

And what about his statement "this is real" (while holding up his badge). That statement standing alone is almost certainly false, but most definitely deceiving in that it "may be" a "real" badge but it is far from being a "real" "police badge".

A real police badge displays the officer's identity on it, among other differences.

So this is one of the reasons why I consider him dishonest and deceitful.
He apparently has more than one of these. They don't look like the same badge to me, and I did not mean to imply that they were, but the one he held up in the debate clearly looks pretty nice in its leather binding.

I would not read too much into his "this is real" comment. I give the benefit of the doubt, and he was cut off while he was explaining things.

The only thing that makes sense to me is that he was going to explain that this is a real honorary badge given to him by law enforcement to recognize his strong support.

What's deceitful is all the media claiming that his "real" comment was him saying it was a real LEO badge which gives him LEO powers. That's a flat out lie. He did not say that. No one knows for sure what he was going to say, so in that sense, the moderators failed.

The moderators were right to tell him to put it away, but they should have let him finish his point, instead of actually affecting the substance of the debate through their partial actions.
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That’s becuae you’re a complete hack and you assign “blame” strictly according to your partisan hackery, not on facts or logic.
I believe people should be held accountable for their actions. I don't give any fucks if you're triggered by it.
A very good man? Walker has told lie after lie. He is a violent wife-beater. He is a deadbeat dad. And even his old neighborhood doesn't want him in office.
LOL, Warnock is a piece of shit. He‘s been fighting his child support and even used campaign funds to pay his child support.

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