Herschel Walker is about to get lynched by the DNC

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Again, thanks for playing.

When Rothman suggested Trump’s ultimate goal was to wind up with a valuable NFL organization, the reply was staggering. “I could have gotten into the NFL a lot easier than going through this exercise,” he said. “I could have spent the extra money and bought the Colts on many occasions.”

A historic level of eye rolling filled the courtroom. Trump was lying. He was never a serious candidate to purchase the Colts. Never. “Who do you believe?” wrote Dave Goldberg of the Associated Press, “Donald Trump or Pete Rozelle?”

It wasn’t a tough one.

“It was a hard thing to watch unfold,” said Jerry Argovitz, owner of the Houston Gamblers. “Donald didn’t love the USFL. To him, it was small potatoes. Which is terrible, because we had a great league and a great idea. But then everyone let Donald Trump take over. It was our death.”

Though often immune to criticism, Trump seemed aware that the trial was not going as planned. He was being used by the NFL, and it stung. “All the reporters would rush to the nearby payphones at breaks to call in information,” said Bob Ley, covering the trial for ESPN. “One day I walked into one phone booth, Donald walked into an adjacent one. And he’s absolutely motherfucking someone on the other end of the line.”
Again, thanks for playing.

When Rothman suggested Trump’s ultimate goal was to wind up with a valuable NFL organization, the reply was staggering. “I could have gotten into the NFL a lot easier than going through this exercise,” he said. “I could have spent the extra money and bought the Colts on many occasions.”

A historic level of eye rolling filled the courtroom. Trump was lying. He was never a serious candidate to purchase the Colts. Never. “Who do you believe?” wrote Dave Goldberg of the Associated Press, “Donald Trump or Pete Rozelle?”

It wasn’t a tough one.

“It was a hard thing to watch unfold,” said Jerry Argovitz, owner of the Houston Gamblers. “Donald didn’t love the USFL. To him, it was small potatoes. Which is terrible, because we had a great league and a great idea. But then everyone let Donald Trump take over. It was our death.”

Though often immune to criticism, Trump seemed aware that the trial was not going as planned. He was being used by the NFL, and it stung. “All the reporters would rush to the nearby payphones at breaks to call in information,” said Bob Ley, covering the trial for ESPN. “One day I walked into one phone booth, Donald walked into an adjacent one. And he’s absolutely motherfucking someone on the other end of the line.”
So when was the USFL model working before Trump? That is your claim, you claim the USFL model was working before Trump came along, what was the model before Trump? So far all you have is the Trump era.

The USFL, which had formed four years earlier to play only spring games, was in trouble. It basically had bet everything that an antitrust lawsuit against the NFL and a move to the fall would solve its money woes.

Funny thing is, the USFL actually had a chance in the spring, with no other live football to compete against. Playing in the fall, going head-to-head against the NFL, had been considered insane from the start.

Guess who almost singlehandedly talked the USFL owners to go against sanity? Trump. He secretly wanted his Generals team Donald Trump was always a con man, and that includes his time in the USFL get absorbed into the NFL and screw all the rest.

The USFL, which had formed four years earlier to play only spring games, was in trouble. It basically had bet everything that an antitrust lawsuit against the NFL and a move to the fall would solve its money woes.

Funny thing is, the USFL actually had a chance in the spring, with no other live football to compete against. Playing in the fall, going head-to-head against the NFL, had been considered insane from the start.

Guess who almost singlehandedly talked the USFL owners to go against sanity? Trump. He secretly wanted his Generals team Donald Trump was always a con man, and that includes his time in the USFL get absorbed into the NFL and screw all the rest.
So they formed the league four years prior, had no games, was hoping an anti-trust lawsuit would save them and that is what you claim is a winning formula?

Spring football has failed time and again, it hasn't been and still hasn't seemed viable. It seems every year is a new league and every year it seems to fail. Trump may had something to do with the USFL going under but it's odds of surviving were slim and none, just like other leagues before and after it.

Now that Herschel Walker, a black conservative, is thinking about a Senate run it looks like the Left is all set to lynch him, furiously digging up any ugly items from his past they can ranging from possible mental illness to threatening his ex-wife, etc.

I think we need a term for going after Republicans like this, like they did Trump, like the media will do to anyone who dares challenge their beloved DNC. But conservative blacks are especially hated, much like Larry Elder running for the governor of California.

Meanwhile, Hunter Biden can sell "paintings" for hundreds of thousands of dollars to despots all around the world and the media does not blink an eye and Cuomo can cover up deaths he is responsible for while molesting women, etc., and the media remains virtually silent.
Herschel Walker is not getting lynched. Herschel does have a mental disorder. He's admitted to it publicly. But when you a black taking anti black position, you will get slammed. Hunter Biden is not running for office and selling paintings is legal. Cuomo is being investigated by his own state AG.
So they formed the league four years prior, had no games, was hoping an anti-trust lawsuit would save them and that is what you claim is a winning formula?

Spring football has failed time and again, it hasn't been and still hasn't seemed viable. It seems every year is a new league and every year it seems to fail. Trump may had something to do with the USFL going under but it's odds of surviving were slim and none, just like other leagues before and after it.
At the time the USFL was in operation, there were signs that it had a chance to survive. We don't know if it would have but trump killed it.
They’ll have a tough time going after Walker in Georgia. Herschel Walker is beloved in that state. Hardly the first athlete to do this. Steve Largent, Bill Bradley, etc....
Herschel walker is self made.

Dems hate that. They prefer homO and Kamala, merit less hate hoaxers, which they define as "qualified."
Kamala and Obama are self made too. Herschel is out of his element here and just because trump supports him and he takes anti black positions as a black man, doesn't make him a good candidate.
At the time the USFL was in operation, there were signs that it had a chance to survive. We don't know if it would have but trump killed it.
The USFL wasn’t going to last much longer anyway. The NFL would have just bought their star players. Spring football just never works, no matter who’s running it.
They’ll have a tough time going after Walker in Georgia. Herschel Walker is beloved in that state. Hardly the first athlete to do this. Steve Largent, Bill Bradley, etc....
Herschel will have a difficult time since he lives in Texas and is going to run in Georgia against the man who is a minister at Ebenezer Baptist Church.
Herschel will have a difficult time since he lives in Texas and is going to run in Georgia against the man who is a minister at Ebenezer Baptist Church.
He'd better move to Georgia.....there's a little point in the Constitution, Article 1.
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The USFL wasn’t going to last much longer anyway. The NFL would have just bought their star players. Spring football just never works, no matter who’s running it.
So fatso bodecea can show proof the USFL would have lasted forever. Do it fat fuck who has never done one remotely athletic thing in your life. Show a spring football league still in operation. Now.
The USFL wasn’t going to last much longer anyway. The NFL would have just bought their star players. Spring football just never works, no matter who’s running it.
We don't know that and the league was showing signs of life. I watched the games myself and liked them. And there was a lot of NFL talent in that league unlike the spring leagues now.
Herschel will have a difficult time since he lives in Texas and is going to run in Georgia against the man who is a minister at Ebenezer Baptist Church.
Warnock is hated throughout that state right about now. You think Walker doesn’t have a residence in Georgia? Tough time? Hardly.
He'd better move to Georgia.....there's a little point in the Constitution, Article 1.
Yes, that is true. And even then his football fame will not help him against a man who preaches in Martin Luther Kings church. Herschel would have played for Savannah State if not for King and the man standing in that pulpit now carries great weight politically.
Warnock is hated throughout that state right about now. You think Walker doesn’t have a residence in Georgia? Tough time? Hardly.
No he is not. Again, he is the pastor at Ebenezer Baptist Church. That's a strong position to have in a state with a very large black population.
But Walker did opt out of college and the NFL to get a paycheck from Trump while Trump was destroying the USFL .. which before Trump had a pretty workable biz model. Why criticize someone for posting truth? Oh wait, I know the answer. LOL

So you are racist also? Wow.
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